18 research outputs found
Controlling Domain Spacing and Grain Size in Cylindrical Block Copolymer Thin Films by Means of Thermal and Solvent Vapor Annealing
Real-time grazing-incidence small-angle
X-ray scattering (GISAXS)
experiments were used to study the self-assembly of cylinder-forming
block copolymers (BCPs) in thin films during thermal annealing and
solvent vapor annealing. BCP thin films were annealed in near-neutral
solvent vapor for solvent vapor annealing and on a hot plate under
an inert gas atmosphere for thermal annealing. The initially ordered
films were heated or swollen to induce an order–disorder transition
(ODT) and then cooled or the solvent was removed, respectively. The
domain spacings of BCPs as determined from <i>in situ</i> GISAXS measurements during solvent removal and cooling were analyzed
with respect to the polymer concentration and the reciprocal temperature.
Close to the ODT the domain spacing was found to be nearly identical
for thermal and solvent vapor annealing. At lower solvent concentrations
Ď• and lower temperatures <i>T</i>, the domain spacing
was found to increase for both thermal and solvent vapor annealing
until structural reorganization in the film was limited by the slow
kinetics at solvent concentrations and temperatures close to the glass
transition. In this regime, the domain spacing in solvent annealed
films was found to be higher than that in thermally annealed films,
which is likely due to a significantly smaller diffusion coefficient
in the case of thermal annealing. On the basis of an <i>ex situ</i> scanning electron microscopy characterization of annealed block
copolymer thin films, we show that the grain size of the cylindrical
microdomains can be strongly increased by annealing films close to
the ODT. Well below Ď•<sub>ODT</sub> and <i>T</i><sub>ODT</sub> the formation of large grains is kinetically limited. In
thermally annealed films the grain size was found to be smaller than
that for the solvent annealed films, which was attributed to a smaller
diffusion coefficient in the absence of solvent
Subsecond Morphological Changes in Nafion during Water Uptake Detected by Small-Angle X-ray Scattering
The ability of the Nafion membrane to absorb water rapidly
create a network of hydrated interconnected water domains provides
this material with an unmatched ability to conduct ions through a
chemically and mechanically robust membrane. The morphology and composition
of these hydrated membranes significantly affects their transport
properties and performance. This work demonstrates that differences
in interfacial interactions between the membranes exposed to vapor
or liquid water can cause significant changes in kinetics of water
uptake. In situ small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments captured
the rapid swelling of the membrane in liquid water with a nanostructure
rearrangement on the order of seconds. For membranes in contact with
water vapor, morphological changes are four orders-of-magnitude slower
than in liquid water, suggesting that interfacial resistance limits
the penetration of water into the membrane. Also, upon water absorption
from liquid water, a structural rearrangement from a distribution
of spherical and cylindrical domains to exclusively cylindrical-like
domains is suggested. These differences in water-uptake kinetics and
morphology provide a new perspective into Schroeder's paradox, which
dictates a different water content for vapor- and liquid-equilibrated
ionomers at unit activity. The findings of this work provide critical
insights into the fast kinetics of water absorption of the Nafion
membrane, which can aid in the design of energy conversion devices
that operate under frequent changes in environmental conditions
Controlling Nafion Structure and Properties via Wetting Interactions
Proton conducting ionomers are widely used for electrochemical
applications including fuel-cell devices, flow batteries, and solar-fuels
generators. For most applications the presence of interfacial interactions
can affect the structure and properties of ionomers. Nafion is the
most widely used ionomer for electrochemical applications due to their
remarkable proton conductivity and stability. While Nafion membranes
have been widely studied, the behavior and morphology of this ionomer
under operating conditions when confined to a thin-film morphology
are still not well understood. Using <i>in situ</i> grazing-incidence
small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) techniques, this work demonstrates
that the wetting interaction in thin-film interfaces can drastically
affect the internal morphology of ionomers and in turn modify its
transport properties. Thin films cast on hydrophobic substrates result
in parallel orientation of ionomer channels that retard the absorption
of water from humidified environments; while films prepared on SiO<sub>2</sub> result in isotropic orientation of these domains, thus favoring
water sorption and swelling of the polymer. Furthermore, the results
presented in this paper demonstrate that upon thermal annealing of
Nafion thin films static crystalline domains form within the polymer
matrix that restrict further water uptake. The results presented in
this study can aid in the rational design of functional composite
materials used in fuel-cell catalyst layers and solar-fuels devices
Signatures of Multiphase Formation in the Active Layer of Organic Solar Cells from Resonant Soft X‑ray Scattering
Resonant soft X-ray scattering (RSOXS) is a complementary
to existing reciprocal space methods, such as grazing-incidence small-angle
X-ray scattering, for studying order formation in polymer thin films.
