25 research outputs found
Re-exploring my identity as a Japanese woman
This document contains reflections on my motivations and the personal decisions made in the realization of selected works leading up to and including my thesis exhibition Voice . The following text shares the many and varied connections between my life and art-making. My issues in my personal relationships with others has spilled out from my heart and turned into these works. I\u27m continuously expressing the unsuccessful attempts we make at developing true bonds that bridge the gaps between people
Successful conservative treatment for massive uterine bleeding with non-septic disseminated intravascular coagulation after termination of early pregnancy in a woman with huge adenomyosis: case report.
BACKGROUND:Adenomyosis is a benign gynecological condition in which endometrial tissue or endometrial-like tissue develops within the uterine myometrium. Few cases of disseminated intravascular coagulation has been reported in the patients with adenomyosis. Although hysterectomy is indicated for refractory massive uterine bleeding in the patients with advanced uterine adenomyosis, conservative treatment is often desired in women in the late reproductive age. Recently such cases are increasing due to the social trend of late marriage.CASE PRESENTATION:A 37-year-old woman with huge adenomyosis, gravida 2 para 0, was referred to our hospital to terminate her pregnancy. Acute, non-septic, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) developed after early pregnancy was terminated in a woman with huge adenomyosis. Massive bleeding and DIC occurred 3 days after the dilatation and curettage. There was no evidence of infection as the cause of the DIC, because neither bacteria nor endotoxin could be detected in her blood, and antithrombin 3 (AT3), which would be expected to decrease in septic patients, was not decreased. Hemorrhage in the adenomyotic tissue after the termination presumably developed inflammation, with numerous microthrombi and necrosis in the adenomyotic tissue, which subsequently promoted coagulation and fibrinolysis, leading to the onset of massive uterine bleeding and DIC. Although severe hyperfibrinolysis is observed in peripheral blood, the fibrinolysis state in the uterine myometrium is considered to be even more severe. The newly formed clots for hemostasis under the uterine mucosa could be removed due to the excessive activation of fibrinolytic system happened in the adjacent myometrium, leading to the onset of massive uterine bleeding. Massive bleeding and DIC resolved quickly after the patient was treated with nafamostat mesilate, which is effective for both excessive coagulation and fibrinolysis.CONCLUSIONS:Adenomyosis could cause massive bleeding and DIC when pregnancy is terminated. Massive bleeding was considered to occur because the excessive fibrinolysis system inside adenomyosis affected the adjacent endometrium. Before considering hysterectomy to control refractory uterine bleeding, nafamostat mesilate should be considered as one option, thinking the pathophysiology of the massive bleeding due to uterine adenomyosis
An increased risk of urinary tract infection precedes development of primary biliary cirrhosis
An abdominal-sacral approach with preoperative embolisation for vulvar solitary fibrous tumour : a case report.
Background:Solitary fibrous tumours (SFTs) in the female genital tract are uncommon. Resection of these tumours is controversial because it can cause life-threatening haemorrhage. We report a case of vulvar SFT that was excised in a combined abdominal-sacral approach after preoperative embolisation.Case presentation:At another hospital, an inoperable intrapelvic tumour was diagnosed in a 34-year-old woman. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging showed that the uterus, urinary bladder and rectum were compressed laterally by a pelvic tumour with a maximum diameter of 11 cm. This mass was hypervascular and had a well-defined border. Transperineal biopsy was performed, and immunostaining revealed that the mass was an SFT. The tumour was supplied by feeding vessels from the right iliac arteries. First, we embolised the feeding vessels. Second, we performed surgical resection in a combined abdominal-sacral approach; no blood transfusion was necessary, and no perioperative complications occurred. The final pathological diagnosis was SFT that was positive for CD34 and signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 according to immunohistochemical staining.Conclusion:During a year of follow-up, the disease did not recur. Treatment of pelvic SFT should aim at complete resection through various approaches after careful measures are taken to prevent haemorrhage
