3,739 research outputs found

    Developing the Spatial Dimension of Farm Business Models

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    A non-linear mathematical farm business optimisation model, that is set within a spatial economic framework, has been developed. The model incorporates factors such as location, spatial market orientation and technology use, and identifies the business strategy that is optimal in different market and policy environments. Farm household time-use is incorporated centrally within the model, enabling it to examine how on-farm and off-farm activities compete for limited farm household human resources. The model is applied to a beef and sheep farm that can choose between selling livestock to meat processors or processing on-farm and selling direct to consumers. Model simulations reveal when it is optimal for the farm business to innovate in this way and how this decision is affected by changes in key parameters. The farm business model is solved using the GAMS/LINDOGlobal mathematical programming software package. While traditional nonlinear programming and mixed-integer nonlinear programming algorithms are guaranteed to converge only under certain convexity assumptions, GAMS/LINDOGlobal finds guaranteed globally optimal solutions to general nonlinear problems. The model and model results are discussed within the context of theoretical underpinnings, model tractability, and potential applications.Farm Management,

    What’s in a Name? Sound Symbolism and Coffee Shops

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    This study explores the relationship between sound symbolism and coffee shop names. Specifically, phonetic qualities in coffee shop names have crossmodal associations with other sensory experiences such as taste, sight, sound, and touch. Previous studies show a strong association between product or brand name and consumer preference; therefore, a study of coffee shop names is worthwhile in expanding the corpus of sound symbolism knowledge. A phonetic analysis of top-rated coffee shops in the United States, paired with a survey, shows that a balance of stops and smoother phonemes (fricatives, nasals, laterals, etc.), as well as a mixture of front and back vowels create the ideal name, which often represents a coffee shop that is warm and cozy without being overpowering or stifling. Names can be carefully crafted to create a phonetic effect corollary to any atmosphere the owner would like to initially convey through the name of his/her establishment. This information is useful both for entrepreneurs endeavoring to name a coffee shop and customers looking for a particular type of coffee shop experience

    Repeated hospital admissions are missed opportunities to offer better end-of-life care for people with dementia

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    Implications for practice and research - Research: explorative study with healthcare professionals to identify their clinical reasoning when admitting to hospital people with dementia for end-of-life care. - Practice: ensure advanced direc

    Digitizing Local History

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    Ecosystem Services as Functions of Wetland Restoration Practice in Ohio Watersheds

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    Behind the Steel Curtain: Examining News Coverage of a Rape Allegation Case

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    According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2011), one in five women will be the victim of rape in her lifetime. Previous research has also found that the media has the power to influence public opinion on social issues, such as sexual violence. The purpose of this project was to examine the television news coverage of a rape allegation case involving a perpetrator who is a professional football player. Six news clips from Fox News and six news clips from ABC News were analyzed using a critical discourse analysis framework. Textual data from the interview transcripts were analyzed using a coding scheme based on themes found in the existing literature and concepts related to critical discourse and feminist theories. The study also included a visual analysis of the imagery used in the news clips. The findings indicated, overall, the media portrayed the alleged perpetrator as innocent by shifting blame to the victim. In addition, there was a pattern of discrepancy between visual imagery and spoken language in the news clips. These findings underscore the fact that the media’s portrayal of rape often blames victims for their attack, which alleviates perpetrator responsibility. In order to address the problem of sexual violence on a macro level, social workers must be aware of the way the television news media depicts this social issue

    Reputation in Revolutionary America: A Case Study of Samuel Adams and Thomas Hutchinson

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    Students who have sex with teachers : a youth perspective from the Western Cape education region

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    This thesis begins to explore the phenomenon, in the South African education system, of students who have sex with teachers. The study provides a more nuanced understanding of student-teacher sexual relationships, reporting on empirical research which explores the prevalence of the phenomenon, the circumstances in which it occurs and students' opinions. In doing so, this research contributes to a more complete picture of student-teacher sexual relationships, exploring a plurality of viewpoints, in order to inform policy and interventions
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