870 research outputs found

    High-speed Underwater Wireless Optical Communication: Potential, Challenges, and Possible Solutions

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    Traditional underwater communication systems rely on acoustic modems due their reliability and long range. However their limited data rates, lead to the exploration of alternative techniques. In this talk, we briefly go over the potential offered by underwater wireless optical communication systems. We then summarize some of the underwater channel challenges going from severe absorption and scattering that need to be surpassed before such kind of systems can be deployed in practice. We finally present some of the on-going research directions in the area of underwater wireless optical communication systems in order to (i) better characterize and model the underwater optical channel and (ii) design, develop, and test experimentally new suitable modulation and coding techniques suitable for this environment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    On the Computation of the Higher Order Statistics of the Channel Capacity over Generalized Fading Channels

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    The higher-order statistics (HOS) of the channel capacity μn=E[logn(1+γend)]\mu_n=\mathbb{E}[\log^n(1+\gamma_{end})], where nNn\in\mathbb{N} denotes the order of the statistics, has received relatively little attention in the literature, due in part to the intractability of its analysis. In this letter, we propose a novel and unified analysis, which is based on the moment generating function (MGF) technique, to exactly compute the HOS of the channel capacity. More precisely, our mathematical formalism can be readily applied to maximal-ratio-combining (MRC) receivers operating in generalized fading environments (i.e., the sum of the correlated noncentral chi-squared distributions / the correlated generalized Rician distributions). The mathematical formalism is illustrated by some numerical examples focussing on the correlated generalized fading environments.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Wireless Communications Letter, February 18, 201

    New Results On the Sum of Two Generalized Gaussian Random Variables

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    We propose in this paper a new method to compute the characteristic function (CF) of generalized Gaussian (GG) random variable in terms of the Fox H function. The CF of the sum of two independent GG random variables is then deduced. Based on this results, the probability density function (PDF) and the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the sum distribution are obtained. These functions are expressed in terms of the bivariate Fox H function. Next, the statistics of the distribution of the sum, such as the moments, the cumulant, and the kurtosis, are analyzed and computed. Due to the complexity of bivariate Fox H function, a solution to reduce such complexity is to approximate the sum of two independent GG random variables by one GG random variable with suitable shape factor. The approximation method depends on the utility of the system so three methods of estimate the shape factor are studied and presented