9,281 research outputs found
Polarized parton distributions in perturbative QCD
We review the main results of next-to-leading order QCD analyses of polarized
deep-inelastic scattering data, with special attention to the assessment of
theoretical uncertainties.Comment: 4 pages Latex, 1 ps figure. Talk given at NUCLEON '99,
Frascati(Italy), June 7-9 199
Are Parton Distributions Positive?
We show that the naive positivity conditions on polarized parton
distributions which follow from their probabilistic interpretation in the naive
parton model are reproduced in perturbative QCD at the leading log level if the
quark and gluon distribution are defined in terms of physical processes. We
show how these conditions are modified at the next-to-leading level, and
discuss their phenomenological implications, in particular in view of the
determination of the polarized gluon distributionComment: 5 pages, 4 figures, latex with espcrc2 and epsfi
Cancellation of power enhancements in non-spectator decays
Exclusive non-spectator decay rates of beauty hadrons contain power
enhancements of the form (m_b/m)^2 and m_b/m, where m_b is the b-quark mass and
m is a light quark mass. An implicit argument has been recently given according
to which these singularities cancel in the totally inclusive decay width. We
present in this note a completely explicit computation of the diagrams
containing power enhancements. Our results agree with the previous general
conclusion.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex version 2.0
Solving the Altarelli-Parisi equations with truncated moments
The technique of truncated moments of parton distributions allows us to study
scaling violations without making any assumption on the shape of parton
distributions. The numerical implementation of the method is however difficult,
since the evolution equations for truncated moments are not diagonal. We
present a simple way to improve the efficiency of the numerical solution of the
evolution equations for truncated moments. As a result, the number of truncated
moments needed to achieve the required precision in the evolution is
significantly smaller than in the original formulation of the technique. The
method presented here can also be used to obtain the value of parton
distributions in terms of truncated moments, and therefore it can be viewed as
a technique for the solution of the Altarelli-Parisi equations.Comment: 10 pages Late
All Order Running Coupling BFKL Evolution from GLAP (and vice-versa)
We present a systematic formalism for the derivation of the kernel of the
BFKL equation from that of the GLAP equation and conversely to any given order,
with full inclusion of the running of the coupling. The running coupling is
treated as an operator, reducing the inclusion of running coupling effects and
their factorization to a purely algebraic problem. We show how the GLAP
anomalous dimensions which resum large logs of x can be derived from the
running-coupling BFKL kernel order by order, thereby obtaining a constructive
all-order proof of small x factorization. We check this result by explicitly
calculating the running coupling contributions to GLAP anomalous dimensions up
to next-to-next-to leading order. We finally derive an explicit expression for
BFKL kernels which resum large logs of Q^2 up to next-to-leading order from the
corresponding GLAP kernels, thus making possible a consistent collinear
improvement of the BFKL equation up to the same order
Neutrino Masses and Grand Unification
We discuss some models of neutrino masses and mixings in the context of
fermion masses in Grand Unified Theories.Comment: Talk, 6th Int. Workshop on TAUP99, 6-10 September 1999, Paris,Franc
On the Q^2 Dependence of Measured Polarized Structure Funtions
We analyse the available data on the polarized asymmetries for proton,
neutron and deuteron targets. We use a homogeneous and updated set of
unpolarized structure functions to derive from , and we accurately
correct for the scaling violations in order to obtain with the
same for all values. The contribution to the evolution of a
possible large gluon polarized density is also considered. The implications for
the Ellis-Jaffe and for the Bjorken sum rules are discussed.Comment: 11 pages (LaTex) + 4 figures (topdrawer, included at the end) CERN-TH
The Standard Model of Particle Physics
A concise introduction to the Standard Model of fundamental particle
interactions is presented.Comment: To appear in the ''Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics", Elsevie
We analyze LEP and SLC data from the 1995 Winter Conferences for signals of
new physics. We compare the data with the Standard Model (SM) as well as a
number of test hypotheses concerning the nature of new physics: (i) nonstandard
Zbb couplings, (ii) nonstandard Zff couplings for the entire third generation,
(iii) nonstandard oblique corrections, (iv) nonstandard lepton couplings, (v)
general nonstandard W and Z couplings to all fermions, as well as combinations
of the above. In most of our analyses, we leave the SM variables and
as free parameters to see how the various types of new physics can affect
their inferred values. We find that the best fit () is
obtained for the nonstandard Zbb couplings, which also give a `low' value
(0.112) for . The SM also gives a good description of the Z data,
having . If is held fixed to the low-energy
value 0.112, then we find that a combination of the nonstandard Zbb couplings
is fit to lie more than four standard deviations away from zero.Comment: Plain TeX, 9 pages, one figure (uuencoded), and 8 table
The Pion Structure Function in a Constituent Model
Using the recent relatively precise experimental results on the pion
structure function, obtained from Drell--Yan processes, we quantitatively test
an old model where the structure function of any hadron is determined by that
of its constituent quarks. In this model the pion structure function can be
predicted from the known nucleon structure function. We find that the data
support the model, at least as a good first approximation.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure
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