403 research outputs found
Installation skal vise søgningens DNA
Der er en tendens til at, at det fysiske og det digitale bibliotek betragtes som to adskilte størrelser. Det skal der laves om på. Projektet InfoArt vil via en installation, der viser søgningens DNA, rette fokus mod netop samspillet mellem det fysiske og det digitale bibliotek
Hvor blev vandhullet af?
- en undersøgelse af et pædagogisk, innovativt udviklingsprojekt på en Social og SundhedsskoleAbstractDenne artikel beskriver en kvalitativ undersøgelse af et pædagogisk udviklingsprojekt ’Vandhulspædagogik’ på en Social og Sundhedsskole. Med afsæt i Lotte Darsø’s innovationsteori, Lave og Wenger’s teori om læring i praksisfællesskaber og Gynther et al.’s ’Didaktik 2.0’ beskriver artiklen de muligheder og udfordringer pædagogikken rummer, og afledt heraf giver artiklen bud på et inkrementelt, pædagogisk didaktisk design, der understøtter det innovative udviklingsprojekt
Vi skal lære eleverne, at der er mennesker bag skærmen
Bogen Med livet i lommen (Palludan & Schouboe, 2013) gav anledning til refleksion over, hvordan børn og unges digitale kultur får betydning for deres skolegang. Med afsæt heri beskrives, hvordan lærerstuderende oplever forholdet mellem digital kultur og ikke-digital kultur. Gullestrups kulturanalysemodel danner i artiklen afsæt for analyse af studerendes refleksioner over samvær, formidling, identitet og adfærd. Iben Jensens kommunikationsmodel: The Practice of Intercultural Communication, danner ramme for semi-strukturerede interviews med lærestuderende fra tre årgange. Konklusionen er, at de lærerstuderende didaktisk vægter digital kultur højt, men ikke oplever det samme i eget studie. Afledt heraf skitseres rammen for et undervisningsforløb med afsæt i Klafkis kategoriale dannelsestænkning
Improving institutional memory on challenges and methods for estimation of pig herd antimicrobial exposure based on data from the Danish Veterinary Medicines Statistics Program (VetStat)
With the increasing occurrence of antimicrobial resistance, more attention
has been directed towards surveillance of both human and veterinary
antimicrobial use. Since the early 2000s, several research papers on Danish pig
antimicrobial usage have been published, based on data from the Danish
Veterinary Medicines Statistics Program (VetStat). VetStat was established in
2000, as a national database containing detailed information on purchases of
veterinary medicine. This paper presents a critical set of challenges
originating from static system features, which researchers must address when
estimating antimicrobial exposure in Danish pig herds. Most challenges
presented are followed by at least one robust solution. A set of challenges
requiring awareness from the researcher, but for which no immediate solution
was available, were also presented. The selection of challenges and solutions
was based on a consensus by a cross-institutional group of researchers working
in projects using VetStat data. No quantitative data quality evaluations were
performed, as the frequency of errors and inconsistencies in a dataset will
vary, depending on the period covered in the data. Instead, this paper focuses
on clarifying how VetStat data may be translated to an estimation of the
antimicrobial exposure at herd level, by suggesting uniform methods of
extracting and editing data, in order to obtain reliable and comparable
estimates on pig antimicrobial consumption for research purposes.Comment: 25 pages, including two Appendices (pages not numbered). Title page,
including abstract, is on page 1. Body of text, including references,
abbreviation list and disclaimers for conflict of interest and funding, are
on pages 2-18. Two figures embedded in the text on pages 3 and 5. Appendix 1
starts on page 19, and Appendix 2 on page 2
Nabosprogsundervisning i læreruddannelsen via tværsproglighed og praksisforankring
Artiklen undersøger, hvad det betyder for lærerstuderendes forståelse af og tilgang til nabosprogsdidaktik i danskfaget, når de tilegner sig nabosprogsdidaktikken via et flerfaset udviklingsforløb baseret på en tværsproglig og undersøgende tilgang til sprog. Undersøgelsen udspringer af et toårigt forsknings- og udviklingsprojekt med deltagelse af alle landets læreruddannelser, der havde til formål at undersøge, hvordan tværsproglig didaktik kan bidrage til at skabe kvalitet i læreruddannelsens sprogfag. Projekt Tværsproglighed i Læreruddannelsen bygger bro mellem læreruddannelse og grundskole og er udformet som en kaskade: (1) viden om tværsproglighed målrettes undervisere på læreruddannelsen, som (2) didaktiserer den tværsproglige didaktik til læreruddannelsen, hvorefter (3) lærerstuderende redidaktiserer nabosprogsdidaktikken til grundskolen. Denne undersøgelse bygger på underviseres og studerendes didaktiske designs, fokusgruppeinterview og studerendes evalueringer. Artiklen tager udgangspunkt i teoretisk og empirisk forskningsviden om sprogtilegnelse og i en bred forståelse af tværsproglige og flersprogethedsdidaktiske undervisningstilgange, og den fokuserer på nabosprogsdidaktik, fordi nabosprogene norsk og svensk er nært beslægtede med dansk, og fordi netop disse sprog indgår i læreplanen for danskfaget
