55 research outputs found
A case for weakening the Church-Turing Thesis
We conclude from Goedel's Theorem VII of his seminal 1931 paper that every
recursive function f(x_{1}, x_{2}) is representable in the first-order Peano
Arithmetic PA by a formula [F(x_{1}, x_{2}, x_{3})] which is algorithmically
verifiable, but not algorithmically computable, if we assume that the negation
of a universally quantified formula of the first-order predicate calculus is
always indicative of the existence of a counter-example under the standard
interpretation of PA. We conclude that the standard postulation of the
Church-Turing Thesis does not hold if we define a number-theoretic formula as
effectively computable if, and only if, it is algorithmically verifiable; and
needs to be replaced by a weaker postulation of the Thesis as an equivalence.Comment: 22pages. an updated version of this manuscript is accessible at
http://alixcomsi.com/30_Church_Turing_Thesis_Update.pdf . arXiv admin note:
substantial text overlap with arXiv:1003.560
Three Theorems on modular sieves that suggest the Prime Difference is O(Number of primes < (p(n)^1/2))
This 1964 paper developed as an off-shoot to the foundational query: Do we
discover the natural numbers (Platonically), or do we construct them
linguistically? The paper also assumes computational significance in the light
of Agrawal, Kayal and Saxena's August 2000 paper, "PRIMES is in P", since both
the TRIM and Compact Number Generating algorithms - each of which generates all
the primes - are deterministic algorithms that run in polynomial time and
suggest that the Prime Difference, d(n), is O(Number of primes < (p(n)^1/2)).Comment: 6 pages; an HTML version is available at
Some consequences of interpreting the associated logic of the first-order Peano Arithmetic PA finitarily
We show that the classical interpretations of Tarski's inductive definitions
actually allow us to define the satisfaction and truth of the quantified
formulas of the first-order Peano Arithmetic PA over the domain N of the
natural numbers in two essentially different ways: (a) in terms of algorithmic
verifiabilty; and (b) in terms of algorithmic computability. We show that the
classical Standard interpretation I_PA(N, Standard) of PA essentially defines
the satisfaction and truth of the formulas of the first-order Peano Arithmetic
PA in terms of algorithmic verifiability. It is accepted that this classical
interpretation---in terms of algorithmic verifiabilty---cannot lay claim to be
finitary; it does not lead to a finitary justification of the Axiom Schema of
Finite Induction of PA from which we may conclude---in an intuitionistically
unobjectionable manner---that PA is consistent. We now show that the
PA-axioms---including the Axiom Schema of Finite Induction---are, however,
algorithmically computable finitarily as satisfied / true under the Standard
interpretation I_PA(N, Standard) of PA; and that the PA rules of inference do
preserve algorithmically computable satisfiability / truth finitarily under the
Standard interpretation I_PA(N, Standard). We conclude that the algorithmically
computable PA-formulas can provide a finitary interpretation I_PA(N,
Algorithmic) of PA from which we may classically conclude that PA is consistent
in an intuitionistically unobjectionable manner. We define this interpretation,
and show that if the associated logic is interpreted finitarily then (i) PA is
categorical and (ii) Goedel's Theorem VI holds vacuously in PA since PA is
consistent but not omega-consistent.Comment: 37pages; significant revision; differentiated the foundational
perspective of this paper from the more common perspectives. An updated
version of this manuscript is accessible at
http://alixcomsi.com/30_Finitary_Logic_PA_Update.pdf . arXiv admin note:
substantial text overlap with arXiv:1003.5602, arXiv:1108.4597,
Does resolving PvNP require a paradigm shift?