ディスジャーミノーマの術後経過観察において、腫瘍マーカーや内診による身体診察が推奨される一方、CT検査での全身検索については一定の見解が得られていない。今回、ディスジャーミノーマIA期術後に、CTが診断契機となったディスジャーミノーマIA期の傍大動脈リンパ節への単独再発症例を経験したので報告する。 症例は17歳、未妊。下腹部痛を主訴に来院した。MRIで臍高に達する右卵巣の充実性腫瘍を認めた。血液検査にてLDH、ALP、CA125、β-human chorionic gonadotropin(β-hCG)は高値を示したが、α-fetoprotein(AFP)は正常値であった。ディスジャーミノーマを疑い、右付属器切除および大網切除を施行した。術前のCTおよび腹腔内検索でリンパ節腫大や播種性病変を認めなかったため、リンパ節生検は省略した。術後病理でディスジャーミノーマIA期と診断され、術後化学療法は行わず、1ヵ月間隔で経過観察した。術後いずれの腫瘍マーカーも陰性化し、身体診察でも異常を認めず経過したが、術後6ヵ月で虫垂炎を発症。その際に撮影されたCTで、偶発的に傍大動脈リンパ節腫大を認めた。腹腔鏡下傍大動脈リンパ節摘出および虫垂切除術を施行し、ディスジャーミノーマの傍大動脈リンパ節への遠隔再発と診断された。術後BEP療法を3コース行い、現在再発なく経過している。 リンパ節郭清および術後補助化学療法が省略されたディスジャーミノーマIA期は再発のリスクが高いことを認識し、CT検査を含む厳重な経過観察が必要であることが示唆された。(著者抄録
MRI Texture Analysis of Background Parenchymal Enhancement of the Breast
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine texture parameters reflecting the background parenchymal enhancement (BPE) of the breast, which were acquired using texture analysis (TA). Methods. We investigated 52 breasts of the 26 subjects who underwent dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. One experienced reader scored BPE visually (i.e., minimal, mild, moderate, and marked). TA, including 12 texture parameters, was performed to distinguish the BPE scores quantitatively. Relationships between the visual BPE scores and texture parameters were evaluated using analysis of variance and receiver operating characteristic analysis. Results. The variance and skewness of signal intensity were useful for differentiating between moderate and mild or minimal BPE or between mild and minimal BPE, respectively, with the cutoff value of 356.7 for variance and that of 0.21 for skewness. Some TA features could be useful for defining breast lesions from the BPE. Conclusion. TA may be useful for quantifying the BPE of the breast
Relationship between Extension or Texture Features of Late Gadolinium Enhancement and Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Purpose. To evaluate the relationship between extension or texture features of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) and ventricular tachyarrhythmias in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Materials and Methods. Twenty-three patients with HCM were enrolled in this IRB-approved study. The extension of LGE was determined based on the American Heart Association segments model. Texture analysis was performed for 43 myocardial LGE using an open-access software (MaZda, Technical University of Lodz, Institute of Electronics, Poland). The relationship between the extension or texture features of LGE and ventricular tachyarrhythmias was evaluated using unpaired test and receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. Results. Six of 23 patients had a history of ventricular tachyarrhythmias, and 16 patients had LGE. All of the 6 patients with the arrhythmias had more than 4 LGE segments and more LGE segments than those without (p < 0.01). Among 4 texture features, entropy LL was the only discriminator between the 2 patient groups (p < 0.01; threshold, 19624; area under the curve [AUC], 0.72). An ROC analysis gave the number of segments showing LGE a better result (AUC, 0.96) for identification of HCM patients with ventricular tachyarrhythmias than the entropy LL of LGE. Conclusion. Patients with HCM and a history of ventricular tachyarrhythmias had a wider extension of LGE, and their entropy LL of LGE was significantly lower than those without. The extension of LGE and texture analysis may provide information about LGE related to ventricular tachyarrhythmias in HCM
Current Position of the Molecular Therapeutic Targets for Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma: A Literature Review
Ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC) shows low sensitivity to conventional chemotherapy and has a poor prognosis, especially in advanced stages. Therefore, the development of innovative therapeutic strategies and precision medicine for the treatment of OCCC are important. Recently, several new molecular targets have been identified for OCCC, which can be broadly divided into four categories: (a) downstream pathways of receptor tyrosine kinases, (b) anti-oxidative stress molecules, (c) AT-rich interactive domain 1A-related chromatin remodeling errors, and (d) anti-programmed death ligand 1/programmed cell death 1 agents. Several inhibitors have been discovered for these targets, and the suppression of OCCC cells has been demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo. However, no single inhibitor has shown a sufficient effectiveness in clinical pilot studies. This review outlines recent progress regarding the molecular biological characteristics of OCCC to identify future directions for the development of precision medicine and combinatorial therapies to treat OCCC