5,664 research outputs found

    Photon correlations from ultra-strong optical nonlinearities

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    We study the full field and frequency filtered output photon statistics of a resonator in thermal equilibrium with a bath and containing an arbitrarily large quartic nonlinearity. According to the general theory of photodetection, we derive general input-output relations valid for the ultra-anharmonic regime, where the nonlinearity becomes comparable to the energy of the resonator, and show how the emission properties are modified as compared to the generally assumed simple anharmonic regime. We analyse the impact of the nonlinearity on the full statistics of the emission and its spectral properties. In particular we derive a semi-analytical expression for the frequency resolved two-photon correlations or two-photon spectrum of the system in terms of the master equation coefficients and density matrix. This provides a very clear insight into the level structure and emission possibilities of the system.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure


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    Objective: Aims of our study is to face and trying to struggle a very interesting case of a syndrome where the causes and contributory causes are differentiated although they synergistically do evoke a severe and hazardous medical profile which may lead to complete infirmity and destructive complications, if not promptly corrected and healed. The case is represented by a middle age individual (male), obese, which presents the two following malaises:  infective arthritis and venous lymphedema chiefly at his ankles, that are swollen because of an acute infective phase, and we actually deem the individual is affected by the co-existence of infective arthritis and venous lymphoedema, owing to the scores recorded by the Lequesne's test. Methods: We have employed a fully natural gélée containing Ruscus aculeatus root extract, Achillea millefolium alcoholic extract and Centella Asiatica glyceric extract. The gélée was made up by crosslinked Tara gum, that is capable of releasing the biologic principles contained in the cosmetic system gradually. Results: We are really satisfied by the encouraging results, as this severe syndrome, that did not achieve evident  rescue by any medician, surgeon or physician, appears to regress promptly in 11 days after the first application and this is the umpteenth confirmation that Natural Medicine is often more reliable than the Official Allopathic Medicine. Conclusion: We are really satisfied by the encouraging results, as this severe syndrome that did not achieve evident  rescue by any medician, surgeon or physician appears to regress promptly in 11 days after the first application and this is the umpteenth confirmation that Natural Medicine is often more reliable than the Official Allopathic Medicine

    Insomnia in patients with advanced lung cancer admitted to palliative care services.

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    Aim To assess the prevalence of insomnia and possible associated factors in patients with advanced lung cancer admitted to different settings of palliative care. Methods Secondary analysis of a consecutive sample of patients with advanced lung cancer receiving palliative care. Epidemiological and clinical data, treatments received in the last month, Karnofsky status, Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS), Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS) and the Hospital Anxiety and depression scale (HADS), as well as concomitant medical treatment were recorded. Results One-hundred-eight-two patients with advanced lung cancer were surveyed. The mean age was 69.9 years (SD 10.8), and 121 patients (66%) were men. The majority of patients showed consistent levels of insomnia. A poor Karnofsky level, pain, nausea, and drowsiness, time from diagnosis (1-3 years), HADS anxiety, and HADS depression, were positively associated with insomnia. Conclusions About 50% of patients with advanced lung cancer admitted to palliative care services had relevant insomnia. Several factors associated with insomnia have been identified and should prompt physicians for a careful examination and subsequent treatment

    Towards a Top-K SPARQL Query Benchmark Generator

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    The research on optimization of top-k SPARQL query would largely benefit from the establishment of a benchmark that allows comparing different approaches. For such a benchmark to be meaningful, at least two requirements should hold: 1) the benchmark should resemble reality as much as possible, and 2) it should stress the features of the topk SPARQL queries both from a syntactic and performance perspective. In this paper we propose Top-k DBPSB: an extension of the DBpedia SPARQL benchmark (DBPSB), a benchmark known to resemble reality, with the capabilities required to compare SPARQL engines on top-k queries.Web Information System

    Photoinduced Temperature Gradients in Sub-wavelength Plasmonic Structures: The Thermoplasmonics of Nanocones

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    Plasmonic structures are renowned for their capability to efficiently convert light into heat at the nanoscale. However, despite the possibility to generate deep sub-wavelength electromagnetic hot spots, the formation of extremely localized thermal hot spots is an open challenge of research, simply because of the diffusive spread of heat along the whole metallic nanostructure. Here we tackle this challenge by exploiting single gold nanocones. We theoretically show how these structures can indeed realize extremely high temperature gradients within the metal, leading to deep sub-wavelength thermal hot spots, owing to their capability of concentrating light at the apex under resonant conditions even under continuous wave illumination. A three-dimensional Finite Element Method model is employed to study the electromagnetic field in the structure and subsequent thermoplasmonic behaviour, in terms of the three-dimensional temperature distribution. We show how the latter is affected by nanocone size, shape, and composition of the surrounding environment. Finally, we anticipate the use of photoinduced temperature gradients in nanocones for applications in optofluidics and thermoelectrics or for thermally induced nanofabrication

    One-dimensional disordered photonic structures with two or more materials

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    Here we would like to discuss the light transmission modulation by periodic and disordered one dimensional (1D) photonic structures. In particular, we will present some theoretical and experimental findings highlighting the peculiar optical properties of: i) 1D periodic and disordered photonic structures made with two or more materials; ii) 1D photonic structures in which the homogeneity or the aggregation of the high refractive index layers is controlled. We will focus also on the fabrication aspects of these structures.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure