1,053 research outputs found

    Role of Self-efficacy as a Mediator in The Relationship Between Parental Restriction and The Quality of Cross-Ethnic Friendships

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    Urban environments can help form cross-ethnic friendships among individuals. However, many parents impose restrictions on their children’s ability to develop friendships, particularly between Chinese and Javanese ethnic groups. These parental restrictions directly impact the quality of friendships and are believed to be mediated by self-efficacy. This study examined the role of self-efficacy as a mediator in the relationship between parental restrictions and the quality of cross-ethnic friendships. The study involved 400 emerging adults aged 18–25 years, comprising 200 Chinese and 200 Javanese individuals. Parents’ peer restriction, Cross-Ethnic Friendship Self-Efficacy, and McGill Friendship Questionnaires-Friendship Function were used to measure parental restriction, self-efficacy, and friendship quality. Hypotheses were tested using the Sobel test. The study found that self-efficacy did not mediate between parental restriction and friendship quality. The findings suggest considering the role of friendship duration on interethnic friendship quality consistent with the principles of proximity and homophily

    Coping strategies to predict the psychological well-being of college students during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has forced college students to undergo online learning. Various problems that arise due to this pandemic, especially those related to academic achievement, can disrupt the students' psychological well-being. This study investigated coping strategies' role in predicting college students' psychological well-being during the pandemic's first wave. Two hundred eleven students participated online in this quantitative study and completed the shortened version of the Psychological Well-Being Scale and the Brief Cope Inventory. The regression analysis results show that problem-focused coping strategies, such as planning and the use of instrumental support, significantly predict the increase in female students' psychological well-being. In contrast, only active coping positively predicts psychological well-being in male students. Dysfunctional coping strategies, such as behavioral disengagement and denial, significantly predict the decline in female students' psychological well-being. On the other hand, venting showed a significant role in predicting the increased psychological well-being of female students. Emotion-focused coping strategies do not significantly predict psychological well-being in female and male students. Therefore, regarding the psychological well-being of college students during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, coping strategies, especially problem-focused and dysfunctional strategies, contribute differently to female and male students

    Bi-color atomic beam slower and magnetic field compensation for ultracold gases

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    Transversely loaded bidimensional-magneto-optical-traps (2D-MOT) have been recently developed as high flux sources for cold strontium atoms to realize a new generation of compact experimental setups. Here, we discuss on the implementation of a cross-polarized bi-color slower for a strontium atomic beam improving the 2D-MOT loading, and increasing the number of atoms in a final MOT by eleven times. Our slowing scheme addresses simultaneously two excited Zeeman substates of the 88Sr 1S0->1P1 transition at 461 nm. We also realized a 3-axis active feedback control of the magnetic field down to the microgauss regime. Such a compensation is performed thanks to a network of eight magnetic field probes arranged in a cuboid configuration around the atomic cold sample, and a pair of coils in Helmholtz configuration along each of three Cartesian directions. Our active feedback is capable of efficiently suppressing most of the magnetically-induced position fluctuations of the 689~nm intercombination-line MOT.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Estado del arte de la investigación en emprendimiento empresarial en la Universidad Iberoamericana durante los años 2000 a 2004.

