33,825 research outputs found
Multiquark Hadrons - A New Facet of QCD
I review some selected aspects of the phenomenology of multiquark states
discovered in high energy experiments. They have four valence quarks (called
tetraquarks) and two of them are found to have five valence quarks (called
pentaquarks), extending the conventional hadron spectrum which consists of
quark-antiquark mesons and baryons. Multiquark states
represent a new facet of QCD and their dynamics is both challenging and
currently poorly understood. I discuss various approaches put forward to
accommodate them, with emphasis on the diquark model.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, to be published in the proceedings of
the 14th. Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, Nov. 9-14, 2015,
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakista
CKM Phenomenology and B-Meson Physics - Present Status and Current Issues
We review the status of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix elements
and the CP-violating phases in the CKM-unitarity triangle. The emphasis in
these lecture notes is on -meson physics, though we also review the current
status and issues in the light quark sector of this matrix. Selected
applications of theoretical methods in QCD used in the interpretation of data
are given and some of the issues restricting theoretical precision on the CKM
matrix elements discussed. The overall consistency of the CKM theory with the
available data in flavour physics is impressive and we quantify this
consistency. Current data also show some anomalies which, however, are not yet
statistically significant. They are discussed briefly. Some benchmark
measurements that remain to be done in experiments at the -factories and
hadron colliders are listed. Together with the already achieved results, they
will provide unprecedented tests of the CKM theory and by the same token may
lead to the discovery of new physics.Comment: 66 pages, 13 figures, uses pr-imfp03-new.cls (enclosed); Lectures
given at the International Meeting on Fundamental Physics, Soto de Cangas
(Asturias), Spain, February 23 - 28, 2003 (to appear in the proceedings.
Emergence of Cosmic Space and Minimal Length in Quantum Gravity
An emergence of cosmic space has been suggested by Padmanabhan in
[arXiv:1206.4916]. This new interesting approach argues that the expansion of
the universe is due to the difference between the number of degrees of freedom
on a holographic surface and the one in the emerged bulk. In this paper, we
derive, using emergence of cosmic space framework, the general dynamical
equation of FRW universe filled with a perfect fluid by considering a generic
form of the entropy as a function of area. Our derivation is considered as a
generalization of emergence of cosmic space with a general form of entropy. We
apply our equation with higher dimensional spacetime and derive modified
Friedmann equation in Gauss-Bonnet gravity. We then apply our derived equation
with the corrected entropy-area law that follows from Generalized Uncertainty
Principle (GUP) and derive a modified Friedmann equations due to the GUP. We
then derive the modified Raychaudhuri equation due to GUP in emergence of
cosmic space framework and investigate it using fixed point method. Studying
this modified Raychaudhuri equation leads to non-singular solutions which may
resolve singularities in FRW universe.Comment: 10 pages, revtex4, 1 figure, to match published version in PL
Corporate governance structure and firm performance : empirical evidence from Brusa Malaysia, Kuala Lumper
The issue of corporate governance has been emerging as important phenomena that has been searched extensively both in developed countries due to its strategic impact on the monitoring of management activities and firms’ performance. Yet little attempt has been made in developing countries like Malaysia to ascertain what constitute corporate governance and its impact on firm\u27s performance. Therefore, this study aims at examining the structure of the corporate governance and its impact on firm’s performance. This study is based on 100 firms, which are the component of the Composite Index (CI) serve as market barometer. This study employs cross-sectional annual multiple regression model to examine, what constitutes the corporate governance structure and its impact on performance of the firm. The analysis was based on annual regression over 5 years period from 1997 through 2001. Three different blend of surrogate for corporate governance were developed for good corporate governance structure. These are the independent non-executive (outside) directors, audit committee and remuneration committee. To isolate the size effect from the impact of corporate governance structure on firm’s performance, firm’s size was also included are variable in the model. The ratio of net income before tax to total asset is used as a surrogate for firm’s performance. Evidence from the study indicates that there is partial relation between corporate governance structure and corporate performance. The presence of both audit and remuneration committee serves as an important monitoring device to control management activities that lead to increase firm\u27s performance. While on average, the presence of independent nonexecutive directors does not provide any significant explanation for the firm\u27s performance. However, the firm size appears to have significant impact on corporate performance.<br /
Hair histology as a tool for forensic identification of some domestic animal species
Animal hair examination at a criminal scene may provide valuable information
in forensic investigations. However, local reference databases for animal hair
identification are rare. In the present study, we provide differential
histological analysis of hair of some domestic animals in Upper Egypt. For this
purpose, guard hair of large ruminants (buffalo, camel and cow), small
ruminants (sheep and goat), equine (horse and donkey) and canine (dog and cat)
were collected and comparative analysis was performed by light microscopy.
Based on the hair cuticle scale pattern, type and diameter of the medulla, and
the pigmentation, characteristic differential features of each animal species
were identified. The cuticle scale pattern was imbricate in all tested animals
except in donkey, in which coronal scales were identified. The cuticle scale
margin type, shape and the distance in between were characteristic for each
animal species. The hair medulla was continuous in most of the tested animal
species with the exception of sheep, in which fragmental medulla was detected.
The diameter of the hair medulla and the margins differ according to the animal
species. Hair shaft pigmentation were not detected in all tested animals with
the exception of camel and buffalo, in which granules and streak-like
pigmentation were detected. In conclusion, the present study provides a
first-step towards preparation of a complete local reference database for
animal hair identification that can be used in forensic investigations.Comment: 8 pages, 3 Figure
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