143 research outputs found

    Remarks on the tensor degree of finite groups

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    The present paper is a note on the tensor degree of finite groups, introduced recently in literature. This numerical invariant generalizes the commutativity degree through the notion of nonabelian tensor square. We show two inequalities, which correlate the tensor and the commutativity degree of finite groups, and, indirectly, structural properties will be discussed.Comment: 5 pages; to appear with revisions in Filoma

    Mechanical and Microstructure Characteristics of Concrete-Mixtures Designed for Durability of RC-Structures in Corrosive Environment

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    As exposures to chloride-salts are known as prime factors causing initiation and continuity of corrosion-process of steel reinforcement bars in reinforced concrete (RC) structures, it has always been a major concern for designers considering the requirements of structural-durability for targeted-service life of RC-structures in aggressively corrosive environments typically prevalent in coastal regions. Research works previously reported by the researchers have modeled corrosion-process in terms of corrosion-current density, and it was realized that concrete-mixtures design quality and characteristics, degree of exposures to corrosive-agents such as chloride salts, and protective-concrete cover-thickness are now known beyond doubt to be determinant factors as regards RC-structures durability. This research paper is focused on presenting highlights of an extensive experimental investigation carried out on a large number of concrete specimens that were designed, and placed in chloride-salt solution simulating exposure to corrosion-conditions. Results presented in this paper include close-looks at mechanical and micro-structure characteristics with regard to the influence of key design-parameters and exposure-conditions used for test-specimens with various combinations of cementitious materials constituents and proportioning using three replicate-combinations of water-cementitious ratios, fine to total aggregate ratio, and concrete-cover thickness, and with different concentrations of chloride-solution. Statistical analysis of results obtained from a three-year test-program is outlined in terms of one unifying corrosion-process progress indicator, namely, corrosion-current density Icorr, determined by both electrochemicalmethod and gravimetric weight-loss method. The paper presents a general overview of the test program and a summary of sample results on mechanical, strength, and microstructural characteristics obtained from test specimens

    21st-Century Digital Skills Required in Workplaces: A Case from Saudi Arabia

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    This descriptive study explores type of digital technologies are used in Saudi workplaces, types and level of digital skills and the impacts of such skills gaps on work performance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). A total of 300 workplaces in the Eastern Province of KSA participated in this study. The results revealed that Saudi workplaces are now using various digital technologies. It also identified a set of 25 digital skills that are highly important for workers. Further, the results indicate that the digital skills gap has a major impact in Saudi workplaces. Consequently, the study suggests a conceptual framework that includes definitions and classifications of digital skills. It recommends using this framework as a guide to improve educational programs and to include digital skills as core competencies in all levels of education. It also recommends improving teaching practices and supporting teachers and trainers to use technologies in daily teaching and learning practices

    Mechanisms of colorectal cancer cell growth and metastasis inhibition by CARP-1 functional mimetic-4

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    Introduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) constitutes one of the most aggressive malignancies worldwide and in Malaysia. Due to high recurrence rate and toxic side effects associated with radiation and chemotherapies, new agents are urgently needed. CARP-1 is a peri-nuclear phospho-protein which plays a dynamic role in regulating cell growth and apoptosis. CARP-1 functional mimetics (CFMs) are a class of compounds that stimulate CARP-1. CFM-4, a lead compound, was shown to suppress growth and metastasis of various cancers, other than CRC. We hypothesized that CFM-4 inhibits proliferation and metastasis in CRC. Material and methods: CFM-4 anti-cancer effects of on CRC cells were investigated using MTT assay, Annexin V/Propidium iodide (PI) apoptosis assay, cell cycle analysis, quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and Western blotting. Antimetastatic activities were assessed by migration, colony formation and invasion assays. Results: CFM-4 inhibited CRC cell proliferation and was much more potent than the classical anti-CRC 5-fluorouracil. These effects were shown to be mediated at least in part by stimulating apoptosis, as indicated in our Annexin V/PI assay results. Cell cycle analysis showed that CFM-4 induced G2/M phase arrest. Molecularly, qRT-PCR results revealed that CFM-4 promoted intrinsic apoptosis by upregulating expression of caspase-8 and -9, p53, PUMA and Noxa, and stimulated extrinsic apoptosis by enhancing expression of death receptors. CFM-4 upregulated NF-B signaling inhibitor A20-binding inhibitor protein and the PI3K negative regulator PTEN. Western blot analysis results revealed that CFM-4 enhanced expression of CARP-1, caspase-8 and executioner caspase-3. Metastatic properties of the CRC cells were reduced by CFM-4 through blocking their capabilities to form colonies, migrate and invade through the matrix-coated membranes. Conclusion: The potent antitumor and anti-metastatic properties of CFM-4 against CRC are due to collective pro-apoptotic, anti-proliferative and anti-metastatic activities. Together our data warrants further investigations of CFM-4 as potential anti-tumor agent for CRC malignancy and metastasis

    Hepatitis delta virus infection prevalence, diagnosis and treatment in the Middle East: A scoping review

