78 research outputs found

    Coupled changes in western South Atlantic carbon sequestration and particle reactive element cycling during millennial-scale Holocene climate variability.

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    Funder: Alexander von Humboldt FoundationFunder: Petrobras/CENPES Geochemistry NetworkFunder: National Petroleum Agency of BrazilABSTRACT: Continental shelves have the potential to remove atmospheric carbon dioxide via the biological pump, burying it in seafloor sediments. The efficiency of marine carbon sequestration changes rapidly due to variations in biological productivity, organic carbon oxidation, and burial rate. Here we present a high temporal resolution record of marine carbon sequestration changes from a western South Atlantic shelf site sensitive to Brazil Current-driven upwelling. The comparison of biological records to rare earth element (REE) patterns from authigenic oxides shows a strong relationship between higher biological productivity and stronger particle reactive element cycling (i.e. REE cycling) during rapid climate change events. This is the first evidence that authigenic oxides archive past changes in upper ocean REE cycling by the exported organic carbon. In addition, our data suggest that Brazil Current-driven upwelling varies on millennial-scales and in time with continental precipitation anomalies as registered in Brazilian speleothems during the Holocene. This indicates an ocean-atmosphere control on the biological pump, most probably related to South American monsoon system variability

    Orbital forcing and evolution of the Southern African Monsoon from late Miocene to early Pliocene

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    The late Miocene-early Pliocene (7.4-4.5 Ma) is a key interval in Earth's history where intense reorganization of atmospheric and ocean circulation occurred within a global cooling scenario. The Southern African monsoon (SAFM) potentially played an important role in climate systems variability during this interval. However, the dynamics of this important atmospheric system is poorly understood due to the scarcity of continuous records. Here, we present an exceptional continuous late Miocene to early Pliocene reconstruction of SAFM based on elemental geochemistry (Ca/Ti and Si/K ratios), stable isotope geochemistry (δ18O and δ13C recorded in the planktonic foraminifera Orbulina universa), and marine sediment grain size data from the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Site U1476 located at the entrance of the Mozambique Channel. Spectral characteristics of the Si/K ratio (fluvial input) was used to identify the main orbital forcing controlling SAFM. Precession cycles governed precipitation from 7.4 to ∼6.9 Ma and during the early Pliocene. From ∼6.9 to ∼5.9 Ma, the precession and long eccentricity cycles drove the SAFM. The major Antarctic ice sheet expansion across this interval appear to influence the isotopic records of O. universa imprinting its long-term variability signal as a response to the ocean and atmospheric reorganization. Precession cycles markedly weakened from 5.9 to 5.3 Ma, almost the same period when the Mediterranean Outflow Water ceased. These findings highlight important teleconnections among the SAFM, Mediterranean Sea, and other tropical regions

    Tipologia das regiões de saúde: condicionantes estruturais para a regionalização no Brasil

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    O desenvolvimento socioeconômico, a oferta e a complexidade das ações e dos serviços de saúde no contexto regional podem ser considerados condicionantes estruturais para o êxito do atual processo de regionalização da saúde no Brasil. O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar os condicionantes estruturais do processo de regionalização por meio da construção de uma tipologia das regiões de saúde no Brasil. Foi construída tipologia das regiões de saúde brasileiras a partir de fonte de dados secundários disponível. A identificação das dimensões e dos grupos - que compõem a tipologia - foi realizada por meio de análise fatorial e de agrupamentos/clusters. Também foram identificados o tipo de prestador de ações e os serviços predominantes na região tanto para a produção ambulatorial quanto para a internação. As regiões foram classificadas em cinco grupos, de forma independente, de acordo com suas características socioeconômicas e de oferta de serviços de saúde. A caracterização das regiões de saúde brasileiras, a partir da tipologia apresentada, demonstra heterogeneidade do território nacional e a complexidade de organizar sistemas de saúde regionais. A tipologia proposta pode auxiliar na investigação e no melhor entendimento desse cenário contraditório e complexo, apoiando o urgente desenvolvimento de políticas públicas regionais integradas que envolvam, concomitantemente, desenvolvimento econômico e social; e o fortalecimento dos espaços de governança regional, a fim de promover a organização de sistemas de saúde regionais alicerçados nos princípios do SUS e numa gestão compartilhada e solidária que tenha como imagem-objetivo a garantia do direito à saúde

    A review of nitrogen isotopic alteration in marine sediments

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    Key Points: Use of sedimentary nitrogen isotopes is examined; On average, sediment 15N/14N increases approx. 2 per mil during early burial; Isotopic alteration scales with water depth Abstract: Nitrogen isotopes are an important tool for evaluating past biogeochemical cycling from the paleoceanographic record. However, bulk sedimentary nitrogen isotope ratios, which can be determined routinely and at minimal cost, may be altered during burial and early sedimentary diagenesis, particularly outside of continental margin settings. The causes and detailed mechanisms of isotopic alteration are still under investigation. Case studies of the Mediterranean and South China Seas underscore the complexities of investigating isotopic alteration. In an effort to evaluate the evidence for alteration of the sedimentary N isotopic signal and try to quantify the net effect, we have compiled and compared data demonstrating alteration from the published literature. A >100 point comparison of sediment trap and surface sedimentary nitrogen isotope values demonstrates that, at sites located off of the continental margins, an increase in sediment 15N/14N occurs during early burial, likely at the seafloor. The extent of isotopic alteration appears to be a function of water depth. Depth-related differences in oxygen exposure time at the seafloor are likely the dominant control on the extent of N isotopic alteration. Moreover, the compiled data suggest that the degree of alteration is likely to be uniform through time at most sites so that bulk sedimentary isotope records likely provide a good means for evaluating relative changes in the global N cycle

    Genomics and epidemiology for gastric adenocarcinomas (GE4GAC): a Brazilian initiative to study gastric cancer

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    Abstract Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most common type of cancer worldwide with high incidences in Asia, Central, and South American countries. This patchy distribution means that GC studies are neglected by large research centers from developed countries. The need for further understanding of this complex disease, including the local importance of epidemiological factors and the rich ancestral admixture found in Brazil, stimulated the implementation of the GE4GAC project. GE4GAC aims to embrace epidemiological, clinical, molecular and microbiological data from Brazilian controls and patients with malignant and pre-malignant gastric disease. In this letter, we summarize the main goals of the project, including subject and sample accrual and current findings

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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