59 research outputs found

    Madarisut Tafsir Fi Qarnis Sahabah

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    Sahabat holds a very important role in understanding the Qur'an, but not all the companions proficient in understanding the Qur'an (Tafseer science), it is because not all friends have a chance together the Prophet and other factors as well, the ability of the differents.  One of them is the ability to understand the language of the Qur'an, sometimes the Qur'an uses diverse vocabulary in describing an event. In solving this problem, some friends there who took time to constantly work with the Prophet in hearing assessment study, which the Prophet Convey. Until such a situation inherited by pal Teach Tafsir In the generation shaped Tabi'in small halaqah. This paper describes the overall on how the development of Tafsir it through schools of interpretation that are in every city that has been conquered by the Islamic Army in the days of Sahabah and Tabi'i

    أصول التفسير عند عبد هللا به عمر رضي هللا عنهما في تفسير القرآن

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    Basically, ushul at-tafsir is the science of Tafsir that describes the methods used  by the ancient interpreter in the digging secrets contained in the Qur'an in order to know  the laws of the Shari'ah, and bring benefit intended by Al Qur 'an. In this case, the science  of Tafsir is a collection of rules and foundations that help the interpreter to explore the  secrets of the Qur'an according to the human ability to uncover the lessons, as well as the  validity level, arguments from the Qur'an . In this case, the science of Ushul commentary  explains the meaning of understanding, experiences and secrets of the Qur'an and  determine methods to figure it out, and put the rules and principles that interpreter can  execute these methods in his interpretation


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    Facts show that the alumni of the Iqra Method have weaknesses in society, short lengths of reading, lack of remembering the nature and meaning of letters. The Iqra Method should be able to overcome these weaknesses and weaknesses by evaluating the method. Weaknesses of the Iqra Method provides an opportunity to innovate for other methods. As a solution to the problem, we offer Neuro Nadi Technique Method with the Nadi Quranic Learning Center program aged 7-70 years. Characteristics This method focuses the work of the left brain and the right brain which has a special work system. This study gives results that the Neuro Nadi Aceh Alumni have the competence in reading the al Qur'an better than the previous Iqra Method. This research is useful for institutes of teaching the al Qur’an to improve methods that have evolved to support Islamic law in Aceh

    Akulturasi Politik Dalam Dunia Dakwah

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    Despite many differences, da'wah and politics are intersecting. Da'wah activities often touch politics, while political activities often become a media propaganda. However, some people disagree to consolidate da'wah with politics considering that both have different intentions. Politics aims for the power. The da'wah, on the other hand, is a call to all people to follow the path of God through the promotion of good deeds and prohibition of bad deeds. It has a realistic objective, conveying religious messages to the mankind. In contrast to the statements, this article asserted that da'wah and politics can be combined by treating the politics as a means to convey the da'wah. Da'wah, in its administration, can use a variety of media, including the power. Yet, the power should not be the purpose of da'wah. Da'wah is closely associated with politics. When rules of a country are hostile to Islam, the policy can suppress the Muslims. The relation between politics or power and da'wah will help accelerate the objective attainment of the da'wah. It is true that da'wah can progress without the support from powerful organizations or the state, but its success is different when compared to the results of the da'wah supported by a strong organization or the state

    Penyimpangan Penafsir dari Zaman Klasik Hingga Zaman Now

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    In some commentaries of classical and modern, with a variety of systems and methods of each of the orientation and understanding there are many texts diverge in understanding the texts of the Qur’an. Irregularities also occur within the meaning takwil that does not comply with the correct Arabic feeling and also eliminates the correct of the Al Quran itself, even contrary to the basic teachings of Islam, so that readers can plunge to disbelief. Deviations were found in the book of commentary from time to time in various schools and sects. This scientific article will describe some of the irregularities that occurred in the interpretation

    Tafsir Nusantara: Karakteristik Pemikiran Syekh Nawawi al-Bantanī dalam Tafsir Marāḥ Labīd

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    This article aims to look at Shaikh Nawawī al-Bantanī's view in his tafsīr Marāḥ Labīd as a form of his magnum opus among his other works. This article uses a literature review with a content analytical approach to Tafsīr Marāḥ Labīd and other suitable secondary sources to obtain views and facts as well as an analysis of its contents. This article finds that Nawawī al-Bantanī's interpretation of Tafsir Marāḥ Labīd in the socio-historical-political context during the Dutch colonial period made al-Bantanī pay full attention to the problems of the community and nationality. The context of writing Marāḥ Labīd's tafsīr still has quite a strong relevance to the present day, especially in the transformation of values ​​and methods. This article also finds that Marāḥ Labīd's interpretation has the characteristics of language interpretation (linguistics), socio-historical (asbāb al-nuzūl), fiqh, culture, and logical interpretation. It is marked by a holistic-interdisciplinary interpretation of Surah Al-Fatihah which contains three central religious teachings, which include faith, Sufism/morals, and Shari'a. Although Marāḥ Labīd cites many references to classical interpretations, he also provides contextual analysis that relates to his era. From Marāḥ Labīd it was also concluded that al-Bantanī's struggle was not limited to the physical but also through academic transmission