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    “ENTREPRENEURSHIP” traducido como espíritu empresarial tópico de alcance mundial, tema de estudios de la comunidad europea y norteamericana con teóricos como Schumpeter (1931) quien considerara la innovación y empresarismo como fuerzas conducentes al desarrollo económico,es en Ibereoamérica el sustento conceptual para impulsar el emprendimiento empresarial en la juventud universitaria. Esta Investigación identificó, analizó, y documentó las investigaciones realizadas por la Universidad Iberoamericana sobre emprendimiento empresarial en los años 2000 - 2004. Permitió identificar las investigaciones realizadas en torno al emprendimiento y al empresarismo, con el fin de establecer los tópicos en los que ella se ha desenvuelto en Ibereoamérica. Es una investigación teórica, documental elaborada a través de Internet. Los países fueron clasificados según afinidad cultural y geográfica; posteriormente se enviaron solicitudes de información mediante correo electrónico a 893 universidades iberoamericanas. Los hallazgos muestran pocas investigaciones realizadas sobre el tema; sólo en países del Cono Sur, España, Brasil y Portugal se registran investigaciones sobre emprendimiento y empresarismo, aunque la población objetivo de la búsqueda incluyo a todos los países de Iberoamérica. Las limitaciones hacen referencia a la incapacidad de dar cuenta del universo de lo que se ha investigado en un área, los inconvenientes al acceso del material documental para el análisis con el fin de avanzar en las metodologías, los métodos más empleados en las investigaciones y los enfoques de los temas. A pesar de no ser muy prolífica la investigación, sí permitió identificar líneas que en concepto de los investigadores, pueden ser prioritarias para la Institución, acorde con su carácter , misión y vocación universitaria  Abstract The “ENTREPRENEURSHIP” translated as an enterprising spirit, it was topic of studies of the European community and North American because theoretical as Schumpeter (1931) it considered the innovation and the enterprising like conducive forces to the economic development. This research analyzed. Identified and documented the accomplished investigations done by the Iberoamerican University about entrepreneurship between the years 2000 - 2004. It allowed to know the conceptual contributions on the topic, the predominant approaches, the methodologies and the employed procedures and the new problems. It is a theoretic and documental investigation, elaborated through Internet. The countries were classified according to their cultural and geographical affinity to collect and analyze the data. After that it was sent requests of information about the accomplished researches on entrepreneurship by e-mail to the 893 detected Iberoamerican universities. The discoveries show few investigations carried out in the topic; only in countries of the South Cone, Spain, Brazil and Portugal register investigations on entrepreneurship The limitations to obtain the information make reference to the inability to give account of everything investigated in an specific area, and to the obstacles to accede to the documental material to the analysis. In spite of not being very prolific the investigation on the theme, It allows to identify lines of research and propose ones that in some researches’ point of view, can be priorities to the Institution, in accord to its university character, mission and vocation

    Nuclear spin conversion of water inside fullerene cages detected by low-temperature nuclear magnetic resonance

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    The water-endofullerene H2O@C60 provides a unique chemical system in which freely rotating water molecules are confined inside homogeneous and symmetrical carbon cages. The spin conversion between the ortho and para species of the endohedral H2O was studied in the solid phase by low-temperature nuclear magnetic resonance. The experimental data are consistent with a second-order kinetics, indicating a bimolecular spin conversion process. Numerical simulations suggest the simultaneous presence of a spin di↵usion process allowing neighbouring ortho and para molecules to exchange their angular momenta. Cross-polarization experiments found no evidence that the spin conversion of the endohedral H2O molecules is catalysed by 13C nuclei present in the cages

    Bioarchaeological analysis of Castelsardo’s Mummies

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    In the early months of 2011, during the restoration of Sant’Antonio Abate’s Cathedral in Castelsardo came to light environments remained hidden so far, which aroused considerable interest both for the archaeological and anthropological point of view for the discovery of a cemetery crypt with numerous human remains dating from the eighteenth to nineteenth century. Archaeological investigations took place at different times and in different ways during the months of January to April of 2011, which allowed to detect a burial site, with a great number of individuals organized in several layers piled up at the bottom of the crypt, and to define some stages in the building of the church, mainly in its monumental transition from Romanesque structure to new cathedral seat of the diocese. Eighteen individuals of both sexes, were finally identified at different levels, including 16 partially mummified and 2 almost entirelly mummified deposited on a sort of open plank, that, from the archeological point of view, represented the crypt closing point. The found remains were studied in order to obtain interesting bioarchaeological information determining some peculiar characteristics regarding the medical and the scientific aspects, more precisely age of death, sex, stature in life, pathological conditions, and to evaluate the state of conservation of mummified tissues, describing the morphological characteristics by histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural techniques