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    Hepatitis D virus (HDV) infection is a global public health concern, especially because of its unique existence in the presence of hepatitis B virus infection. HDV infection is estimated to affect 12 million people globally. Having a clearer understanding of its prevalence in all regions of the world is essential for helping direct preventive and early interventional treatment. This mini-review assessed the literature over the last 10 years to determine the prevalence, diagnostic means and treatment guidelines available for HDV in the Middle East. The search found limited data available in 21 articles, of which 18 were studies focused on Iran. Prevalence rates ranged dramatically among the countries, and none of the 12 countries included in the search had specific HDV guidelines. This review highlights the urgent need for more precise data for the Middle East region to help establish early diagnosis and treatment options for HDV

    A Predictive Model for Steady State Ozone Concentration at an Urban-Coastal Site

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    Ground level ozone (O3) plays an important role in controlling the oxidation budget in the boundary layer and thus affects the environment and causes severe health disorders. Ozone gas, being one of the well-known greenhouse gases, although present in small quantities, contributes to global warming. In this study, we present a predictive model for the steady-state ozone concentrations during daytime (13:00–17:00) and nighttime (01:00–05:00) at an urban coastal site. The model is based on a modified approach of the null cycle of O3 and NOx and was evaluated against a one-year data-base of O3 and nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) measured at an urban coastal site in Jeddah, on the west coast of Saudi Arabia. The model for daytime concentrations was found to be linearly dependent on the concentration ratio of NO2 to NO whereas that for the nighttime period was suggested to be inversely proportional to NO2 concentrations. Knowing that reactions involved in tropospheric O3 formation are very complex, this proposed model provides reasonable predictions for the daytime and nighttime concentrations. Since the current description of the model is solely based on the null cycle of O3 and NOx, other precursors could be considered in future development of this model. This study will serve as basis for future studies that might introduce informing strategies to control ground level O3 concentrations, as well as its precursors’ emissions

    A Predictive Model for Steady State Ozone Concentration at an Urban-Coastal Site

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    Ground level ozone (O3) plays an important role in controlling the oxidation budget in the boundary layer and thus affects the environment and causes severe health disorders. Ozone gas, being one of the well-known greenhouse gases, although present in small quantities, contributes to global warming. In this study, we present a predictive model for the steady-state ozone concentrations during daytime (13:00–17:00) and nighttime (01:00–05:00) at an urban coastal site. The model is based on a modified approach of the null cycle of O3 and NOx and was evaluated against a one-year data-base of O3 and nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) measured at an urban coastal site in Jeddah, on the west coast of Saudi Arabia. The model for daytime concentrations was found to be linearly dependent on the concentration ratio of NO2 to NO whereas that for the nighttime period was suggested to be inversely proportional to NO2 concentrations. Knowing that reactions involved in tropospheric O3 formation are very complex, this proposed model provides reasonable predictions for the daytime and nighttime concentrations. Since the current description of the model is solely based on the null cycle of O3 and NOx, other precursors could be considered in future development of this model. This study will serve as basis for future studies that might introduce informing strategies to control ground level O3 concentrations, as well as its precursors’ emissions

    A Predictive Model for Steady State Ozone Concentration at an Urban-Coastal Site

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    Ground level ozone (O-3) plays an important role in controlling the oxidation budget in the boundary layer and thus affects the environment and causes severe health disorders. Ozone gas, being one of the well-known greenhouse gases, although present in small quantities, contributes to global warming. In this study, we present a predictive model for the steady-state ozone concentrations during daytime (13:00-17:00) and nighttime (01:00-05:00) at an urban coastal site. The model is based on a modified approach of the null cycle of O-3 and NOx and was evaluated against a one-year data-base of O-3 and nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) measured at an urban coastal site in Jeddah, on the west coast of Saudi Arabia. The model for daytime concentrations was found to be linearly dependent on the concentration ratio of NO2 to NO whereas that for the nighttime period was suggested to be inversely proportional to NO2 concentrations. Knowing that reactions involved in tropospheric O-3 formation are very complex, this proposed model provides reasonable predictions for the daytime and nighttime concentrations. Since the current description of the model is solely based on the null cycle of O-3 and NOx, other precursors could be considered in future development of this model. This study will serve as basis for future studies that might introduce informing strategies to control ground level O-3 concentrations, as well as its precursors' emissions.Peer reviewe

    Interaction between GRP78 and IGFBP-3 affects tumourigenesis and prognosis in breast cancer patients

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    Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) plays a key role in breast cancer progression and was recently shown to bind to the chaperone protein glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78); however, the clinical significance of this association remains poorly investigated. Here we report a direct correlation between the expression of GRP78 and IGFBP-3 in breast cancer cell lines and tumour sections. Kaplan–Meier survival plots revealed that patients with low GRP78 expression that are positive for IGFBP-3 had poorer survival rates than those with low IGFBP-3 levels, and we observed a similar trend in the publicly available METABRIC gene expression database. With breast cancer cells, in vitro IGFBP-3 enhanced induced apoptosis, however when GRP78 expression was silenced the actions of IGFBP-3 were switched from increasing to inhibiting ceramide (C2)-induced cell death and promoted cell invasion. Using immunofluorescence and cell surface biotinylation, we showed that knock-down of GRP78 negated the entry of IGFBP-3 into the cells. Together, our clinical and experimental results suggest that loss of GRP78 reduces IGFBP-3 entry into cells switching its actions to promote tumorigenesis and predicts a poor prognosis in breast cancer patients
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