Protein Replacement Therapy Partially Corrects the Cholesterol-Storage Phenotype in a Mouse Model of Niemann-Pict Type C2 Disease
Niemann-Pick type C2 (NPC2) disease is a fatal autosomal recessive neurovisceral degenerative disorder characterized by late endosomal-lysosomal sequestration of low-density lipoprotein derived cholesterol. The breach in intracellular cholesterol homeostasis is caused by deficiency of functional NPC2, a soluble sterol binding protein targeted to the lysosomes by binding the mannose-6-phosphate receptor. As currently there is no effective treatment for the disorder, we have investigated the efficacy of NPC2 replacement therapy in a murine gene-trap model of NPC2-disease generated on the 129P2/OlaHsd genetic background. NPC2 was purified from bovine milk and its functional competence assured in NPC2-deficient fibroblasts using the specific cholesterol fluorescent probe filipin. For evaluation of phenotype correction in vivo, three-week-old NPC2−/− mice received two weekly intravenous injections of 5 mg/kg NPC2 until trial termination 66 days later. Whereas the saline treated NPC2−/− mice exhibited massive visceral cholesterol storage as compared to their wild-type littermates, administration of NPC2 caused a marked reduction in cholesterol build up. The histological findings, indicating an amelioration of the disease pathology in liver, spleen, and lungs, corroborated the biochemical results. Little or no difference in the overall cholesterol levels was observed in the kidneys, blood, cerebral cortex and hippocampus when comparing NPC2−/− and wild type mice. However, cerebellum cholesterol was increased about two fold in NPC2−/− mice compared with wild-type littermates. Weight gain performance was slightly improved as a result of the NPC2 treatment but significant motor coordination deficits were still observed. Accordingly, ultrastructural cerebellar abnormalities were detected in both saline treated and NPC2 treated NPC2−/− animals 87 days post partum. Our data indicate that protein replacement may be a beneficial therapeutic approach in the treatment of the visceral manifestations in NPC2 disease and further suggest that neurodegeneration is not secondary to visceral dysfunction
The prevalence of tumour markers in malignant pleural effusions associated with primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma:a retrospective study
BACKGROUND: Oncological treatment of primary pulmonary adenocarcinoma (AC) includes drugs targeting the pathways involving programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutation and anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK). The aim of the study was to report the prevalence of these tumour markers in pleural fluid with cytology positive for pulmonary AC and the potential influence of volume pleural fluid tested. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed all thoracenteses performed in a two-year period at our interventional unit at Department of Respiratory Medicine at Zealand University Hospital Naestved, Denmark. ALK and PD-L1 testing was done using immunohistochemistry and EGFR testing using next-generation sequencing. We included pleural fluid specimens containing malignant cells originating from primary pulmonary AC and with at least one tumour marker requested by the clinicians. RESULTS: When screening 927 pleural fluid specimens, we identified 57 in accordance with the inclusion criteria. PD-L1, ALK and EGFR were obtained in 35/55 (64%), 38/57 (67%) and 26/47 (55%), respectively. The prevalence did not increase when analysing volumes > 50 mL (p = 0.21–0.58) CONCLUSION: Tumour markers in pleural fluid specimens containing cells from pulmonary AC can be demonstrated in more than half of the cases. Therefore, supplementary invasive procedures than thoracentesis could potentially await these analyses
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