12 research outputs found

    The Students’ Attitude towards the Lecturer’s Transactional Expressions

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    The study is the description of students’ attitude towards the use of lecturer’s transactional expressions in the teaching and learning process. One class of English Department was chosen randomly from three respective universities in Makassar. The questionnaire was distributed and the students’ responses were collected. To analyze the students’ responses, Likert Scale was used. Based on the analysis, it was found that the students have positive attitude towards the use of the lecturer’s transactional expressions with 70.36 mean score. The result implies that the lecturer’s transactional expression is one of the decisive factors in the teaching and learning implementation. For the students, such expression gives an enormous impact on their behavior, which automatically afflicts their successful learning outcome. For the lecturers, the use of transactional expression is the conveyance vehicle of successful teaching quality. Key words: Students’ attitude, Lecturers’ transactional expressions

    Building Interpersonal Communication Through The Local History Dramatic Role Play

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    Today, in higher education, at the university level, the learning process is still evolving. The objective of this study was describe how to use local role-playing activities for interpersonal communication among students, especially those who have completed semester 5, in order to improve their language skills. In this way, knowledge can explicitly test the order of the function studied and explored by students to help them understand the concept of learning. The study design uses a quantitative survey as the approach, while observation and questionnaire are for data collection. The results show that the local history role-playing method is effective in building interpersonal communication, especially for the 5th-grade English curriculum. A local drama using the “Topekkong Agreement” was indicated where students always express their ideas which the listener can understand and then give feedback or response. So, this method could improve students' English skills. This study recommends that further research is needed to develop methods, especially building interpersonal communication by using a local history drama approach

    Legal Aspect of Sports Contract: Analysis of Legal Instruments In Implementing E-Sports Contract

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    E-sports, or electronic sports, has become a global phenomenon that has experienced rapid growth in recent years. In Indonesia, e-sports has also experienced significant development. The emergence of professional players has an impact on the relationship between players and e-sports clubs as a professional relationship. This study aims to analyze the legal instruments of e-sports contracts in Indonesia. As a relatively new sport in Indonesia, it is important to know what legal instruments govern the contractual aspects of e-sports. This study uses a qualitative approach by conducting a literature review, interviewing e-sports players, and analyzing secondary data. The results of the study show that e-sports in Indonesia have experienced rapid growth, with an increasing number of tournaments and competitions being held locally and internationally.Thus, the player’s relationship with the club is bound by a professional contract, which in this case is based on the legal instrument of the Labor Law No. 13 of 2003 which regulates general provisions in work agreements. Indonesian Esports Executive Board Regulations Article 5 Paragraph 1 PPBESI 34/2021 regulates the rights obtained by players in contracts and articles 1320 and 1338 of the Civil Code as the fundamental basis for making contracts for both professional and amateur players. Keywords: E-sports, contract, sport

    Utilizing Facebook And Instagram (Facegram) To Create A Digital Learning Program For Integrated English Skills

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    The objective of this study is the development of a digital educational tool for English language instruction by utilising social media platforms, specifically Facebook and Instagram. The ADDIE (Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate) paradigm, developed by Gagne et al. in 2005, was employed in the research and development (R&D) project under consideration. The primary objective of this study is to demonstrate the process of creating a digital learning module for Integrated English Skills (IIC) education by utilising social media posts from Facebook and Instagram (FaceGram). Facebook and Instagram, because to their nature as social media platforms, are perceived as attractive resources for the purpose of facilitating Integrated English Skills instruction. The utilisation of Facebook and Instagram as platforms for English language training is anticipated to undergo a transformative process, resulting in a pedagogical approach that is both intellectually stimulating and distinctively innovative. This study aims to enhance the four English language skills, namely writing, speaking, reading, and listening, through the utilisation of Facebook and Instagram posts as educational resources. This study aims to provide several illustrative instances of information sourced from Facebook and Instagram that can be effectively utilised for the purpose of instructing Integrated English Skills within the context of digital learning. The present study employed a survey methodology within the English Literature Programme at Universitas Negeri Makassar. The participants consisted of students enrolled in the Integrated English Skills course. The findings of this study could serve as a valuable resource for educators of English as a second language, enabling them to develop engaging and distinctive instructional materials


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    Using a local history approach as an embedded medium can increase student engagement and achieve the goals of the learning process. The purpose of this study was to find out how to build student community through local historical drama in drama class activities. This study uses mixed methods, with observation and questionnaires as data collection instruments. Using a purposive sampling technique, 75 students were selected as a sample from a population of 3,225. Data were analyzed by Quant-Qual and interpreted by descriptive accounting. The results showed that there were no students who commented badly about the use of techniques in local historical dramas. Researchers recommend using this approach in the learning process, especially in learning English and how to build student’s community. Abstrak: Menggunakan pendekatan sejarah lokal sebagai media yang melekat dapat meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa dan mencapai tujuan dari proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana membangun komunitas siswa melalui drama sejarah lokal dalam kegiatan drama kelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran, dengan observasi dan kuesioner sebagai instrumen pengumpulan data. Dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, dipilih 75 siswa sebagai sampel dari populasi sejumlah 3.225. Data dianalisis dengan Quant-Qual dan diinterpretasikan dengan akuntansi deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada satupun siswa yang berkomentar buruk tentang penggunaan teknik dalam drama sejarah lokal. Peneliti merekomendasikan penggunaan pendekatan ini dalam proses pembelajaran, khususnya dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dan bagaimana membangun komunitas siswa


