6 research outputs found


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    Pandemi covid-19 adalah wabah yang tidak pernah diduga, memilik berdampak sangat luas terhadap segala tatanan kehidupan masyarakat dunia. Transportasi, pariwisata, manufactur, jasa dan konstruksi mengalami penurunan signifikan. Dampak dari penurunan aktifitas di berbagai sector ini adalah penurunan daya beli masyarakat dan penurunan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi. Indonesia juga mengalami persoalan yang sama, maka langkah langkah penyelamatan dilakukan oleh pemerintah dengan memberikan berbagai stimulus termasuk kepada pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah. Pelaku UMKM juga perlu mengambil langkah langkah strategis untuk menjaga eksistensi usahanya secara mandiri, salah satunya  dengan menyesuaikan dengan perubahan prilaku konsumen akibat pandemi covid -19. Perubahan prilaku konsumen tersebut antara lain konsumen menginginkan produk yang fokus pada nilai, mayoritas konsumen berbelanja secara on line dan konsumen menginginkan produk dan jasa sehat


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    Prospective TKI (Overseas Indonesian Workforce) are always faced with two difficult choices, namely by using a legal way through the official government-protected institution or illegal way that is unclear responsibilities. Illegal delivery of TKW (Women Workers) doing by uncompleted documents dominantely caused by family economic difficulties and lack of poverty. Administratively the prospective Indonesian workers do not have a KTP (ID), KK (Family Structure card), the birth certificate and the average education is uncompleted elementary school studies. There are still many employers or tekong who come to recruit directly in the cities and districts of NTT. A lack of understanding of citizen and district communities about the process of placing labor abroad from the government. Lack of good cooperation and support between government agencies related in the field of overseas employment placement. The lack of socialization policy of the policymakers abroad to the bottom level is the cause of the rise of migrant workers to Malaysia. Prospective migrant workers are in the community, the nearest ruler is the village head (RT, RW), Kampung, village/Kelurahan, Kecamatan to district, which has an obligation to provide information to the community. Due to the policy of delivery of special migrant workers abroad is if successful positively impact in the field of economy, because it produces foreign exchange that can help the growth of national economy and for TKI and their families are improving welfare. Keywords : Illegal Overseas Workers Supplie


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    Abstrak: Data ICW menunjukkan bahwa hingga tahun 2017 terdapat 112 kades yang terlibat dalam kasus korupsi desa. Salah satu langkah menekan angka korupsi dengan penentuan skala prioritas penggunaan dana desa yang diatur dalam Kemendesa PDTT Peraturan Menteri No 11 tahun 2019 tentang Prioritas Penggunaan Dana Desa Tahun 2020. Tujuan sosialisasi ini untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pengelolaan dana desa dalam rangka menekan angka korupsi. Kegiatan sosialisasi ini dilaksanakan di Desa Baumata Barat yang diikuti oleh 30 peserta. Penyampaian materi menggunakan metode ceramah dan tanya jawab, Focus Discussion Group (FDG), dan Workshop. Hasil evaluasi atas pelaksanaan dari sosialisasi dilakukan melalui metode survey pendapat dari para peserta, yang mana ini 90% dapat meningkatkan pemahaman peserta, 90% peserta berpartisipasi dengan aktif, peserta juga memperoleh peningkatan ketrampilan dalam menentukan skala prioritas sebesar 85%. Selain itu, masyarakat mengetahui sebesar 85% mengenai peranan mereka pada saat penganggaran dana desa. Peserta sosialisasi dan pemerintah desa mendukung dan mengikuti kegiatan dengan antusias. Adapun hambatan yang ditemui selama pengabdian dapat teratasi dengan baik.Abstract: ICW Data shows that until 2017 there were 112 village heads involved in village corruption cases. One of the steps to reduce the number of corruption is to determine the priority scale for the use of village funds regulated in the PDTT Ministry of Rural Affairs Ministerial Regulation No. 11 of 2019 concerning the priority use of village funds in 2020. The purpose of this socialization is to improve the ability of Village Fund Management in order to reduce corruption. This socialization activity was held in West Baumata Village which was attended by 30 participants. Material delivery using lecture and question and answer method, Focus Discussion Group (FDG), and workshop. The results of this socialization 90% can increase the understanding of participants, 90% of participants participate actively, participants also gained increased skills in determining priorities by 85%. In addition, the community knew by 85% about their role at the time of village fund budgeting. The socialization participants and the village government supported and followed the activities enthusiastically. The obstacles encountered during devotion can be overcome properly. 

    Critical Factors Behind the Abstainer in the Local Election

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    This study investigates the factors that led to the emergence of abstentions or Golongan Putih in the 2020 local election of the Ngada regency. This research was encouraged by the increased number of abstentions and percentage in regional head elections in Ngada Regency in 2020 compared to 2015. This study used a qualitative research approach with a phenomenology type of research. This study interviewed 22 informants selected purposively. This study found that the forms of abstention appearing in the 2020 Ngada local elections were technical, political, and pragmatic. Meanwhile, the factors causing abstentions in the 2020 Ngada local elections are divided into two groups: internal factors, which include work factors and educational factors, and external factors, which include political factors and election benefit factors. The contribution of this research is that it has succeeded in identifying critical factors that are essential in forming an abstainer group in the context of local elections. However, this study is limited to the eastern part of Indonesia

    Representasi Perempuan dalam Jabatan Struktural Birokrasi

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    The purpose of this study was to explain the level of representation of women in bureaucratic, structural positions and the inhibiting factors they face in occupying bureaucratic, structural positions in East Flores Regency. The research method used is qualitative descriptive with interviews of 13 informants determined through purposive. The results of this study explain that in the last three years, the number of female civil servants in echelons II and III is less than that of men. In 2021, there were three female civil servants left because, in 2020, one of the female civil servants died. Furthermore, in 2022, one of the female civil servants finished her term. The inhibiting factors faced by women in bureaucratic, structural positions are viewed in two forms: 1) internal constraints such as lack of self-confidence and the multiple roles played by women, 2) external constraints related to a) constraints from the family, and b) constraints from society related to the value system and norms. The research is expected as input for East Flores Regenc