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Trajectories of women's physical and psychosocial health following obstetric fistula repair in Uganda: a longitudinal study.
ObjectivesTo explore trajectories of physical and psychosocial health, and their interrelationship, among women completing fistula repair in Uganda for 1 year post-surgery.MethodsWe recruited a 60-woman longitudinal cohort at surgical hospitalisation from Mulago Hospital in Kampala Uganda (Dec 2014-June 2015) and followed them for 1 year. We collected survey data on physical and psychosocial health at surgery and at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months via mobile phone. Fistula characteristics were abstracted from medical records. All participants provided written informed consent. We present univariate analysis and linear regression results.ResultsAcross post-surgical follow-up, most women reported improvements in physical and psychosocial health, largely within the first 6 months. By 12 months, urinary incontinence had declined from 98% to 33% and general weakness from 33% to 17%, while excellent to good general health rose from 0% to 60%. Reintegration, self-esteem and quality of life all increased through 6 months and remained stable thereafter. Reported stigma reduced, yet some negative self-perception remained at 12 months (mean 17.8). Psychosocial health was significantly impacted by the report of physical symptoms; at 12 months, physical symptoms were associated with a 21.9 lower mean reintegration score (95% CI -30.1, -12.4).ConclusionsOur longitudinal cohort experienced dramatic improvements in physical and psychosocial health after surgery. Continuing fistula-related symptoms and the substantial differences in psychosocial health by physical symptoms support additional intervention to support women's recovery or more targeted psychosocial support and reintegration services to ensure that those coping with physical or psychosocial challenges are appropriately supported
Perceived Causes of Obstetric Fistula and Predictors of Treatment Seeking among Ugandan Women: Insights from Qualitative Research
Many obstetric fistula patients remain untreated or present late to treatment despite increasing surgical availability in Uganda. We explored womenâs perceptions of the cause of their obstetric fistula and their treatment seeking behaviours, including barriers and facilitators to timely care access. In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were conducted from JuneâAugust 2014 among 33 women treated for obstetric fistula at Mulago Hospital, Kampala. Data were analysed to describe dimensions and commonalities of themes identified under perceived causes and treatment seeking experiences, and their intersection. Perceived obstetric fistula causes included delays in deciding on hospital delivery, lengthy labour, injury caused by the baby, health worker incompetence, and traditional beliefs. Treatment seeking timing varied. Early treatment seeking was facilitated by awareness of treatment availability through referral, the media, community members, and support by partners and children. Barriers to early treatment seeking included inadequate financial and social support, erroneous perceptions about fistula causes and curability, incorrect diagnoses, and delayed or lack of care at health facilities. Our study supports broad educational and awareness activities, facilitation of social and financial support for accessing care, and improving the quality of emergency obstetric care and fistula treatment surgical capacity to reduce womenâs suffering.
Keywords: Obstetric fistula, perceived causes, treatment seeking, maternal morbidity, UgandaDe nombreux patients atteints de fistule obstétricale restent non traités ou se présentent tardivement au traitement malgré une disponibilité chirurgicale croissante en Ouganda. Nous avons exploré la perception qu'ont les femmes de la cause de leur fistule obstétricale et de leurs comportements de recherche de traitement, y compris les obstacles et les facilitateurs pour un accÚs rapide aux soins. Des entretiens approfondis et des discussions de groupe ont été menés de juin à août 2014 auprÚs de 33 femmes traitées pour fistule obstétricale à l'hÎpital de Mulago, Kampala. Les données ont été analysées pour décrire les dimensions et les points communs des thÚmes identifiés sous les causes perçues et les expériences de recherche de traitement, et leur intersection. Les causes perçues de la fistule obstétricale comprenaient des retards dans les décisions d'accouchement à l'hÎpital, un travail prolongé, des blessures causées par le bébé, l'incompétence des agents de santé et les croyances traditionnelles. Le calendrier de recherche du traitement variait. La recherche précoce d'un traitement a été facilitée par la sensibilisation à la disponibilité du traitement grùce à l'aiguillage, aux médias, aux membres de la communauté et au soutien des partenaires et des enfants. Les obstacles à la recherche d'un traitement précoce comprenaient un soutien financier et social inadéquat, des perceptions erronées sur les causes et la curabilité des fistules, des diagnostics incorrects et un retard ou un manque de soins dans les établissements de santé. Notre étude soutient de vastes activités d'éducation et de sensibilisation, la facilitation du soutien social et financier pour l'accÚs aux soins et l'amélioration de la qualité des soins obstétricaux d'urgence et du traitement chirurgical de la fistule pour réduire la souffrance des femmes.
Mots-clés: Fistule obstétricale, causes perçues, recherche de traitement, morbidité maternelle, Ougand
Improvements in the South African HIV care cascade: findings on 90-90-90 targets from successive population-representative surveys in North West Province.