I shall argue that a resolution of the PvNP problem requires building an iff
bridge between the domain of provability and that of computability. The former
concerns how a human intelligence decides the truth of number-theoretic
relations, and is formalised by the first-order Peano Arithmetic PA following
Dededekind's axiomatisation of Peano's Postulates. The latter concerns how a
human intelligence computes the values of number-theoretic functions, and is
formalised by the operations of a Turing Machine following Turing's analysis of
computable functions. I shall show that such a bridge requires objective
definitions of both an `algorithmic' interpretation of PA, and an
`instantiational' interpretation of PA. I shall show that both interpretations
are implicit in the definition of the subjectively defined `standard'
interpretation of PA. However the existence of, and distinction between, the
two objectively definable interpretations---and the fact that the former is
sound whilst the latter is not---is obscured by the extraneous presumption
under the `standard' interpretation of PA that Aristotle's particularisation
must hold over the structure N of the natural numbers. I shall argue that
recognising the falseness of this belief awaits a paradigm shift in our
perception of the application of Tarski's analysis (of the concept of truth in
the languages of the deductive sciences) to the `standard' interpretation of
PA. I shall then show that an arithmetical formula [F] is PA-provable if, and
only if, [F] interprets as true under an algorithmic interpretation of PA. I
shall finally show how it then follows from Goedel's construction of a formally
`undecidable' arithmetical proposition that there is a Halting-type PA formula
which---by Tarski's definitions---is algorithmically verifiable as true, but
not algorithmically computable as true, under a sound interpretation of PA.Comment: 35 pages; major revision; an update of this investigation is
accessible at http://alixcomsi.com/27_Resolving_PvNP_Update.pd
Naive Philosophical Foundations
This soliloquy outlines some naive philosophical arguments underlying the
thesis that mathematics ought to be viewed simply as a universal set of
languages, some of precise expression, and some of effective communication.Comment: 15 pages; an HTML version is available at
Is the Halting problem effectively solvable non-algorithmically, and is the Goedel sentence in NP, but not in P?
We consider the thesis that an arithmetical relation, which holds for any,
given, assignment of natural numbers to its free variables, is Turing-decidable
if, and only if, it is the standard representation of a PA-provable formula. We
show that, classically, such a thesis is, both, unverifiable and irrefutable,
and, that it implies the Turing Thesis is false; that Goedel's arithmetical
predicate R(x), treated as a Boolean function, is in the complexity class NP,
but not in P; and that the Halting problem is effectively solvable, albeit not
algorithmically.Comment: 12 pages; an HTML version is available at
Are there parts of our arithmetical competence that no sound formal system can duplicate?
In 1995, David Chalmers opined as implausible that there may be parts of our
arithmetical competence that no sound formal system could ever duplicate. We
prove that the recursive number-theoretic relation x=Sb(y 19|Z(y)) - which is
algorithmically verifiable since Goedel's recursive function Sb(y 19|Z(y)) is
Turing-computable - cannot be "duplicated" in any consistent formal system of
Arithmetic.Comment: v2; introduced standardised ACI compliant notation for citations; 9
pages; this paper reproduces Meta-theorem 1 and related Meta-lemmas from my
earlier paper http://arXiv.org/abs/math.GM/0210078 ; an HTML version is
available at http://alixcomsi.com/index01.ht
Reviewing Goedel's and Rosser's meta-reasoning of undecidability
I review the classical conclusions drawn from Goedel's meta-reasoning
establishing an undecidable proposition GUS in standard PA. I argue that, for
any given set of numerical values of its free variables, every recursive
arithmetical relation can be expressed in PA by different, but formally
equivalent, propositions. This asymmetry yields alternative Representation and
Self-reference meta-Lemmas. I argue that Goedel's meta-reasoning can thus be
expressed avoiding any appeal to the truth of propositions in the standard
interpretation IA of PA. This now establishes GUS as decidable, and PA as
omega-inconsistent. I argue further that Rosser's extension of Goedel's
meta-reasoning involves an invalid deduction.Comment: v3: Introduced ACI compliant notation for citations. 30 pages. An
HTML version is available on the web at http://alixcomsi.com/index01.ht
The Goebbellian Syndrome
Can we really falsify truth by dictat? A critical note on J. R. Lucas' 1996
remarks concerning non-standard models of first-order Peano Arithmetic.Comment: 4 pages; an HTML version is available at http://alixcomsi.com/The
Goebbellian Syndrome.ht
The formal roots of Platonism
We present some arguments for the thesis that a set-theoretic inspired faith,
in the ability of intuitive truth to faithfully reflect relationships between
elements of a Platonic universe, may be as misplaced as an assumption that such
truth cannot be expressed in a constructive, and effectively verifiable,
manner.Comment: v2; revised para 2.2(ix); introduced standardised ACI compliant
notation for citations; 24 pages; an HTML version is available at
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