96 research outputs found

    A Circuit Model to an Encoche Coplanar Antenna for a Radio Frequency Identification TAG

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    In this paper, Miniature Encoche Coplanar antennas are proposed. Tovalidate our structure and to develop an analytic method to determine thegeometry parameters, the Lumped theory is used. The proposed structure issimulated using ADS and then Compared to the electrical Model. Theproposed circuit has the same resonant aspect when comparing to theEncoche antenna with a much reduced simulation time. The compactcoplanar antenna has a box with a size of 36*52*0.2 mm3. This antenna willbe designed to an RFID TAG that resonates on 2.45 GHz.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i3.257

    A Novel Small Sierpenski Antennas

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    In This paper, new small antenna is described and it is designed to be used in RFID applications at microwave frequencies. This structure represents a new version of sierpenski antenna. The reduction of size by more than 75% gives this patch a great inters.  Two equivalent resonant models are presented based on a model of triangular and sierpenski patch antennas.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i4.258

    A Circuit Model to a Directive Triangular EBG Antenna

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    In This paper, we propose a directive triangular EBG antenna. This approach is derived from using an EBG surface near to a triangular patch with two grilles. The antenna frequency chosen is the 2.45GHz. The directive antenna is simulated by using HFSS and Electrical model. This proposed antenna presents a very high directivity

    A Modified Fractal Bow Tie Antenna for an RFID Reader

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    In this paper, fractal Bowtie antennas are proposed. To validate our structure and to develop an analytic method to determine the geometry parameters, the Lumped theory is used. The proposed structure is simulated using CST Microwave Studio and then Compared to the electrical Model. The proposed circuit has the same resonant aspect when comparing to the Bowtie antenna with a much reduced simulation time. The Bowtie antenna has a box with a size of   44 *80 *1.5 mm3. This antenna will be designed to an RFID Reader that resonates on 2.45 GHz.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i3.565

    An electrical model to design a Metamaterial Left Hand Antenna

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    This paper proposes a novel approach to study the Left hand antenna using an adequate electrical model. The structure is composed by a periodic Split Ring Resonator and a metallic wires, that’s why the proposed model take into consideration the model of each element and the coupling between the element. Due to the complexity of the structure, the model becomes very important because it’s simple, accurate and a very fast. Besides, once the model is built, it will be easy to control the structure with any change in the structure, the excitation, the substrate. The proposed antenna was manufactured on a FR-4 epoxy. The antenna is designed to RFID application, exactly for an RFID Reader. The antenna presents a significant gain superior to 16dB, and it is designed to simulate at 2.45 GHz

    A Compact SIW Mixer For Millimeter-Wave Applications

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    The present paper highlights an innovative broadband millimeter-wave single balanced diode mixer which is designed using a newly designed 90 substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) coupler and two cavity (SIW) filters. The mixer covers RF/LO operating frequency range which fluctuates between 10 to 12 GHz and IF port covers 2GHz. The proposed mixer exhibits a fairly low conversion loss of less than 10 dB and high port to-port isolations over the frequency band of interest as the simulated results make clear. Furthermore, the two cavities SIW filter is embedded to achieve a better image frequency suppression of about 28dB.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i6.668


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    The limit of the magnetic field produced by the distribution power lines is calculated and measured in an urban area, and consideration of risk perception on the environment, recommends several analysis of this field. In this paper, the level of magnetic field is presented for three configurations of the medium-voltage electric lines (30 kV). The proposed computational method is based on the symmetrical configuration of these lines, applied to the three current-carrying conductor’s vectors. This approach leads to a simple formula involving the distance Ri from the conductor to the point of interest P in space. This theoretical and experimental study takes on consideration the real situations and was done at a 50 m as maximum distance from the tower at the height of 1m , 5m and 9m respectively from the ground. The measured and simulated results of magnetic field were assessed to verify the recommended limits and the possible hazard from exposure of the magnetic field configurations on the environment

    Study and Design of Reconfigurable Wireless and Radio- Frequency Components Based on RF MEMS for Low-Power Applications

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    This chapter intends to deal with the challenging field of communication systems known as reconfigurable radio-frequency systems. Mainly, it will present and analyze the design of different reconfigurable components based on radio-frequency microelectromechanical systems (RF MEMS) for different applications. This chapter will start with the description of the attractive properties that RF MEMS structures offer, giving flexibility in the RF systems design, and how these properties may be used for the design of reconfigurable RF MEMS-based devices. Then, the chapter will discuss the design, modeling, and simulation of reconfigurable components based on both theoretical modeling and well-known electromagnetic computing tools such as ADS, CST-MWS, and HFSS to evaluate the performance of such devices. Finally, the chapter will deal with the design and performance assessment of RF MEMS-based devices. Non-radiating devices, such as phase shifter and resonators, which are very important components in the hardware RF boards, will be addressed. Also, three types of frequency reconfigurable antennas, for the three different applications (radar, satellite, and wireless communication), will be proposed and evaluated. From this study, based on theoretical design and electromagnetic computing evaluation, it has been shown that RF MEMS-based devices can be an enabling solution in the design of the multiband reconfigurable radio-frequency devices

    The Design of a 360°-Switched-Beam-Base Station Antenna

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    The concept of switched-beam antenna (SBA) systems covering an area of 360° for wireless base station applications is presented. First, a reconfigurable pattern antenna (RPA), which is composed of an omnidirectional slot-antenna array surrounded by an active cylindrical frequency selective surface (FSS), is studied. The behavior of FSS is controlled by PIN diodes which are able to divide the Azimuth plane into six sectors from one common source. Unfortunately for a sector antenna, a huge number of diodes are required which complicates the structure in terms of efficiency and complexity. However, a simple and an efficient SBA configuration based on a hexagonal Fabry-Pérot cavity leaky wave antenna (FPC LWA) arrays is proposed as a solution for RPA problems. A sector-directive beam is generated from a simple patch antenna embedded inside a resonant Fabry-Pérot cavity with specific dimensions which have an influence on beamwidth and radiation efficiency. To increase more sectorization level and channel’s capacity, the proposed sector in FPC LWA arrays can be divided into three subsectors by using an active high-impedance surface (HIS). As a conclusion, SBA based on FPC LWA is the most suitable solution for future wireless communications

    Impact of crosstalk into high resistivity silicon substrate on the RF performance of SOI MOSFET

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    Crosstalk propagation through silicon substrate is a serious limiting factor on the performance of the RF devices and circuits. In this work, substrate crosstalk into high resistivity silicon substrate is experimentally analyzed and the impact on the RF behavior of silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MOS transistors is discussed. The injection of a 10 V peak-to-peak single tone noise signal at a frequency of 3 MHz ( fnoise) generates two sideband tones of *−56 dBm separated by fnoise from the RF output signal of a partially depleted SOI MOSFET at 1 GHz and 4.1 dBm. The efficiency of the introduction of a trap-rich polysilicon layer located underneath the buried oxide (BOX) of the high resistivity (HR) SOI wafer in the reduction of the sideband noise tones is demonstrated. An equivalent circuit to model and analyze the generation of these sideband noise tones is proposed
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