IntroductionTo achieve epidemic control of HIV by 2030, countries aim to meet 90-90-90 targets to increase knowledge of HIV-positive status, initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and viral suppression by 2020. We assessed the progress towards these targets from 2014 to 2016 in South Africa as expanded treatment policies were introduced using population-representative surveys.MethodsData were collected in January to March 2014 and August to November 2016 in Dr. Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District, North West Province. Each multi-stage cluster sample included 46 enumeration areas (EA), a target of 36 dwelling units (DU) per EA, and a single resident aged 18 to 49 per DU. Data collection included behavioural surveys, rapid HIV antibody testing and dried blood spot collection. We used weighted general linear regression to evaluate differences in the HIV care continuum over time.ResultsOverall, 1044 and 971 participants enrolled in 2014 and 2016 respectively with approximately 77% undergoing HIV testing. Despite increases in reported testing, known status among people living with HIV (PLHIV) remained similar at 68.7% (95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 60.9-75.6) in 2014 and 72.8% (95% CI = 63.6-80.4) in 2016. Men were consistently less likely than women to know their status. Among those with known status, PLHIV on ART increased significantly from 80.9% (95% CI = 71.9-87.4) to 91.5% (95% CI = 84.4-95.5). Viral suppression (<5000 copies/mL using DBS) among those on ART increased significantly from 55.0% (95% CI = 39.6-70.4) in 2014 to 81.4% (95% CI = 72.0-90.8) in 2016. Among all PLHIV an estimated 72.0% (95% CI = 63.8-80.1) of women and 45.8% (95% CI = 27.0-64.7) of men achieved viral suppression by 2016.ConclusionsOver a period during which fixed-dose combination was introduced, ART eligibility expanded, and efforts to streamline treatment were implemented, major improvements in the second and third 90-90-90 targets were achieved. Achieving the first 90 target will require targeted and improved testing models for men
â...Our support is not enoughâ: a qualitative analysis of recommendations from informal caregivers of women with female genital fistula in Uganda
Informal caregivers remain critical across the care continuum for complex and stigmatized conditions including female genital fistula, particularly in lower-resource settings burdened by underfunded health systems and workforce shortages. These caregivers often provide significant nonmedical support in both community and facility settings, without pay. Despite their unique insight into the lived experiences of their patients, few studies center the perspectives of informal caregivers. We asked informal caregivers of women seeking surgical treatment of fistula in Kampala Uganda for their ideas about what would improve the recovery and reintegration experiences of their patients. Economic empowerment and community capacity building emerged as primary themes among their responses, and they perceived opportunities for clinical medicine and global health to strengthen strategies for fistula prevention through reintegration. Informal caregivers urged simultaneous investment in women's economic status and community capacity to build fistula-related awareness, knowledge, and skills to improve inclusion of both fistula patients and their informal caregivers
Effect of Ebola virus disease on maternal and child health services in Guinea: a retrospective observational cohort study
Background The 2014 west African epidemic of Ebola virus disease posed a major threat to the health systems of the
countries affected. We sought to quantify the consequences of Ebola virus disease on maternal and child health
services in the highly-affected Forest region of Guinea.
Methods We did a retrospective, observational cohort study of women and children attending public health
facilities for antenatal care, institutional delivery, and immunisation services in six of seven health districts in the
Forest region (Beyla, GuĂ©ckĂ©dou, Kissidougou, Lola, Macenta, and NâZĂ©rĂ©korĂ©). We examined monthly service use
data for eight maternal and child health services indicators: antenatal care (â„1 antenatal care visit and â„3 antenatal
care visits), institutional delivery, and receipt of five infant vaccines: polio, pentavalent (diphtheria, tetanus,
pertussis, hepatitis B virus, and Haemophilus influenzae type b), yellow fever, measles, and tuberculosis. We used
interrupted time series models to estimate trends in each indicator across three time periods: pre-Ebola virus
disease epidemic (January, 2013, to February, 2014), during-epidemic (March, 2014, to February, 2015) and postepidemic
(March, 2015, to Feb, 2016). We used segmented ordinary least-squares (OLS) regression using Newey-
West standard errors to accommodate for serial autocorrelation, and adjusted for any potential effect of birth
seasonality on our outcomes.
