22,267 research outputs found

    Extending the ADM formalism to Weyl geometry

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    In order to treat quantum cosmology in the framework of Weyl spacetimes we take the first step of extending the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner formalism to Weyl geometry. We then obtain an expression of the curvature tensor in terms of spatial quantities by splitting spacetime in (3+1)-dimensional form. We next write the Lagrangian of the gravitation field based in Weyl-type gravity theory. We extend the general relativistic formalism in such a way that it can be applied to investigate the quantum cosmology of models whose spacetimes are endowed with a Weyl geometrical structure.Comment: 10 page

    Graviton resonances on two-field thick branes

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    This work presents new results about the graviton massive spectrum in two-field thick branes. Analyzing the massive spectra with a relative probability method we have firstly showed the presence of resonance structures and obtained a connection between the thickness of the defect and the lifetimes of such resonances. We obtain another interesting results considering the degenerate Bloch brane solutions. In these thick brane models, we have the emergence of a splitting effect controlled by a degeneracy parameter. When the degeneracy constant tends to a critical value, we have found massive resonances to the gravitational field indicating the existence of modes highly coupled to the brane. We also discussed the influence of the brane splitting effect over the resonance lifetimes.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Gravity localization on hybrid branes

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    This work deals with gravity localization on codimension-1 brane worlds engendered by compacton-like kinks, the so-called hybrid branes. In such scenarios, the thin brane behaviour is manifested when the extra dimension is outside the compact domain, where the energy density is non-trivial, instead of asymptotically as in the usual thick brane models. The zero mode is trapped in the brane, as required. The massive modes, although are not localized in the brane, have important phenomenological implications such as corrections to the Newton's law. We study such corrections in the usual thick domain wall and in the hybrid brane scenarios. By means of suitable numerical methods, we attain the mass spectrum for the graviton and the corresponding wavefunctions. The spectra possess the usual linearly increasing behaviour from the Kaluza-Klein theories. Further, we show that the 4D gravitational force is slightly increased at short distances. The first eigenstate contributes highly for the correction to the Newton's law. The subsequent normalized solutions have diminishing contributions. Moreover, we find out that the phenomenology of the hybrid brane is not different from the usual thick domain wall. The use of numerical techniques for solving the equations of the massive modes is useful for matching possible phenomenological measurements in the gravitational law as a probe to warped extra dimensions.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure
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