30,717 research outputs found
On the propagation of semiclassical Wigner functions
We establish the difference between the propagation of semiclassical Wigner
functions and classical Liouville propagation. First we re-discuss the
semiclassical limit for the propagator of Wigner functions, which on its own
leads to their classical propagation. Then, via stationary phase evaluation of
the full integral evolution equation, using the semiclassical expressions of
Wigner functions, we provide the correct geometrical prescription for their
semiclassical propagation. This is determined by the classical trajectories of
the tips of the chords defined by the initial semiclassical Wigner function and
centered on their arguments, in contrast to the Liouville propagation which is
determined by the classical trajectories of the arguments themselves.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. To appear in J. Phys. A. This version matches the
one set to print and differs from the previous one (07 Nov 2001) by the
addition of two references, a few extra words of explanation and an augmented
figure captio
On a nonlocal degenerate parabolic problem
Conditions for the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for a class of
nonlinear nonlocal degenerate parabolic equations are established. The
asymptotic behaviour of the solutions as time tends to infinity are also
studied. In particular, the finite time extinction and polynomial decay
properties are proved
Uniform approximation for the overlap caustic of a quantum state with its translations
The semiclassical Wigner function for a Bohr-quantized energy eigenstate is
known to have a caustic along the corresponding classical closed phase space
curve in the case of a single degree of freedom. Its Fourier transform, the
semiclassical chord function, also has a caustic along the conjugate curve
defined as the locus of diameters, i.e. the maximal chords of the original
curve. If the latter is convex, so is its conjugate, resulting in a simple fold
caustic. The uniform approximation through this caustic, that is here derived,
describes the transition undergone by the overlap of the state with its
translation, from an oscillatory regime for small chords, to evanescent
overlaps, rising to a maximum near the caustic. The diameter-caustic for the
Wigner function is also treated.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure
Bifurcations in the theory of current transfer to cathodes of dc discharges and observations of transitions between different modes
General scenarios of transitions between different spot patterns on
electrodes of dc gas discharges and their relation to bifurcations of
steady-state solutions are analyzed. In the case of cathodes of arc discharges,
it is shown that any transition between different modes of current transfer is
related to a bifurcation of steady-state solutions. In particular, transitions
between diffuse and spot modes on axially symmetric cathodes, frequently
observed in the experiment, represent an indication of the presence of
pitchfork or fold bifurcations of steady-state solutions. Experimental
observations of transitions on cathodes of dc glow microdischarges are analyzed
and those potentially related to bifurcations of steady-state solutions are
identified. The relevant bifurcations are investigated numerically and the
computed patterns are found to conform to those observed in the course of the
corresponding transitions in the experiment
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