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    Thrips tabaci is the main pest in onion crops. Chemical insecticides are commonly used to control this pest. However, this practice is responsible for generating contamination to the bulbs and natural resources. Therefore, there is a need to use natural methods, such as extracts and essential oils in thrips control. This work evaluated the potential of essential oils from different medicinal plants to control T. tabaci under laboratory conditions. Filter paper discs were treated with 1% essential oils diluted in 0.5% tween 20 and 0.2% ethyl alcohol. Ten thrips larvae were placed on the treated discs that were inside polyethylene plates. Subsequently, the plates were closed with plastic film and conditioned in BOD at 25±1°C, 80±5 % RH and 12 h photoperiod. The design was entirely randomized with 4 repetitions and 8 treatments, being six medicinal plant oils (Lippia alba, Mentha piperita, Cymbopogon citratus, Cymbopogon winterianus¸ Thymus vulgaris e Lippiasidoides), the neem essential oil (Azadirachta indica) and the control (no oil). The insects were evaluated after 24 h, counting the dead insects. The data were submitted to the mean test and compared by Tukey's test at 5%. Of the seven species tested, T. vulgaris and L. sidoides obtained 67.5% and 85% mortality, respectively, showing significant differences compared to the others. The results indicate that the species T. vulgaris (thyme) and L. medoides (pepper rosemary) have insecticidal potential to control onion thrips.El Thripstabaci es la principal plaga enel cultivo de lacebolla, comúnmente controlada coninsecticidas químicos. Sin embargo, esta práctica es responsable de generarcontaminación de bulbos y de los recursos naturales. Ante esto, surgelanecesidad de utilizar métodos naturales, como extractos y aceites esenciales, enelcontrol de trips. Este trabajoevaluóel potencial de los aceites esenciales de diferentes plantas medicinales y el aceite esencial de neemenelcontrol de T. tabacien condiciones de laboratorio. Discos de papel de filtro fueron tratados conlos aceites esenciales al 1%, diluidosenTween 20 al 0,5% y alcohol etílico al 0,2%. Diez larvas de tripsfueron colocadas sobre los discos tratados dentro de placas de polietileno. Posteriormente, las placas fueron cerradas con película plástica y colocadas enun BOD a 25±1°C, 80±5 % de humedad relativa y un fotoperíodo de 12 h. El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con 4 repeticiones y 8 tratamientos, siendo seis aceites de plantas medicinales (Lippia alba, Menthapiperita, Cymbopogoncitratus, Cymbopogonwinterianus, Thymusvulgaris y Lippiasidoides), aceite esencial de neem (Azadirachta indica) y el testigo (sin aceite). La evaluación de losinsectos se realizódespués de 24 h, contando losinsectosmuertos. Los datosfueron sometidos a prueba de medias y comparados mediante laprueba de Tukey al 5%. De lassieteespeciesprobadas, T. vulgaris y L. sidoidesobtuvieron 67,5% y 85% de mortalidad, respectivamente, presentando diferencias significativas encomparaciónconlosdemás. Los resultados indican que lasespecies T. vulgaris (tomillo) y L. sidoides (romero-de-vaquero) poseen potencial insecticidaenelcontroldeltrips de lacebolla.O Thripstabaci é a principal praga na cultura da cebola, sendo controlado comumente por inseticidas químicos. Porém, esta prática é responsável em gerar contaminação de bulbos e dos recursos naturais. Diante disso, têm-se a necessidade de utilizar métodos naturais, como extratos e óleos essenciais no controle do tripes. Esse trabalho avaliou o potencial dos óleos essenciais de diferentes plantas medicinais e o óleo essencial de neem no controle de T. tabaci em condições de laboratório. Discos de papel de filtro foram tratados com os óleos essenciais à 1%, diluídos em Tween 20 a 0,5% e álcool etílico a 0,2%. Dez larvas de tripes foram colocadas sobre discos tratados dentro de placas de polietileno. Posteriormente, as placas foram fechadas com filme plástico e acondicionadas em BOD à 25±1°C, 80±5 % de UR e fotoperíodo de 12 h. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com 4 repetições e 8 tratamentos, sendo seis óleos das plantas medicinais (Lippia alba, Menthapiperita, Cymbopogoncitratus, Cymbopogonwinterianus¸ Thymusvulgarise Lippiasidoides), óleo essencial de neem (Azadirachta indica) e a testemunha (sem óleo). A avaliação dos insetos foi realizada após 24 h, contando-se os insetos mortos. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste de médias e comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5%. Das sete espécies testadas T. vulgaris e L. sidoides obtiveram 67,5% e 85% de mortalidade, respectivamente, apresentando diferenças significativas em comparação com aos demais. Os resultados indicam que as espécies T. vulgaris (tomilho) e L. sidoides (alecrim-de-vaqueiro) possuem potencial inseticida no controle do tripes da cebola

