6 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Profile, knowledge, and work patterns of a cadre of maternal, newborn, and child health CHWs focusing on preventive and promotive services in Morogoro Region, Tanzania

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    Overview of Integrated Program MNCH CHW rollout per district. Figure S2. Mean composite scores for CHW knowledge and reported service provision on maternal and child health care across the continuum of care and for specific services. Figure S3. Observed use of job aids during pregnancy home visits (n = 37). Table S1. Ordered logistic regression models for composite scores for overall CHW knowledge and specific sub-domains of pregnancy, postpartum, newborn care, and child health controlling for gender, date of training, education, age, and assets. Table S2. Ordered logistic regression models for composite scores for family planning, infection/injury prevention, malaria, HIV transmission, and nutrition controlling for gender, date of training, education, age, and assets