3 research outputs found
Tuning and Persistent Switching of Graphene Plasmons on a Ferroelectric Substrate
We characterized plasmon propagation
in graphene on thin films of the high-κ dielectric PbZr<sub>0.3</sub>Ti<sub>0.7</sub>O<sub>3</sub> (PZT). Significant modulation
(up to ±75%) of the plasmon wavelength was achieved with application
of ultrasmall voltages (< ±1 V) across PZT. Analysis of the
observed plasmonic fringes at the graphene edge indicates that carriers
in graphene on PZT behave as noninteracting Dirac Fermions approximated
by a semiclassical Drude response, which may be attributed to strong
dielectric screening at the graphene/PZT interface. Additionally,
significant plasmon scattering occurs at the grain boundaries of PZT
from topographic and/or polarization induced graphene conductivity
variation in the interior of graphene, reducing the overall plasmon
propagation length. Lastly, through application of 2 V across PZT,
we demonstrate the capability to persistently modify the plasmonic
response of graphene through transient voltage application
Colossal Ultraviolet Photoresponsivity of Few-Layer Black Phosphorus
Black phosphorus has an orthorhombic layered structure with a layer-dependent direct band gap from monolayer to bulk, making this material an emerging material for photodetection. Inspired by this and the recent excitement over this material, we studied the optoelectronics characteristics of high-quality, few-layer black phosphorus-based photodetectors over a wide spectrum ranging from near-ultraviolet (UV) to near-infrared (NIR). It is demonstrated for the first time that black phosphorus can be configured as an excellent UV photodetector with a specific detectivity ∼3 × 10<sup>13</sup> Jones. More critically, we found that the UV photoresponsivity can be significantly enhanced to ∼9 × 10<sup>4</sup> A W<sup>–1</sup> by applying a source-drain bias (<i>V</i><sub>SD</sub>) of 3 V, which is the highest ever measured in any 2D material and 10<sup>7</sup> times higher than the previously reported value for black phosphorus. We attribute such a colossal UV photoresponsivity to the resonant-interband transition between two specially nested valence and conduction bands. These nested bands provide an unusually high density of states for highly efficient UV absorption due to the singularity of their nature
Ultrafast and Nanoscale Plasmonic Phenomena in Exfoliated Graphene Revealed by Infrared Pump–Probe Nanoscopy
Pump–probe spectroscopy is
central for exploring ultrafast
dynamics of fundamental excitations, collective modes, and energy
transfer processes. Typically carried out using conventional diffraction-limited
optics, pump–probe experiments inherently average over local
chemical, compositional, and electronic inhomogeneities. Here, we
circumvent this deficiency and introduce pump–probe infrared
spectroscopy with ∼20 nm spatial resolution, far below the
diffraction limit, which is accomplished using a scattering scanning
near-field optical microscope (s-SNOM). This technique allows us to
investigate exfoliated graphene single-layers on SiO<sub>2</sub> at
technologically significant mid-infrared (MIR) frequencies where the
local optical conductivity becomes experimentally accessible through
the excitation of surface plasmons via the s-SNOM tip. Optical pumping
at near-infrared (NIR) frequencies prompts distinct changes in the
plasmonic behavior on 200 fs time scales. The origin of the pump-induced,
enhanced plasmonic response is identified as an increase in the effective
electron temperature up to several thousand Kelvin, as deduced directly
from the Drude weight associated with the plasmonic resonances