34 research outputs found
Modernization of Education Contents of Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, and Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah 1900-1942 in North Sumatera
This study aims to reveal how the process of
modernization of education content on the
organization Muhammadiyah, Nahdlatul Ulama and
Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah years 1900-1942. The issues
raised are: (1) how the historical background in
modernizing education content of the three
organizations; (2), how the modernization process of
these organizations to arrange their education
content; (3), how the these organizations
dissemination of education content on the subjects.
This is solved by historical method comprising the
steps of: heuristics; second, verification;
interpretation; historiography, and social history.
The findings research informs: First, the three
organizations have the same background in
determining the education content, those are, first;
the spirit leaders spreading Islam in accupation
situation by orienting on Islamic education of the
occupation, second; the intellectual contact internally
an externally to conceive and build on the progress of
Islamic education. Third; The strong desire to equate
Islamic education progress with the western progress
(colonization), fourth; The desire to realize the
equality social among communities in receiving
education and the world of work. The second finding
is; the same formulate of education content material
Islamic teaching that originated from AD and ART,
but have different ways depending on modern
education content. Muhammadiyah with
revolutionary and Nahdlatul Ulama with
evolutionary, and Al Jam'iyatul Washliyah with
situasionery. the third finding is; the similarities of
education content modernization process using a
common and religious material. However they have
differences on the distribution of the content in the
subjects, Muhammadiyah is innovative and
NahdlatulUlama is creative and Al Jam’iyatul
Washliyah is very selective
Islamic organizations in north sumatra the politics of initial establishment and later development
This paper describes the politics of initial establishment and later development of four Islamic organizations in North Sumatra: Muhammadiyah, Al Jam`iatul Washliyah, Nahdlatul Ulama, and Al Ittihadiyah. It particularly focuses on the historical evolution and dynamics of these four Islamic organizations. As a subject of analysis, it, for the most part, assesses the aspects of ethnicity, religious doctrine, educational institution, and political aspiration reflected by these organizations in that area. The paper shows that these four organizations have contributed much to the progress of the Islamic community in this region
Artikel ini bekenaan dengan ‘pelacakan’ terhadap akar-akar sains Psikologi dalam historika pemikiran Islam. Melalui survei historis dengan pendekatan kepustakaan, penulis artikel ini mengargumenkan bahwa disiplin kelimuan Filsafat Islam, Ilmu Akhlaq, dan Tasauf merupakan trilogi ilmu pembentuk sains Psikologi Islam. Karenanya, lewat analisis pemikiran, penulis artikel ini merekomendasikan agar dalam pengkajian teori-teori tentang Psikologi Islam ke depan dilakukan dengan filosofi keilmuan integratif dan pendekatan multi disipliner. Kemudian, dalam aplikasi teori-teori yang dihasilkan di lapangan psikologi, idealnya dilakukan dengan pendekatan transdiscipliner, yaitu suatu pendekatan yang tidak hanya mengacu pada pertautan antara disiplin-disipin ilmu, tetapi lebih pada intensitas penggabungannya sehingga menghasilkan sains baru atau setidaknya semacam ‘sains hibrida’
Education Orientation of Pesantren Muhammadiyah in North Sumatra
Muhammadiyah as a big Islamic social organization feels responsible for preparing scholars as the successor
of the struggle for Islamic activities in Indonesia. Therefore, the establishment of Pesantren for Muhammadiyah
is a necessity. Studies onPesantrenMuhammadiyah in North Sumatra with qualitative metoode get some findings
that need to be followed up. PesantrenMuhammadiyah still adopt the existing system of pesantren which has not
had its own unique curriculum in creating intellectual clerics
Pembelajaran Kitab Kuning di Pesantren Musthafawiyah, Mandailing Natal
Kitab kuning sejak lama menjadi bagian penting studi Islam di Indonesia, sejak era pertumbuhannya sampai kini. Pesantren, dan agak belakangan madrasah, menjadi garda terdepan dalam pengkajian dan pelestarian khazanah kitab kuning di Nusantara. Kitab-kitab yang dikaji meliputi bidang tafsir, hadis, tauhid, fikih, sampai bidang tasawuf. Penelitian pembelajaran kitab kuning selama ini memang dirasa masih berfokus pada kawasan Jawa yang memang bisa dikatakan basis pesantren di Nusantara. Selain itu diketahui ada sejumlah Perubahan dalam sistem pembelajaran kitab kuning di pesantren. Secara khusus, artikel ini mengkaji sistem pembelajaran kitab kuning di Pesantren Musthafawiyah. Berdasarkan penelitian lapangan terhadap sistem pembelajaran kitab kuning di pesantren tersebut, di mana data diperoleh dari kegiatan wawancara, observasi, dan telaah dokumen, artikel ini mengajukan temuan bahwa pembelajaran kitab kuning di pesantren Musthafawiyah tidak mengalami Perubahan. Kitab yang dikaji selalu sama sejak berdiri sampai sekarang, meskipun ada penambahan kitab yang bukan dalam katagori kitab kuning. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi kajian sejarah pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, khususnya pendidikan Islam di luar Jawa
