9,150 research outputs found


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    Commercialising Australia's interstate rail freight transport: Some ownership and investment issues

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    The paper addresses the issues of rights of way ownership and application of consistent investment appraisal techniques across modes of transport. There are linkages between ownership, rights of way, competitive strategies and market contestability which will have a significant bearing on the choice of investment criteria used by commercialised railways. Investment methodologies in competing modes of land transport must be consistent. Investment in individual elements of railway infrastructure must be integrated with the overall cost recovery strategy of the operator. Major railway projects must be submitted to both financial and economic evaluation, so that the interests of individual railway authorities and the community are considered

    Computerā€based interactive tutorial versus traditional lecture for teaching introductory aspects of pain

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    In the health sciences, a wide range of computerā€based courseware is now available. The aim of the study described in this paper has been to compare the effectiveness of a computerā€based learning (CBL) software package and a traditional lecture (TL) for the delivery, of introductory material on pain. Nineteen undergraduate nursing students were divided into two groups to attend a oneā€hour learning session which introduced clinical aspects of pain and which was delivered by either CBL or TL. Students were assessed for prior knowledge by a preā€session test, and for knowledge gain by an identical postā€session test. In addition, a multipleā€choice question paper was used to examine differences in pain knowledge between the two groups, and a questionnaire was used to examine the studentsā€™ views on their experience during the learning session. The results demonstrated that both groups showed significant knowledge gain after their respective learning sessions. No significant differences between the groups in the magnitude of knowledge gain were found for clinical aspects of pain delivered during the learning sessions. The attitude questionnaire revealed that students attending CBL reported similar learning experiences to those attending the lecture

    Introducing the modified paranormal belief scale: distinguishing between classic paranormal beliefs, religious paranormal beliefs and conventional religiosity among undergraduates in Northern Ireland and Wales

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    Previous empirical studies concerned with the association between paranormal beliefs and conventional religiosity have produced conflicting evidence. Drawing on Rice's (2003) distinction between classic paranormal beliefs and religious paranormal beliefs, the present study proposed a modified form of the Tobacyk Revised Paranormal Belief Scale to produce separate scores for these two forms of paranormal belief, styled 'religious paranormal beliefs' and 'classic paranormal beliefs'. Data provided by a sample of 143 undergraduate students in Northern Ireland and Wales, who completed the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity alongside the Tobacyk Revised Paranormal Belief Scale, demonstrated that conventional religiosity is positively correlated with religious paranormal beliefs, but independent of classic paranormal beliefs. These findings provide a clear framework within which previous conflicting evidence can be interpreted. It is recommended that future research should distinguish clearly between these two forms of paranormal beliefs and that the Tobacyk Revised Paranormal Beliefs Scale should be routinely modified to detach the four religious paranormal belief items from the total scale score

    Accordion dreams

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    This is a piece for piano, performed by Richard Casey at the Conservatoire Frederic Chopin, Paris as part of the Contemporary British Piano Music Festival

    The Real Zoroastrian Dilemma

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    The Highlands and Islands Development Board, 1965-70: Policy-Making in an Administrative Setting

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