In particular, RSOXS can exploit differences in absorption between
multiple phases by tuning the X-ray energy to one or more resonance
peaks of organic materials containing carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, or
other atoms. Here, we have examined the structural evolution in polyÂ(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl)/[6,6]-phenyl-C<sub>61</sub>-butyric acid methyl ester mixtures by tuning X-rays to resonant
absorption energies of
carbon and oxygen. Our studies reveal that the energy dependence of
RSOXS profiles marks the formation of multiple phases in the active
layer of organic solar cells, which is consistent with elemental maps
obtained through energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy
Signatures of Intracrystallite and Intercrystallite Limitations of Charge Transport in Polythiophenes
Charge carrier mobilities
in conjugated semicrystalline polymers
depend on morphological parameters such as crystallinity, crystal
orientation, and connectivity between ordered regions. Despite recent
progress in the development of conducting polymers, the complex interplay
between the aforementioned parameters and their impact on charge transport
is not fully understood. By varying the casting solvents and thermal
annealing, we have systematically modulated the crystallization of
polyÂ(3-hexylÂthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT) and polyÂ[2,5-bisÂ(3-hexadecylÂthiophen-2-yl)ÂthienoÂ(3,2-<i>b</i>)Âthiophene] (PBTTT) thin films to examine the role of microstructure
on charge mobilities. In particular, we achieve equal crystallinities
through different processing routes to examine the role of structural
parameters beyond the crystallinity on charge mobilities. As expected,
a universal relationship does not exist between the crystallinity
in either P3HT and PBTTT active layers and the charge mobility in
devices. In P3HT films, higher boiling point solvents yield longer
conjugation lengths, an indicator of stronger intracrystalline order,
and therefore higher device mobilities. In contrast, the charge mobilities
of PBTTT devices depend on the interconnectivity between crystallites
and intercrystalline order in the active layer
Fluorination of Donor–Acceptor Copolymer Active Layers Enhances Charge Mobilities in Thin-Film Transistors
Several recent reports
have demonstrated that fluorinated analogues
of donor/acceptor copolymers surpass nonfluorinated counterparts in
terms of performance in electronic devices. Using a copolymer series
consisting of fluorinated, partially fluorinated, and nonfluorinated
benzotriazole, we confirm that the addition of fluorine substituents
beneficially impacts charge transport in polymer semiconductors. Transistor
measurements demonstrated a factor of 5 increase in carrier mobilities
with the degree of fluorination of the backbone. Furthermore, grazing-incidence
X-ray diffraction data indicates progressively closer packing between
the conjugated cores and an overall greater amount of π-stacking
in the fluorinated materials. It is likely that attractive interactions
between the electron-rich donor and fluorinated electron-deficient
acceptor units induce very tightly stacking crystallites, which reduce
the energetic barrier for charge hopping. In addition, a change in
crystallite orientation was observed from primarily edge-on without
fluorine substituents to mostly face-on with fluorinated benzotriazole
Conjugated Block Copolymer Photovoltaics with near 3% Efficiency through Microphase Separation
electronic materials have the potential to impact almost
every aspect of modern life including how we access information, light
our homes, and power personal electronics. Nevertheless, weak intermolecular
interactions and disorder at junctions of different organic materials
limit the performance and stability of organic interfaces and hence
the applicability of organic semiconductors to electronic devices.
Here, we demonstrate control of donor–acceptor heterojunctions
through microphase-separated conjugated block copolymers. When utilized
as the active layer of photovoltaic cells, block copolymer-based devices
demonstrate efficient photoconversion well beyond devices composed
of homopolymer blends. The 3% block copolymer device efficiencies
are achieved without the use of a fullerene acceptor. X-ray scattering
results reveal that the remarkable performance of block copolymer
solar cells is due to self-assembly into mesoscale lamellar morphologies
with primarily face-on crystallite orientations. Conjugated block
copolymers thus provide a pathway to enhance performance in excitonic
solar cells through control of donor–acceptor interfaces
Probing and Controlling Liquid Crystal Helical Nanofilaments
We report the first in situ measurement
of the helical pitch of the helical nanofilament B4 phase of bent-core
liquid crystals using linearly polarized, resonant soft X-ray scattering
at the carbon K-edge. A strong, anisotropic scattering peak corresponding
to the half-pitch of the twisted smectic layer structure was observed.
The equilibrium helical half-pitch of NOBOW is found to be 120 nm,
essentially independent of temperature. However, the helical pitch
can be tuned by mixing guest organic molecules with the bent-core
host, followed by thermal annealing
Toward Strong Thermoplastic Elastomers with Asymmetric Miktoarm Block Copolymer Architectures
Thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) are
designed by embedding discrete
glassy or semicrystalline domains in an elastomeric matrix. Typical
styrenic-based amorphous TPEs are made of linear ABA-type triblock
copolymers, where the volume fraction <i>f</i> of the glassy
domains A is typically less than 0.3. This limitation ultimately restricts
the range of mechanical strength attainable with these materials.
We had previously predicted using self-consistent field theory (SCFT)
that AÂ(BA′)<sub><i>n</i></sub> miktoarm block copolymers
with an approximately 8:1 ratio of the A to A′ block molecular
weights and <i>n</i> ≥ 3 should exhibit discrete
A domains at considerably larger <i>f</i> and offer potential
for the combination of high modulus, high recoverable elasticity,
and high strength and toughness. Using transmission electron microscopy
and small-angle X-ray scattering on model polystyrene-<i>b</i>-polyisoprene (PS–PI) miktoarm copolymers, we show that such
polymers indeed possess discrete PS domains for <i>f</i> values considerably higher than 0.3. The hexagonal morphology with
PS cylinders was achieved for <i>f</i> = 0.5 and <i>n</i> = 3. Mechanical testing indicates that these miktoarm
materials are strong, tough, and elastic and thus may be potential
candidates for a new generation of thermoplastic elastomers