2,624 research outputs found
Cop in New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago: Assessing the Adherence to the President\u27s Task Force On 21st Century Policing
The development and validation of a test of industrial technological literacy
This study was designed to investigate the construct of industrial technological literacy. Technology and technological literacy were thoroughly defined. A theoretical model of technological literacy was developed;An instrument to measure the more narrow term of industrial technological knowledge was developed. The psychometric properties of the instrument were found to be comparable to the Iowa Test of Educational Development tests;Responses to items on the instrument and demographic data collected were used to investigate the existence of industrial technological literacy, the validity of the instrument, and possible correlates of the attribute. It was concluded that industrial technological literacy does exit and can be measured reliably. Among others, knowledge of science and the amount of industrial/technical courses taken were found to be related to score on the instrument
Sonic boom simulation by means of low-pressure sources
Sonic boom simulation by low pressure source
Interprofessional Collaboration with Occupational Therapy Assistant and Physical Therapist Assistant Students Through a Simulated Academic Setting
Background: There is a direct emphasis on interprofessional learning and interprofessional education (IPE) at the accreditation and national level (IPE, 2016). There are, however, no studies on the effectiveness in the delivery of interprofessional collaboration in the academic setting, specific to occupational therapy assistant students. Therefore, the following research has been developed to address this area of need in occupational therapy assistant education.
Methods: This research was conducted in the academic setting, through a simulated lab-based case with occupational therapy assistant and physical therapist assistant students as the participants. The perceived confidence and communication were measured through a pre and post survey using the Interdisciplinary Education Perception Scale (IEPS). Qualitative data was collected 10 months after the IP event in the form of a focus group.
Results: Twenty-three students participated in the interprofessional event. The quantitative results while using a paired samples t-test indicated that IEPS pre-test mean scores (M = 90.08) were significantly different than the IEPS post-test mean scores (M = 97.95), (t [23] = 5.57, p \u3c .001). The qualitative finding results resulted in the following themes: collaboration, building confidence and effective communication skills, during the IPE event, and student reflection of IPE.
Conclusions: Many health program accreditation bodies include IPE within their educational standards. The results of this one-day interprofessional event demonstrated that the participants showed an improvement in their perceptions of affective domain components within an interdisciplinary education program. The results were IEPS and all four subscales within the IEPS were statistically significant indicating that student learning occurred in all domains. Occupational therapy assistant faculty need to continue to seek creative avenues to support and incorporate IPE in the academic setting to better prepare OT practitioners to work collaboratively in the workplace and with the clients they serve
Development of an MMPI scale to predict therapeutic response to lithium carbonate
Common medications utilized in the treatment of psychosis include lithium carbonate and the major tranquilizers. The efficacy of lithium is well established in the treatment of manic-depressive patients exhibiting symptoms of mania. The major tranquilizers treat a broader range of psychotic disorders including schizophrenia.
In the treatment of manic-depressive illness, lithium produces normalization of affect with few side effects. However, since the interval between therapeutic and toxic dosages is narrow, lithium treatment must be closely monitored to avoid severe physical problems and even death. When a schizophrenic is incorrectly diagnosed as manic-depressive, and is treated with lithium, the patient does not benefit from treatment; this also constitutes an inappropriate risk for lithium toxicity. Conversely, when a manic-depressive is incorrectly diagnosed as schizophrenic and treated with major tranquilizers, the patient benefits only from the sedative effects of these drugs while risking the often debilitating side effects associated with them.
Due to the similarity of their associated symptoms, the diagnostic discrimination of mania and schizophrenia is often difficult. This presents a problem, as diagnoses play an important role in the determination of the treatment of functional psychosis. The difficulty in achieving satisfactory levels of accuracy in diagnosis and subsequent choices of treatment for these two conditions may be due to the subjective nature of behavioral observations and clinical judgments in diagnostic interviews. The hazards of clinical judgment can be reduced through the application of appropriate objective tests.