Findings In the months before the Ebola virus disease outbreak, all three maternal indicators showed a significantly
positive change in trend, ranging from a monthly average increase of 61 (95% CI 38â84) institutional deliveries to
119 (95% CI 79â158) women achieving at least three antenatal care visits. These increasing trends were reversed
during the epidemic: fewer institutional deliveries occurred (â240, 95% CI â293 to â187), and fewer women achieved
at least one antenatal care visit (â418, 95% CI â535 to â300) or at least three antenatal care visits (â363, 95% CI
â485 to â242) per month (p<0·0001 for all). Compared with the negative trend during the outbreak, the change in
trend during the post-outbreak period showed that 173 more women per month (95% CI 51â294; p=0·0074) had at
least one antenatal care visit, 257 more (95% CI 117â398; p=0·0010) had at least three antenatal care visits and
149 more (95% CI 91â206; p<0·0001) had institutional deliveries. However, although the numbers for these
indicators increased in the post-epidemic period, the trends for all stagnated. Similarly, the increasing trend in
child vaccination completion during the pre-epidemic period was followed by significant immediate and trend
reductions across most vaccine types. Before the outbreak, the number of children younger than 12 months who
had completed each vaccination ranged from 5752 (95% CI 2821â8682) for tuberculosis to 8043 (95% CI 7621â8464)
for yellow fever. Immediately after the outbreak, significant reductions occurred in the level of all vaccinations
except for yellow fever for which the reduction was marginal. The greatest reductions were noted for polio and
tuberculosis at â3594 (95% CI â4811 to â2377; p<0·0001) and â3048 (95% CI â5879 to â216; p=0·0362) fewer
vaccines administered, respectively. Compared with pre-Ebola virus disease outbreak trends, significant decreases
occurred for all vaccines except polio, with the trend of monthly decreases in the number of children vaccinated
ranging from â419 (95% CI â683 to â155; p=0·0034) fewer for BCG to â313 (95% CIâ446 to â179; p<0·0001) fewer
for pentavalent during the outbreak. In the post-Ebola virus disease outbreak period, vaccination coverage for polio,
measles, and yellow fever continued to decrease, whereas the trend in coverage for tuberculosis and pentavalent did
not significantly differ from zero.
Interpretation Most maternal and child health indicators significantly declined during the Ebola virus disease
outbreak in 2014. Despite a reduction in this negative trend in the post-outbreak period, the use of essential maternal
and child health services have not recovered to their pre-outbreak levels, nor are they all on a course that suggests that
they will recover without targeted interventions
Fistula recurrence, pregnancy, and childbirth following successful closure of female genital fistula in Guinea : a longitudinal study
Background: Female genital fistula is a devastating maternal complication of delivery in developing countries. We sought to analyse the incidence and proportion of fistula recurrence, residual urinary incontinence, and pregnancy after successful fistula closure in Guinea, and describe the delivery-associated maternal and child health outcomes.
Methods: We did a longitudinal study in women discharged with a closed fistula from three repair hospitals supported by Engender Health in Guinea. We recruited women retrospectively (via medical record review) and prospectively at hospital discharge. We used Kaplan-Meier methods to analyse the cumulative incidence, incidence proportion, and incidence ratio of fistula recurrence, associated outcomes, and pregnancy after successful fistula closure. The primary outcome was recurrence of fistula following discharge from repair hospital in all eligible women who consented to inclusion and could provide follow-up data.
Findings: 481 women eligible for analysis were identified retrospectively (from Jan 1, 2012, to Dec 31, 2014; 348 women) or prospectively (Jan 1 to June 20, 2015; 133 women), and followed up until June 30, 2016. Median follow-up was 28.0 months (IQR 14.6-36.6). 73 recurrent fistulas occurred, corresponding to a cumulative incidence of 71 per 1000 person-years (95% CI 56.5-89.3) and an incidence proportion of 18.4% (14.8-22.8). In 447 women who were continent at hospital discharge, we recorded 24 cases of post-repair residual urinary incontinence, equivalent to a cumulative incidence of 23.1 per 1000 person-years (14.0-36.2), and corresponding to 10.3% (5.2-19.6). In 305 women at risk of pregnancy, the cumulative incidence of pregnancy was 106.0 per 1000 person-years, corresponding to 28.4% (22.8-35.0) of these women. Of 50 women who had delivered by the time of follow-up, only nine delivered by elective caesarean section. There were 12 stillbirths, seven delivery-related fistula recurrences, and one maternal death.
Interpretation: Recurrence of female genital fistula and adverse pregnancy-related maternal and child health outcomes were frequent in women after fistula repair in Guinea. Interventions are needed to safeguard the health of women after fistula repair
A large scale hearing loss screen reveals an extensive unexplored genetic landscape for auditory dysfunction
The developmental and physiological complexity of the auditory system is likely reflected in the underlying set of genes involved in auditory function. In humans, over 150 non-syndromic loci have been identified, and there are more than 400 human genetic syndromes with a hearing loss component. Over 100 non-syndromic hearing loss genes have been identified in mouse and human, but we remain ignorant of the full extent of the genetic landscape involved in auditory dysfunction. As part of the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium, we undertook a hearing loss screen in a cohort of 3006 mouse knockout strains. In total, we identify 67 candidate hearing loss genes. We detect known hearing loss genes, but the vast majority, 52, of the candidate genes were novel. Our analysis reveals a large and unexplored genetic landscape involved with auditory function
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