1,612 research outputs found
Dilute monopole gas, magnetic screening and k-tensions in hot gluodynamics
An adjoint multiplet of screened monopoles forming a dilute gas fits very
well lattice data at high . There are now seven ratios for k-strings
available, checking within a few percent with the prediction . The
diluteness turns out to be a small parameter for SU(N) gluodynamics, to a good
approximation () independent of the value of , and also
independent of . This suggests a dilute Bose-Einstein gas, with a BE
transition at the deconfinement temperature .Comment: 13 pages, talk given at Workshop on Continuous Advances in QCD 2004,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 13-16 May 200
The Statute of Limitations for Profession Malpractice in Alaska after Lee Houston & Associates, Ltd. v. Racine
Magnetic monopoles in hot QCD
In this talk we review how a dilute gas of magnetic monopoles in the adjoint
describes the spatial k-Wilson loops. We formulate an effective theory from
by integrating out dof's down to scales in between the magnetic
screening mass and the string tension and relate the 3d pressure and the string
tension. Lattice data are consistent with the gas being dilute for all
temperatures.Comment: 7 pages, two figures, talk given at Continuous Advances in QCD,
Minneapolis, May 200
Spatial 't Hooft loop to cubic order in hot QCD
Spatial 't Hooft loops of strength k measure the qualitative change in the
behaviour of electric colour flux in confined and deconfined phase of SU (N)
gauge theory. They show an area law in the deconfined phase, known analytica
lly to two loop order with a ``k-scaling'' law k(N-k). In this paper we comput
e the O(g^3) correction to the tension. It is due to neutral gluon fields that
get their mass through interaction with the wall. The simple k-scaling is lost
in cubic order. The generic problem of non-convexity shows up in this order an
d the cure is provided. The result for large N is explicitely given. We show
tha t nonperturbative effects appear at O(g^5).Comment: 22 pages. Apart from a discussion on the renormalization effect of
the Polyakov loop to cubic order only cosmetic changes with respect to the
earlier hep-ph/021229
Effective potential analysis for 5D SU(2) gauge theories at finite temperature and radius
We calculate the one loop effective potential for a 5D SU(2) gauge field
theory at finite temperature and radius R=1/M. This calculation is
performed, for the first time, in the case of background fields with two
constant components (directed towards the compact extra dimension
with radius R) and (directed towards the compact Euclidean time
with radius ). This model possesses two discrete symmetries known as
Z_{M}(2) and Z_{T}(2). The corresponding phase diagram is presented in Ref. 4.
However the arguments which lead to this diagram are mainly qualitative. We
present a detailed analysis, from our point of view, for this phase diagram,
and we support our arguments performing lattice simulations for a simple
phenomenological model with two scalar fields interacting through the
previously calculated potential.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures ; typos correcte
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