142 research outputs found
Multiple Exciton Generation in Nanostructures for Advanced Photovoltaic Cells
This paper reviews both experimental and theoretical work on nanostructures
showing high quantum yields due to the phenomenon of multiple exciton
generation. It outlines the aims and barriers to progress in identifying
further such nanostructures, and also includes developments concerning solar
devices where nanostructures act as the light-absorbing component. It reports
on both semiconductor and carbon structures, both monocomposite (of various
dimensionalities) and heterogeneous. Finally, it looks at future directions
that can be taken to push solar cell efficiency above the classic limit set by
Shockley and Queissier in 1961.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure
Standard forms and entanglement engineering of multimode Gaussian states under local operations
We investigate the action of local unitary operations on multimode (pure or
mixed) Gaussian states and single out the minimal number of locally invariant
parametres which completely characterise the covariance matrix of such states.
For pure Gaussian states, central resources for continuous-variable quantum
information, we investigate separately the parametre reduction due to the
additional constraint of global purity, and the one following by the
local-unitary freedom. Counting arguments and insights from the phase-space
Schmidt decomposition and in general from the framework of symplectic analysis,
accompany our description of the standard form of pure n-mode Gaussian states.
In particular we clarify why only in pure states with n<=3 modes all the direct
correlations between position and momentum operators can be set to zero by
local unitary operations. For any n, the emerging minimal set of parametres
contains complete information about all forms of entanglement in the
corresponding states. An efficient state engineering scheme (able to encode
direct correlations between position and momentum operators as well) is
proposed to produce entangled multimode Gaussian resources, its number of
optical elements matching the minimal number of locally invariant degrees of
freedom of general pure n-mode Gaussian states. We demonstrate that so-called
"block-diagonal" Gaussian states, without direct correlations between position
and momentum, are systematically less entangled, on average, than arbitrary
pure Gaussian states.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, IOP style. Published in J. Phys. A, Special
Issue on Quantum Information, Communication, Computation and Cryptography
(the arXiv version has an extra note added
Distributed quantum computation via optical fibres
We investigate the possibility of realising effective quantum gates between
two atoms in distant cavities coupled by an optical fibre. We show that highly
reliable swap and entangling gates are achievable. We exactly study the
stability of these gates in presence of imperfections in coupling strengths and
interaction times and prove them to be robust. Moreover, we analyse the effect
of spontaneous emission and losses and show that such gates are very promising
in view of the high level of coherent control currently achievable in optical
cavities.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; substantial revision, references added; accepted
for publicatio
Mesoscopic entanglement through central potential interactions
The generation and detection of entanglement between mesoscopic systems would
have major fundamental and applicative implications. In this work, we
demonstrate the utility of continuous variable tools to evaluate the Gaussian
entanglement arising between two homogeneous levitated nanobeads interacting
through a central potential. We compute the entanglement for the steady state
and determine the measurement precision required to detect the entanglement in
the laboratory.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure
Detecting multimode entanglement by symplectic uncertainty relations
A hierarchy of multimode uncertainty relations on the second moments of n
pairs of canonical operators is derived in terms of quantities invariant under
linear canonical (i.e. symplectic) transformations. Conditions for the
separability of multimode continuous variable states are derived from the
uncertainty relations, generalizing the inequalities obtained in [Phys. Rev.
Lett. 96, 110402 (2006)] to states with some transposed symplectic eigenvalues
equal to 1. Finally, to illustrate the methodology proposed for the detection
of continuous variable entanglement, the separability of multimode noisy
GHZ-like states is analysed in detail with the presented techniques, deriving a
necessary and sufficient condition for the separability of such states under an
`even' bipartition of the modes.Comment: 8 pages, no figures but one little lemma; more general inequalities
derived, GHZ-like states considered; accepted for publication on JOSA
Locally optimal control of continuous variable entanglement
We consider a system of two bosonic modes each subject to the dynamics
induced by a thermal Markovian environment and we identify instantaneous, local
symplectic controls that minimise the loss of entanglement in the Gaussian
regime. By minimising the decrease of the logarithmic negativity at every
instant in time, it will be shown that a non-trivial, finite amount of local
squeezing helps to counter the effect of decoherence during the evolution. We
also determine optimal control routines in the more restrictive scenario where
the control operations are applied on only one of the two modes. We find that
applying an instantaneous control only at the beginning of the dynamics, i.e.
preparing an appropriate initial state, is the optimal strategy for states with
symmetric correlations and when the dynamics is the same on both modes. More
generally, even in asymmetric cases, the delayed decay of entanglement
resulting from the optimal preparation of the initial state with no further
action turns out to be always very close to the optimised control where
multiple operations are applied during the evolution. Our study extends
directly to mono-symmetric systems of any number of modes, i.e. to systems that
are invariant under any local permutation of the modes within any one
partition, as they are locally equivalent to two-mode systems.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, still no joke
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