This research developed a scale from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) item pool which is associated with therapeutic response to lithium carbonate
The relationship of learner entry characteristics and reading and writing skills to program exit outcome
An approach to enhancing the success of nursing students is found in understanding the learning process and in the academic and sociologic variables placing students at risk for failure and attrition. Utilizing Bloom\u27s Mastery Model, nurse educators may reduce failure and attrition by enhancing alterable variables. This Ex Post Facto investigation utilized Bloom\u27s learning theory to examine a causal relationship of learner entry characteristics, learner reading and writing skills and the impact on program exit grade point average. The study sample was comprised of 143 nursing students entering an upper division urban multicultural baccalaureate nursing program. Data were collected by use of a demographic questionnaire, assessment of reading and writing skills of junior students in the nursing program, and obtainment of the program exit grade point average. A recursive path analysis was utilized for data analysis.
Findings revealed older male students who transferred to the program from a university with high entry grade point averages excelled in reading assessment scores. University transfer students with a high entry grade point average excelled in writing also. Students for who French, specifically Creole, was a first language had lower writing scores and program exit grade point averages. Spanish as a first language was also associated with lower exit grade point averages. Higher reading and writing scores and entry grade point averages were associated with higher program exit grade point averages. Finally entry grade point average and university transfer were the only entry characteristics mediated by both reading and writing scores
Impacting Occupational Therapy Assistant Student Knowledge about Occupation and Occupation-Based Practice
It is important for occupational therapy assistant (OTA) programs to teach about occupation and occupation-based practice (OBP). Few have published on this topic in relation to OTA education. This study focuses on determining if an educational module covering occupation and OBP would increase student knowledge of occupation and occupation-based practice. In this mixed-methods parallel convergent study, OTA students were immersed in an author-designed educational module to increase their knowledge of occupation, OBP, and the selection of occupation-based interventions. The students engaged in pretesting activities, prior to the module, consisting of short-answer essay and intervention selection tasks. At the conclusion of the module, the students completed posttest activities. The study results demonstrated significant learning in the areas of occupation, OBP, and the selection of occupation-based interventions. Quantitative analysis indicated a statistically significant increase in student learning, and qualitative analysis revealed increased levels of performance, when classified according to Bloom’s Taxonomy. This study addresses a gap in the OTA education literature by showing evidence that use of the learning module increased OTA student knowledge of occupation, OBP, and the ability to select occupation-based interventions. This module was an efficient and effective method of meeting accreditation standards related to OTA education
Charge Stripes and Antiferromagnetism in Insulating Nickelates and Superconducting Cuprates
Neutron and X-ray scattering studies have provided strong evidence for
coupled spatial modulations of charge and spin densities in layered nickelates
and cuprates. The accumulated results for La(2-x)Sr(x)NiO(4+d) are consistent
with the strongly-modulated topological-stripe concept. Clues from Nd-doped
La(2-x)Sr(x)CuO(4) suggest similar behavior for the cuprates. The experimental
results are summarized, and features that conflict with an interpretation based
on a Fermi-surface instability are emphasized. A rationalization for the
differences in transport properties between the cuprates and nickelates is
given.Comment: 10pp., uses elsart.sty, 3 eps figures embedded with psfig; for
proceedings of Spectroscopies in Novel Superconductors '97, J. Phys. Chem.
Correction: Dynamic Remodeling of Dendritic Arbors in GABAergic Interneurons of Adult Visual Cortex
Chronic in vivo imaging of fluorescent-labeled neurons in adult mice reveals extension and retraction of dendrites in GABAergic non-pyramidal interneurons of the cerebral cortex
Current Trends and Future Challenges in the Freight Railroad Industry: Balancing Private Industry Interests and the Public Welfare
Deregulation has put the freight railroad industry on a more secure financial footing. In general, the transformation of the rail industry since the Staggers Rail Act of 1980 has been viewed by stakeholders at many levels as verwhelmingly positive. Perhaps most important to note is that deregulation has allowed the rail industry to fully realize the benefits of operating as a private business — cutting costs, boosting productivity, eliminating unprofitable lines, and gaining a higher degree of business autonomy. One consequence of this reduction in physical capacity is that often only one railroad company's lines run on a particular route, resulting in monopolistic pricing practices
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