14,292 research outputs found

    Seed production, infestation, and viability in Acacia tortilis (synonym: Vachellia tortilis) and Acacia robusta (synonym: Vachellia robusta) across the Serengeti rainfall gradient

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    Tree recruitment in savannas proceeds in multiple stages characterized by successive filters occurring at the seed and seedling stages. The “demographic bottleneck” hypothesis suggests that such filters ultimately restrict tree density and prevent trees from dominating grasses in savannas, but many of the demographic transitions underlying this assumption have not been quantified. We investigated how short- (1–2 years) and long-term (40 + years) rainfall patterns influenced seed production, infestation, and viability for two dominant species, Acacia robusta and Acacia tortilis across the Serengeti ecosystem mean annual precipitation gradient over a two-year period. We found that neither production, nor infestation, nor viability was influenced by rainfall. Pod production differed between species and increased with tree height in A. robusta. Mean infestation proportion in 2013 was higher (mean ± SE; 0.28 ± 0.08) in A. tortilis than in A. robusta (0.11 ± 0.05) but the trend reversed in 2014, when A. tortilis (0.33 ± 0.10) had lower infestation than A. robusta (0.61 ± 0.09). Under laboratory conditions, A. tortilis and A. robusta seeds had maximum germination (= viability) proportions of 70 and 20%, respectively. Mean seed viability was more than five-fold higher (0.46 ± 0.19) in A. tortilis than in A. robusta (0.08 ± 0.10). Our study has produced important estimates for seed stage demographic dynamics that can be used for modeling tree dynamics in Serengeti system, and savannas in general

    Snell's Law for a vortex dipole in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    A quantum vortex dipole, comprised of a closely bound pair of vortices of equal strength with opposite circulation, is a spatially localized travelling excitation of a planar superfluid that carries linear momentum, suggesting a possible analogy with ray optics. We investigate numerically and analytically the motion of a quantum vortex dipole incident upon a step-change in the background superfluid density of an otherwise uniform two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate. Due to the conservation of fluid momentum and energy, the incident and refracted angles of the dipole satisfy a relation analogous to Snell's law, when crossing the interface between regions of different density. The predictions of the analogue Snell's law relation are confirmed for a wide range of incident angles by systematic numerical simulations of the Gross-Piteavskii equation. Near the critical angle for total internal reflection, we identify a regime of anomalous Snell's law behaviour where the finite size of the dipole causes transient capture by the interface. Remarkably, despite the extra complexity of the surface interaction, the incoming and outgoing dipole paths obey Snell's law.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures, Scipost forma

    Non-dopplerian cosmological redshift parameters in a model of graviton-dusty universe

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    Possible effects are considered which would be caused by a hypothetical superstrong interaction of photons or massive bodies with single gravitons of the graviton background. If full cosmological redshift magnitudes are caused by the interaction, then the luminosity distance in a flat non-expanding universe as a function of redshift is very similar to the specific function which fits supernova cosmology data by Riess et al. From another side, in this case every massive body, slowly moving relatively to the background, would experience a constant acceleration, proportional to the Hubble constant, of the same order as a small additional acceleration of Pioneer 10, 11.Comment: 5 pages. It was presented: at SIGRAV'2000 Congress, Italy (this version); in Proc. of the Int. Symp. "FFP 4" (9-13 Dec 2000, Hyderabad, India), Sidharth& Altaisky, Eds., Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2001;in Proc. of the 4th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on GW (Perth, W. Australia, 8-13 July 2001

    Anderson et al. Reply (to the Comment by Murphy on Pioneer 10/11)

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    We conclude that Murphy's proposal (radiation of the power of the main-bus electrical systems from the rear of the craft) can not explain the anomalous Pioneer acceleration.Comment: LaTex, 3 pages, Phys. Rev. Lett. (to be published

    Remarks on evolution of space-times in 3+1 and 4+1 dimensions

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    A large class of vacuum space-times is constructed in dimension 4+1 from hyperboloidal initial data sets which are not small perturbations of empty space data. These space-times are future geodesically complete, smooth up to their future null infinity, and extend as vacuum space-times through their Cauchy horizon. Dimensional reduction gives non-vacuum space-times with the same properties in 3+1 dimensions.Comment: 10pp, exposition improved; final versio

    Sifat Dielektrik Campuran Gas CO2 dengan Nitrogen (N2) Dibawah Terpaan Medan Tinggi DC Polaritas Positif

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    Sulfur hexafluoride gas (SF6) is widely used in the power electrical system such as circuit breaker, gas insulated switchgear (GIS) and gas insulated line (GIL). However, this gas has negative impacts such as global warming, so we need to find other gases as alternative gas for example is carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N2) that it is more friendly environmental materials. This research discusses about dielectric characteristics of mixture of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and nitrogen (N2) gas under pressure high voltage in positive polarity. This experiment aims to estimate the breakdown voltage in mixture of carbon dioxide gas (CO2) and Nitrogen (N2). This experiment was carried out by using sphere electrodes and needle-rod electrodes. The result is indicated that the breakdown voltage in gas with sphere electrodes is greater than with needle-rod electrodes and then space electrodes are proportional to breakdown voltage in gas insulation