38 research outputs found
Grand average ERP waveforms recorded at various left and right prefrontal, anterior frontal, dorsolateral prefrontal, inferior frontal, occipito/temporal, occipito/parietal and occipital sites, as a function of prejudice valence (positive vs. negative).
<p>A long lasting, late anterior negativity during the processing of negatively biased faces was observed, and no difference at P1 or N170 processing level, due to careful interclass balancing was noted.</p
Talairach coordinates (in mm) corresponding to intracranial generators explaining the surface voltage recorded during the 450β550 ms time window during processing of various face types in the recognition task.
<p>Magn. = Magnitude in nAm; H = hemisphere, BA = Brodmann areas.</p
Timing of experimental procedure used in the two conditions: encoding (top) and recognition (bottom) task.
<p>Timing of experimental procedure used in the two conditions: encoding (top) and recognition (bottom) task.</p
Examples of positive and negative descriptions paired to female and male faces of various ages.
<p>Examples of positive and negative descriptions paired to female and male faces of various ages.</p
Stimulus randomization and matching of age, sex, facial expression, and valence of prejudice across categories.
<p>Stimulus randomization and matching of age, sex, facial expression, and valence of prejudice across categories.</p
Sagittal views of active sources during processing of negatively-biased, positively-biased and new faces according to swLORETA analysis during the 450β550β ms time window.
<p>The different colors represent differences in the magnitude of the electromagnetic signal (in nAm). The electromagnetic dipoles are shown as arrows and indicate the position, orientation and magnitude of dipole modeling solution applied to the ERP waveform in the specific time window. Numbers refer to the displayed brain slice in sagittal view: A = anterior, P = posterior. The images highlight the strong activation of the left medial temporal and parahippocampal gyri during memory recall of faces associated with a negative prejudice.</p
Grand average ERP waveforms recorded at various left and right anterior frontal, dorsolateral frontal, parietal and occipito/temporal sites.
<p>A gradient of familiarity is visible at anterior sites, indicating an enhanced processing of new vs. old, and of positive vs. negative faces, possibly negatively correlated to the strength of face memory traces. Recognition of familiar faces (OLD) resulted in the typical parietal old/new effect, in the form of an enhanced late positivity.</p
Exemplars of pictures used as stimuli, depicting female and male faces of 3 different age classes, and technological objects as control stimuli.
<p>Exemplars of pictures used as stimuli, depicting female and male faces of 3 different age classes, and technological objects as control stimuli.</p
Grand-average ERP waveforms (Nβ=β50) recorded in men and women as a function of stimulus type over left and right occipito/temporal electro sites.
<p>On the right a graphic shows N170 peak amplitude values recorded in response to the 4 stimulus types.</p
SwLORETA inverse solution performed on brain activity recorded during the 135β175 ms time window in response to adult faces in the two sexes.
<p>SwLORETA inverse solution performed on brain activity recorded during the 135β175 ms time window in response to adult faces in the two sexes.</p