217 research outputs found
The effect of heavy tars (toluene and naphthalene) on the electrochemical performance of an anode-supported SOFC running on bio-syngas
The effect of heavy tar compounds on the performance of a Ni-YSZ anode
supported solid oxide fuel cell was investigated. Both toluene and naphthalene
were chosen as model compounds and tested separately with a simulated
bio-syngas. Notably, the effect of naphthalene is almost negligible with pure
H2 feed to the SOFC, whereas a severe degradation is observed when using a
bio-syngas with an H2:CO = 1. The tar compound showed to have a remarkable
effect on the inhibition of the WGS shift-reaction, possibly also on the CO
direct electro-oxidation at the three-phase-boundary. An interaction through
adsorption of naphthalene on nickel catalytic and electrocatalytic active sites
is a plausible explanation for observed degradation and strong performance
loss. Different sites seem to be involved for H2 and CO electro-oxidation and
also with regard to catalytic water gas shift reaction. Finally, heavy tars
(C>=10) must be regarded as a poison more than a fuel for SOFC applications,
contrarily to lighter compounds such benzene or toluene that can directly
reformed within the anode electrode. The presence of naphthalene strongly
increases the risk of anode re-oxidation in a syngas stream as CO conversion to
H2 is inhibited and also CH4 conversion is blocked
Polarization analysis and microstructural characterization of SOFC anode and electrolyte supported cells
Identifying Travel Demand Priorities in Maritime Transport - A Behavioural Approach
This chapter deals with the analysis of hidden aspects of travellers’ behav- iour that are the key determinant of the sustainability and efficiency of sustainable mobil- ity policies. We propose to complement the typically descriptive approach of flow-based and/or time-series analysis with techniques for analysing perceptions and intentions that can provide insights on travellers’, such as the behavioural determinants or the perceived priorities. Together with the general description of two models, we will present an ap- plication concerning travellers between Italy and Croatia, an interesting case in which travellers can choose between maritime, air and land alternatives
Technologies for Deep Biogas Purification and Use in Zero-Emission Fuel Cells Systems
A proper exploitation of biogas is key to recovering energy from biowaste in the framework
of a circular economy and environmental sustainability of the energy sector. The main obstacle to
widespread and efficient utilization of biogas is posed by some trace compounds (mainly sulfides
and siloxanes), which can have a detrimental effect on downstream gas users (e.g., combustion
engines, fuel cells, upgrading, and grid injection). Several purification technologies have been
designed throughout the years. The following work reviews the main commercially available
technologies along with the new concepts of cryogenic separation. This analysis aims to define a
summary of the main technological aspects of the clean-up and upgrading technologies. Therefore,
the work highlights which benefits and criticalities can emerge according to the intended final biogas
application, and how they can be mitigated according to boundary conditions specific to the plant
site (e.g., freshwater availability in WWTPs or energy recovery)
An Innovative Calcium Looping Process as Energy Storage System Integrated With a Solar-Powered Supercritical CO2 Brayton Cycle
Coupling solar thermal energy with the hybrid TC/CG-ES (thermochemical/compressed gas energy storage) is a breakthrough option used to overcome the main challenge
of solar energy, i.e., intermittent resource and low density. This paper proposes an innovative storage system that improves the competitiveness of solar thermal
energy technologies compared to conventional fossil-based power plants, potentially leading to deep decarbonization of the energy and industrial sectors. This study uses
thermochemical energy storage based on the calcium looping (CaL) process and takes advantage of a number of factors: high energy density (2 GJ/m3), absence of heat
loss (seasonal storage), high operation temperature (high efficiency of the power plant), and use of cheap and environmentally friendly reactant feedstock (CaO/CaCO3). This work deals with the integration of the solar CaL storage system with an unconventional supercritical CO2 (s-CO2) Brayton cycle. We analyze different s-CO2 Brayton cycle
layouts suitable for direct integration with the storage system. Energy integration via pinch analysis methodology is applied to the whole system to optimize the internal heat
recovery and increase the efficiency of the system. A parametric study highlights how the integration of solar CaL with an intercooling Brayton cycle shows better results than the combination with the Rankine cycle that we investigated previously, resulting in net and global system efficiencies equal to 39.5 and 51.5%. Instead, the new calculated net and global system efficiencies are 44.4 and 57.0%, respectively, for TC-CG-ES coupled with the Brayton power cycle
Experimental Analysis and Model Validation on the Performance of Impregnated Activated Carbons for the Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) from Sewage Biogas