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    Perhatian para orang tua untuk perkembangan performansi dan kompetensi anak menjadi salah satu kebutuhan yang prioritas demi peningkatan kualitas diri. Anak dengan status pembelajar memiliki begitu banyak potensi yang diharapkan dapat diarahkan, difasilitasi, dan ditingkatkan dengan baik sesuai kondisi ciri pribadi anak tersebut. Salah satu potensi pembelajar adalah bakat dan kreatiitasnya. Peningkatan bakat dan kreativitas pembelajar membutuhkan upaya-upaya khusus yang dapat disesuaikan dengan karakteristik pembelajar, faktorfaktor pendukung dan penghambat, dan peran orang tua dan pengajar. Kata-kata kunci: Bakat dan kreativitas, upaya-upaya pengembanga

    Metode Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Terapan Berbasis Proyek dengan Sistem Hybrid

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    Studi ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan penerapan metode pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan sistem hybrid pada pembelajaran English for Tourism dan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penerapan metode pembelajaran tersebut. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa-mahasiswa Angkatan 2020/2021 pada Prodi Bahasa Inggris D-IV yang dipilih secara purposif. Pengambilan data hasil observasi dan pertanyaan wawancara dan analisis melalui proses klasifikasi, interpretasi, dan kesimpulan dilakukan untuk penerapan metode pembelajaran. Sedangkan data persepsi mahasiswa dianalisis melalui angket Skala Likert. Temuan pertama menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan sistem hybrid pada pembelajaran English for Tourism berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Sembilan aspek yang menjadi indikator penerapan adalah (1) pelaksanaan pembelajaran berjalan baik, (2) kendala pembelajaran pada jaringan Internet dan organisasi kelas, (3) kemudahan akses, (4) pemanfaatan fitur-fitur Syamok yang mendukung, (5) pertemuan kelas yang alternatif, (6) interaksi kelas yang memilih antara kelompok dan individu, (7) penugasan yang mendukung pemahaman, (8) kegiatan pembelajaran yang terarah, dan (9) penjelasan materi yang mudah dipahami. Temuan kedua menunjukkan bahwa persepsi mahasiswa adalah Sangat Positif dengan nilai rata-rata 43.05. Hasil ini didukung oleh respon mahasiswa yang mengalami kemudahan dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran, situasi pembelajaran yang menyenangkan, penugasan yang dapat mengarahkan ke peningkatan keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan sikap, dan pilihan pembelajaran pada dua situasi daring dan luring. Sehingga penerapan metode pembelajaran berbasis proyek dengan sistem hybrid pada pembelajaran English for Tourism masih membutuhkan organisasi kelas yang lebih baik

    Implementing Discovery Learning in Teaching Reading Comprehension at Senior High School

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    Abstract This research aims to find out: (1) whether students’ reading comprehension improves with the Discovery Learning Method in teaching reading or not, and (2) the students’ perceptions of the Developing Reading Comprehension Learning with the Discovery Learning Method. This research applied a pre-experimental with One Group Pre-test and Post-test design to assess the improvement of students’ Reading Comprehension and a questionnaire was used to find out the students’ perception of the Discovery Learning Method in English Reading Classroom. The participants of this research were selected using Cluster Random Sampling were one class with thirty-six (36) students of XI Science 2 at SMAN 2 Baubau. The pre-test and post-test results were collected from students’ reading tests and then analyzed by using IBM Statistic SPSS 25 Software. Questionnaire responses were classified into four (4) main indicators using Likert Scale. The research found: (1) the mean value based on N-Gain score students’ learning outcome is in medium range effectiveness of implementing the Discovery Learning Method, and 64% of them is on above completeness of students’ learning outcome score (KKM), in addition, the average result of the pre-test was 64.44 after carrying out the treatment there was an increase as seen from the results of the post-test where the average was 76.91 it can be concluded there is a significant difference and there is an effect of implementing Discovery Learning Method on students' Reading Comprehension, (2) the findings of students' perceptions based on the frequency, shows that average students agreed that Discovery Learning Method could improve their reading comprehension based on the four indicators; the benefit, the interest, the activities, and the implementation


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    Abstract This study describes the perception of lecturer and students toward the English teaching methodology. The implementation of English teaching methodology underlay in nine aspects, namely: the use of lecturer’s utterances, the lecturer’s attitude, classroom rules, learning material, teaching media, learning activity, classroom interaction, classroom management, and assessment. In this study, the lecturer was the facilitator of the subject of English for Hotel and Restaurant. The students were the fourth semester students of Business English program, Faculty of Languages and Literature, State University of Makassar. Data on lecturer and students’ perception were taken by distributing questionnaires and giving interview questions. The data analysis showed that the students’ perception was categorized Positive towards the implementation of their lecturer’s English teaching methodology. This means that the students had a view that their lecturer had designed and implemented her teaching very well. Whilst, the lecturer’s perception was categorized strongly positive. This indicates that the lecturer had assured that her teaching program could help and facilitate her students to study well. Key words: English teaching, English teaching, methodology, Perceptio


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    Social media has grown rapidly and affects our everyday life. It helps many aspects in our life, including students’ life. Instagram, one of the top platforms to use in the world recently, can be brought to the classroom for student’s learning purpose. Therefore, this research aims to specifically investigate students’ perception toward its usefulness and ease for writing practice. The sample was 31 out of 66 students in English Literature Study Program in the Faculty of Languages and Literature of one state university in Makassar. The data were collected by distributing questionnaire and by interviewing half of the participants. The items in the questionnaire were adapted from Davis (1989) theory about Technology Acceptance Model Articles. Supporting data were taken from the result of an interview.  This research found that items in both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness majority received a positive response. Students’ knowledge of Instagram is an advantage in using it as a writing practice medium. The distraction from the learning process is the downside that frequently happened while using it. This indicates that Instagram is a useful media for writing practice