142 research outputs found

    Digitalisasi Pembelajaran di Sekolah

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    Education from time to time continues to experience changes, because if there is no change then the quality of education will be questioned while the current demands of the times are increasing. This causes education as one of the pillars that must remain firmly standing in the face of every challenge that exists, dismissing all changes whose direction can make the bad nation's generation forget its existence as a change being. Education must come with different and more challenging concepts, faces, methods, and materials to increase students' thinking stimuli. In addition, education must be able to give joy, not sadness. The combination of media and IT in school learning is a scourge and at the same time an opportunity for educators. Becoming afraid on the part of some educators because of their weak mastery of IT so they seem to be strangers in the learning process. But it becomes an opportunity for people or educators who can integrate with IT. The presence of the system provides a new spirit in dealing with the new normal situation so that there are no more students who cannot study well because learning must continue with various consequences. Research focuses on digitizing learning and teaching materials so that students can more easily access the material. This research is an ADDIE Research and Development model which produces a prototype of a learning website that can and is easily accessed by teachers and students. When all stages in making this website are completed, the researcher will fully hand it over to the school to be managed and even developed. This research produces 5 F learning, Creative, Innovative, Solution, Interactive and productive which makes students and teachers feel happy and easy in carrying out the learning process and developing teaching materials

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Perpustakaan Terhadap Minat Baca Siswa Di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini berguna untuk menguji Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Perpustakaan Terhadap Minat Baca Siswa di SD Negeri 52 Buton. Penelitian ini dianggap penting karena melihat adanya kesenjangan yang terjadi antara peran perpustakaan dalam lembaga pendidikan terhadap membangun minat baca siswa khususnya di sekolah dasar. Manfaat penelitian ini bagi sekolah adalah memberikan informasi sebagai bahan kebijakan kepada kepala sekolah yang berkaitan dengan kualitas pelayanan perpustakaan, Bagi pustakawan, dapat memberi masukkan tentang kualitas pelayanan perpustakaan yang baik, sehingga pustakawan dapat memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada siswa maupun guru. Penelitian ini bersifat ex post facto yang dilakukan pada siswa kelas tinggi SDN 52 Buton dengan menggunakan teknik proporsional random sampling dengan ukuran sampel 100 orang siswa. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial parametrik yang ditindaklanjuti dengan melakukan uji F dengan taraf signifikansi () sebesar 0,05. Hasil penelitian dengan pengujian regresi linear sederhana menunjukan terdapat pengaruh yang negatif perihal kualitas pelayanan perpustakaan terhadap minat baca siswa di SDN 52 Buton Kecamatan Siotapin


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    The present study contributes to enlist the wealth of ethnobotanical important plants of Jandool valley, Dir lower, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. A total of 67 plants species, belonging to 39 families of herbs (57 %), shrubs (6 %), trees (34 %) and mushrooms (3 %) were found to be used by the local inhabitants generally for medicinal, timber wood, fuel, food and fodder purposes. Majority of the plants identified were used for more than one purpose. The human and cattle pressure has resulted in loss of the indigenous ethnobotanical important plant species. Therefore reforestation followed by proper protection is a need of time

    Unraveling Cults in West Java: A Socio-Legal Analysis of Teachings, Spread, and Human Rights Implications

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    This article investigates the phenomenon of cults in West Java, a province with the highest number of cult cases in Indonesia. Based on data from the Indonesian Ulema Council of West Java, the province hosts 144 cults. This study focuses on seven regencies: Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency, Garut Regency, Tasikmalaya Regency, Ciamis Regency, Cirebon Regency, and Cimahi City, examining the distinct socio-demographic characteristics of these regions regarding teachings, spreading patterns, and the vulnerabilities that lead individuals to join cults. The research explores the legal responses and human rights challenges in managing and mitigating the influence of these cults, particularly in rural, economically disadvantaged, and low-education areas. The article argues that cults often thrive in these communities due to the promise of peace and solutions to life's challenges, raising significant concerns regarding the protection of vulnerable populations and the enforcement of legal and human rights standards

    Fiscal Decentralization in Pakistan: 7th NFC Award as Case Study

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    The globalization and its associated challenges have transformed the concept of decentralization from mere business of local government to a broader concept of Governance. By transferring payments to lower tiers of government, the central government actually tries to involve all federating units in economic development of the country. After independence, the Government of Pakistan adopted the colonial fiscal structure for payments and grants between the Centre and provinces but this mechanism could not be put into practice due to undemocratic political culture. The resource distribution formulas were often condemned by the smaller provinces being unjust. After enactment of 18th amendment to the 1973 Constitution, provinces were given more financial and administrative autonomy through 7th NFC Award based on the criterion of population, backwardness and inverse population density (IPD). This study finds that the constitutional reforms and 7th NFC award has strengthen the perception about provincial autonomy but due to capacity issues, benefits of fiscal decentralization could not be achieved in Pakistan. Keywords: Fiscal Federalism and Decentralization, Provincial Autonomy, NFC Award, Pakistan

    Current Foreign Chinese Politics and its Resilience in the Globalized World

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    The efficacy of a state’s political system, irrespective of its type (democratic or non-democratic, liberal or centralized, presidential or parliamentary and representing common citizens or demonstrating only elite aristocrats etc.), depends upon the basic principle how much responsiveness it shows in serving the interest of the common people. This paper is an attempt to evaluate the resilience of the Chinese Model. The framework for the analysis is the governance, legitimacy and public participation in policy making process. The assessment of the Chinese politics reveals that the Communist Party of China (CPC) is dominating the overall governance. It has been making efforts to endorse rule of law, human rights, free trade, transparency and establishment of lasting relations across the world. The ruling party has created a sense of harmony and uniformity in the functioning of various branches of the government such as the legislature, the executive and the judiciary. The success of Chinese model with such an extreme domination of single party over a period of time denote that the Chinese society has been legitimizing the traditional position of CPC through elections at national as well as provincial levels.  It can easily be concluded that the resilience of the Chinese Model is reliant on the performance of the dominant Communist Party. Keywords: Political System, Communist Party of China, Global Politics, Western Liberal Democracy, Asia-Pacific

    Vehicle Operation Cost and Load Factor of Inter-City Micro-Bus Transit in Mamminasata Metropolitan Area

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    The objective of this paper is to describe the current vehicle operation cost (VOC) and load factor (LF) performance of the micro-bus transit (namely, Pete-pete) which has been operating as an inter-city public transport in Mamminasata Metropolitan Area (MMA) in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The study focuses on the three origin-destination trips of the public transport in the area, i.e. Makassar-Maros route, Makassar-Sungguminasa route, and Makassar-Takalar route. The VOC survey for the transits uses interview method, while its analysis adopts Indonesia Ministry of Transportation. Meanwhile, the LF measurement is conducted by distance zone system as long as the transit???s route. The analysis results show that the three routes have similar VOC categorized as highly cost. As well as, the three routes have low LF performance. The study results are useful in development of the public transportation management such as mode and route choice models in MMA for further studies
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