A Review on CO2 Capture Technologies with Focus on CO2-Enhanced Methane Recovery from Hydrates
Natural gas is considered a helpful transition fuel in order to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of other conventional power plants burning coal or liquid fossil fuels. Natural Gas Hydrates (NGHs) constitute the largest reservoir of natural gas in the world. Methane contained within the crystalline structure can be replaced by carbon dioxide to enhance gas recovery from hydrates. This technical review presents a techno-economic analysis of the full pathway, which begins with the capture of CO2 from power and process industries and ends with its transportation to a geological sequestration site consisting of clathrate hydrates. Since extracted methane is still rich in CO2, on-site separation is required. Focus is thus placed on membrane-based gas separation technologies widely used for gas purification and CO2 removal from raw natural gas and exhaust gas. Nevertheless, the other carbon capture processes (i.e., oxy-fuel combustion, pre-combustion and post-combustion) are briefly discussed and their carbon capture costs are compared with membrane separation technology. Since a large-scale Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) facility requires CO2 transportation and storage infrastructure, a technical, cost and safety assessment of CO2 transportation over long distances is carried out. Finally, this paper provides an overview of the storage solutions developed around the world, principally studying the geological NGH formation for CO2 sinks
Optimizing green hydrogen production from wind and solar for hard-to-abate industrial sectors across multiple sites in Europe
This article analyzes a power-to-hydrogen system, designed to provide high-temperature heat to hard-to-abate industries. We leverage on a geospatial analysis for wind and solar availability and different industrial demand profiles with the aim to identify the ideal sizing of plant components and the resulting Levelized Cost of Hydrogen (LCOH). We assess the carbon intensity of the produced hydrogen, especially when grid electricity is utilized.
A methodology is developed to size and optimize the PV and wind energy capacity, the electrolyzer unit, and hybrid storage, by combining compressed hydrogen storage with lithium-ion batteries. The hydrogen demand profile is generated synthetically, thus allowing different industrial consumption profiles to be investigated.
The LCOH in a baseline scenario ranges from 3.5 to 8.9 €/kg, with the lowest values in wind-rich climates. Solar PV only plays a role in locations with high PV full-load hours. It was found that optimal hydrogen storage can cover the users’ demand for 2–3 days.
Most of the considered scenarios comply with the emission intensity thresholds set by the EU. A sensitivity analysis reveals that a lower variability of the demand profile is associated with cost savings. An ideally constant demand profile results in a cost reduction of approximately 11 %
An empirical correlation for the electric energy consumption of household refrigerator-freezers
Modeling of a stand-alone H2-based Energy Storage System for electricity production and H2 mobility
The application of renewable energy sources (RES) during the last decades is increasing, with the aim to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and develop more sustainable energy systems. Referring to isolated microgrids and off-grid remote applications, because of the non-continuous RES production, energy storage systems (ESSs) are necessary to make the energy supply reliable and reach the energy selfsufficiency. Among the possible EESs, hydrogen-based storage solutions integrating electrolysers to produce hydrogen from surplus renewable energy and fuel cells to generate power from the stored hydrogen (called Power-to-Power systems) can represent a promising solution. The present study has the aim to analyse, from a technical and an economical point of view, a hybrid Power-to-Power and Power-toHydrogen system for a mountain off-grid village. The hydrogen is utilized in fuel cells for power generation to provide the electrical load of the site and also for mobility for fuelling a FCEV minibus line. The aim of this work is to find the optimal system configuration, with the minimum Net Present Value (NPV) at the end of system lifetime. The Levelized Cost Of Energy (LCOE) and the Levelized Cost Of Hydrogen (LCOH) are also computed, to understand the economic viability for electricity and mobility loads, respectively. These values were derived using cost inputs from literature, and a comparative analysis is performed for different system configurations. Results from the
energy simulations revealed that the need for an external source is significantly reduced thanks to RES together with the hydrogen-based storage system, with zero emission respect to diesel solution and a cost of electricity slightly higher. Moreover, considering also a biomass-based CHP system as energy source, the cost is reduced more than three times. The cost of hydrogen for mobility instead, is still highly influenced by the lower development status of hydrogen technologies in the mobility sector
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