    Konstruksi Metode Tafsir Ijmali: Kajian Terhadap Kitab At-Tafsir Al-Muyassar Karya ‘Aidh Al-Qarni

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    Construction of The Ijmali Interpretation Method: A Study of The At-Tafsir Al-Muyassar Book of 'Aidh Al-Qarni This study attempts to explain the construct of ijmali interpretation in the book of commentary Al-Muyassar by 'Aidh Al Qarni. Using qualitative research methods with literature studies, this study found that the construct of ijmali interpretation in the book of Al-Muyassar commentary by 'Aidh Al Qarni tends to highlight the style of Sufi interpretation, the mention of the verse in its entirety; namely by first mentioning the verse in full and then interpreting it in its entirety, direct interpretation without using a language approach; such as language style, ta'bir, lafadh forms, dhamir, fi'il and so on. The technique and systematics of the Ijmali method used in the interpretation of Muyassar by 'Aidh Al Qarni is to explain the verses and letters according to the order of the mushḫaf. 'Aidh al-Qarni also interprets verses that are interpreted globally in the form of an interpretation using several series, namely by mentioning the name of the letter in each explanation of the interpretation. The advantages of Muyassar's interpretation in his interpretation use straightforward, clear and easy-to-understand language. While the weakness is not mentioning the sanad when quoting the hadith as a referenc

    Al-Dakhil Dalam Tafsir Jalalain Surat Al-Kahfi Ayat 60-82

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    In the tafseer, Al-dakhil is the inclusion of baseless interpretation into the book of tafseer. Thebaseless inclusion to interpretations is motivated by several of elements israiliyyat, hadis da’if, hadis maudhu’, baseless ta’wil or interpretations which defend to the interest of a certain groups or madzab. Al-dakhil in the tafseer was exist since Prophet era and has been sphreading until now. The effect of al-dakhilin to tafseer are can lead to the assumption that Islamic religion are no longer authentic (bias), the unificationof Islamic and other doctrine, and the aumption that the Al-Qur’an is a book in which there are many tahayyul and khurafat.The problem formulation of this research is about “How the kind of Al-Dakhilin the Jalalain Tafseer Chapter Al-Kahfi verses 60-82?”. This is a qualitative research that uses an interpretive criticism approach, which aims to determine the authenticity of text, then it is analyzed using descriptive-analysis methods to describe the results of research that was found.The result of this research is that the kind of al-dakhilthat contained in the Jalalain TafseerChapter Al-Kahfi verses 60-82 is al-dakhil bi al-ma’tsur with the type of israiliyyat found in the story: prophet Khidhir have had killed a child while debark from a boat; the story name of the country visited by Musa and Khidhir with his son and the walls of house are hundred cubits heights the story of the boat owner working at marine are ten persons; the story of substitute child who was killed is a woman who married with the Prophet, then gave birth a prophet and Allah made him a guide for people; and story of the treasures of two orphans were gold and silver. From this research, it was expected become an academic contribution, in the scientific of Al-Qur’an and Tafseer, especially on the theme al-dakhil fi al-tafsir

    Tinjauan Tafsir Ahkam Rawai’ Al Bayan Tafsir Ayat Al Ahkam Min Al Qur’an Terhadap Fatwa Mui Nomor: 18 Tahun 2020 Tentang Pedoman Pengurusan Jenazah (Tajhiz Al-Jana’iz) Muslim Yang Terinfeksi Covid-19

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    The fatwa commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (IUC) issued a fatwa regarding the guidelines for managing Muslim corpses infected with the Covid-19 virus in March 2020 as a reference for medical personnel and all Indonesian people in the corpses management. However, many people still ignored these guidelines in the community because it was considered inhuman or not in accordance with the guidance of Islamic law. This attitude still raised doubts and questions for other people. This paper attempted to analyze how appropriate the Indonesian Ulema Council (IUC) fatwas regarding the guidelines for managing Muslim corpses in the review of ahkam interpretation. In order to support this analysis, this paper reviewed the verses related to corpses management in the ahkam interpretation of Rawai'ul Bayan Tafsir Ayatil Ahkam Minal Qur'an on the Indonesian Ulema Council (IUC) fatwa number 18 of 2020


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    Crime is becoming more widespread, with varied motives and often involving influential elites. The consequences of crimes committed by these elites are enormous, affecting not only themselves but also their families, institutions, and others. Therefore, addressing the increasing crime committed by influential elites requires efforts focused on prevention rather than just heavy punishment. One potential solution is through a religious approach, particularly by referencing the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Several hadiths teach the concept of Zuhd, which emphasizes avoiding excessive wealth accumulation and enjoying giving and sharing blessings with others. This article aims to present the Prophet’s teachings on leading a humble life and not excessively valuing wealth. The study employed qualitative research methods, including a literature review of relevant library sources. As a result, this article emphasizes that the Prophet taught that the orientation of human life should not solely focus on fulfilling worldly demands but also on having faith in the afterlife. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) exemplified Zuhd in his life, and his example needs to be emulated in the modern world today. Elite individuals who embody Zuhd will be more capable of restraining themselves from committing crimes while fulfilling their duties. This is because the attribute of Zuhd encourages everyone capable of committing a crime to refrain from doing so