    Fast Molecular Compression by a Hyperthermal Collision Gives Bond-Selective Mechanochemistry

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    Using electrospray ion beam deposition, we collide the complex molecule Reichardt’s Dye (C41H30NO+) at low, hyperthermal translational energy (2 - 50 eV) with a Cu(100) surface and image the outcome at single-molecule level by scanning tunneling microscopy. We observe bond-selective reaction induced by the translational kinetic energy. The collision impulse compresses the molecule and bends specific bonds, prompting them to react selectively. This dynamics drives the system to seek thermally inaccessible reactive pathways, since the compression timescale (sub-ps) is much shorter than the thermalization timescale (ns), thereby yielding reaction products that are unobtainable thermally

    Crane fly semiochemical overrules plant control over cyanobiont in Azolla symbioses

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    Semiochemicals from insects that restrict plant symbiont dinitrogen fixation had not been known. Here we report on a the glycosylated triketide δ-lactone only found in Nephrotoma cornicina crane flies, cornicinine, that causes chlorosis in the floating-fern symbioses from the genus Azolla.Cornicinine was chemically synthesized, as well as its aglycone and diastereoisomer. Only the glycosylated trans-A form was active: 500 nM cornicinine in the growth medium turned the dinitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial filaments from Nostoc azollae inside the host leaf cavities into akinete-like cells. Cornicinine further inhibited akinete germination in Azolla sporelings, precluding re-establishment of the symbiosis during sexual reproduction. It did not affect the plant Arabidopsis thaliana or several free-living cyanobacteria from the genera Anabaena or Nostoc. Chlorosis occurred in hosts on nitrogen with and devoid of cyanobiont. Cornicinine, therefore, targeted host mechanisms resulting in coordinate cyanobiont differentiation.Sequence profiling of messenger RNA from isolated leaf cavities confirmed high NH4-assimilation and proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in this trichome-rich tissue. Leaf-cavity transcripts in ferns grown on cornicinine reflected activation of Cullin-RING ubiquitin-ligase pathways, known to mediate metabolite signaling and plant elicitation consistent with the chlorosis phenotype. Transcripts accumulating when akinetes are induced, in leaf cavities of ferns on cornicinine and in megasporocarps, were consistent with increased JA-oxidase, sulfate transport and exosome formation.The work begins to uncover molecular mechanisms of cyanobiont differentiation in a seed-free plant symbiosis important for wetland ecology or circular crop-production today, that once caused massive CO2 draw-down during the Eocene geological past.Significance Coordinated differentiation of host and filamentous cyanobacteria underlies the development of ecologically important symbioses; this includes the floating ferns Azolla which share their wetland habitat with Nephrotoma cornicina craneflies containing the glycosylated triketide δ-lactone semiochemical, cornicinine. Cornicinine overrules cyanobiont differentiation thus inhibiting symbiosis N2-fixation and sexual reproduction; its mode of action resembles plant elicitation as suggested by transcriptional profiling of cells lining the cyanobiont cavities using a new release of the fern host genome.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest

    Performance analysis of existing catfish and tilapia value chains and market systems in Nigeria: A post-farmgate value chain scoping study

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    Nigeria is the largest fish producer in Sub-Saharan Africa. Fish plays a crucial role in supporting the livelihoods of fish producers and actors along the post-farmgate value chain in the country. Despite the virtues of the aquaculture and fisheries subsectors to enhance the livelihoods of value chain actors, major gaps exist related to efficiencies of the fish value chain. These gaps include the financial performance of post-farmgate actors, gender-disaggregated data on value chain actors, the roles of women and youths in fish trade, and post-farmgate food safety practices. The aim of this study is to fill the data gap in the post-farmgate fish value chain to provide evidence-based policy suggestions to enhance the aquaculture subsector in Nigeria. Using primary data, our study provides evidence on the economic, environmental, social, nutritional and food safety performance of the post-farmgate fish value chain. Our study finds that, in general, fish value chains are economically viable (profitable) and inclusive, as women and youths own over half of post-farmgate value chain activities. These results are of interest to both private and public sector decision-makers and policymakers because they provide quantitative data on value creation (fish sales, employment, service provision), social performance (women and youth empowerment), and environmental, nutritional and food safety challenges along fish value chains