16,682 research outputs found
Virtual Sfermion Effects on Vector-Boson Pair Production at e^+e^- Colliders
We study the quantum effects on vector-boson pair production in e^+e^-
annihilation induced by the sleptons and squarks of the minimal supersymmetric
extension of the standard model (MSSM) in the one-loop approximation. We list
full analytic results, and quantitatively analyze the resulting deviation from
the standard-model prediction of e^+e^- -> W^+W^- for the supergravity-inspired
MSSM. The latter can be rendered small throughout the whole parameter space by
an appropriate choice of renormalization scheme.Comment: 11 pages (Latex), 3 figures (Postscript); MSSM parameter space
restricted by imposing experimental search limits, references added; accepted
for publication in Phys. Lett.
Soft gluon multiplicity distribution revisited
In this paper the soft gluon radiation from partonic interaction of the type:
+ gluon has been revisited and a correction term to the widely used
Gunion-Bertsch (GB) formula is obtained.Comment: Few typos corrected, to appear in Phys. Rev. D (rapid communication
Measuring radial flow of partonic and hadronic phases in relativistic heavy ion collision
It has been shown that the thermal photon and the lepton pair spectra can be
used to estimate the radial velocity of different phases of the matter formed
in nuclear collisions at ultra-relativistic energies. We observe a
non-monotonic variation of the flow velocity with invariant mass of the lepton
pair which is indicative of two different sources of thermal dilepton sources
at early and late stage of the dynamically evolving system. We also show that
the study of radial velocity through electromagnetic probes may shed light on
the nature of the phase transition from hadrons to QGP.Comment: 0ne figure added, minor modification in tex
Probing Quark Gluon Plasma by Heavy Flavors
The drag and diffusion coefficients of charm and bottom quarks propagating
through quark gluon plasma (QGP) have been evaluated within the framework of
perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (pQCD). Both radiative and collisional
processes of dissipation are included in evaluating these transport
coefficients. The dead cone as well as the LPM effects on radiative energy loss
of heavy quarks have also been considered. The Fokker Planck equation has been
solved to study the dissipation of heavy quarks momentum in QGP. The nuclear
suppression factor, and the elliptic flow of the
non-photonic electrons resulting from the semi-leptonic decays of hadrons
containing charm and bottom quarks have been evaluated for RHIC and LHC nuclear
collision conditions. We find that the observed and at
RHIC can be reproduced simultaneously within the pQCD framework.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of WPCF, 2011, Tokyo, Japa
Selection from Multivariate Normal Populations
Selection from multivariate normal population
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