Abstrak: Kitab kuning sejak lama menjadi bagian penting studi Islam di Indonesia, sejak era pertumbuhannya sampai kini. Pesantren, dan agak belakangan madrasah, menjadi garda terdepan dalam pengkajian dan pelestarian khazanah kitab kuning di Nusantara. Kitab-kitab yang dikaji meliputi bidang tafsir, hadis, tauhid, fikih, sampai bidang tasawuf. Penelitian pembelajaran kitab kuning selama ini memang dirasa masih berfokus pada kawasan Jawa yang memang bisa dikatakan basis pesantren di Nusantara. Selain itu diketahui ada sejumlah perubahan dalam sistem pembelajaran kitab kuning di pesantren. Secara khusus, artikel ini mengkaji sistem pembelajaran kitab kuning di Pesantren Musthafawiyah. Berdasarkan penelitian lapangan terhadap sistem pembelajaran kitab kuning di pesantren tersebut, di mana data diperoleh dari kegiatan wawancara, observasi, dan telaah dokumen, artikel ini mengajukan temuan bahwa pembelajaran kitab kuning di pesantren Musthafawiyah tidak mengalami perubahan. Kitab yang dikaji selalu sama sejak berdiri sampai sekarang, meskipun ada penambahan kitab yang bukan dalam katagori kitab kuning. Kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi kajian sejarah pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, khususnya pendidikan Islam di luar Jawa. Kata Kunci: Mandailing, pesantren, pembelajaran, kitab kuning, Musthafawiyah Abstract: Learning System of Kitab Kuning at Pesantren Musthafawiyah, Mandailing Natal. The kitab kuning (literally ‘Yellow Book’, pre-modern books on Islam) has been the core of Indonesian Islamic studies for a long time. Right from the beginning, pesantrens, to be joined by madradsas at a later period, have taken the responsibility of preserving and teaching kitab kuning throughout the Indonesia archipelago. The kitab kuning-based studies encompass a variety of subjects such as Qur’anic Exegesis, Prophetic Tradition, Islamic Theology, Islamic Law, and Sufism. Very much of the existing studies about kitab kuning was undertaken in Java pesantrens and very seldom cover those pesantrens outside Java. Considering that, as well as many developments and changes in kitab kuning studies, the present studies concentrate on Pesantren Musthafawiyah of Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra. The data obtained suggest that in Pesantren Musthafawiyah the kitab kuning curriculum has remained the same from its initial operation in early 20th century to the present. It means that the books studied have always been the same. Although some new books enter the lists, but they are by no means replacing the kitab kuning. Keywords: Mandailing, pesantren, learning, yellow book, Musthafawiya
ORGANISASI ISLAM DI TANAH MELAYU: Ideologi dan Gerakan Al-Ittihadiyah Sebelum Era Reformasi
Abstrak: Artikel ini menelaah organisasi Al-Ittihadiyah di Sumatera Utara. Secara khusus, artikel ini akan menguak ideologi yang diperjuangkan organisasi, amal usaha, serta perkembangannya di komunitas yang majemuk. Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian kepustakaan yang didukung oleh data lapangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis isi. Artikel ini mengajukan temuan bahwa Al-Ittihadiyah merupakan salah satu organisasi Islam yang lahir di Kota Medan dimana kelompok ulama dan tokoh Melayu menjadi patron utama organisasi ini. Al-Ittihadiyah seakan menjadi corong bagi etnis Melayu di Sumatera Timur, dan ini yang membedakan mereka dengan etnis Minangkabau yang berafiliasi dengan Muhammadiyah dan etnis Mandailing yang berafiliasi dengan Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah. Selain itu, Al-Ittihadiyah sebagai organisasi tidak berafiliasi dengan mazhab akidah dan fikih tertentu, tetapi para pendukungnya adalah penganut mazhab Asy‘ariyah dan Syâfi‘iyah. Kemudian, Al-Ittihadiyah bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan, dakwah dan amal sosial, meskipun mulai dari awal kemerdekaan Al-Ittihadiyah terlibat dalam Partai Masyumi, dan kelak tokoh-tokohnya melibatkan diri dalam PPP yang akhirnya membuat organisasi ini kalah bersaing dengan Al Washliyah dan Muhammadiyah dalam pengembangan amal usahanya. Abstract: Islamic Organization in Malay Land: Ideology and Movements of Al-Ittihadiyah Before-Reform Era. This article examines the Al-Ittihadiyah organization in North Sumatra, focusing on its ideology, programs, and its development in a pluralistic community. This article is based on content analysys study, combining literary information and field data. This article proposes that Al-Ittihadiyah was one of the Islamic organizations established in Medan City, initiated and patronized by Malay clerics and prominent figures. As such this organisation has a very close ties with Malays, very much like the association of the Minangkabaus with Muhammadiyah and Mandailings with Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah. In addition, Al-Ittihadiyah as an organization is not affiliated with certain schools of faith and jurisprudence, but its supporters are adherents of the Ash‘ariyah and Syâfi‘iyah schools. Al-Ittihadiyah engages in education, da’wah and social charity. In the beginning of independence, Al-Ittihadiyah leaders joined the Masjumi Party, and later on the Unity and Development Party (PPP). It seems that this political involvement makes this organization unable to compete with Al Washliyah and Muhammadiyah.Kata Kunci: organisasi Islam, Al-Ittihadiyah, mazhab, pendidikan, dakwah, politik, Melay
Al-Ittihadiyah in North Sumatra and Its Responses to Radicalism. This study analyzes the response of the Al-Ittihadiyah in North Sumatra to radicalism. Lately there has been a counter-productive statement undermining the contribution of Islamic organizations other than Nahdlatul Ulama in building national civilization. Al-Ittihadiyah was established in Medan before Indonesia’s independence and its prominent leaders participated in gaining and maintaining independence. Information for this article has been gathered through combination of interviews, observations, and document reviews. Data analysis was based on the model developed by Miles and Huberman. It is concluded that Al-Ittihadiyah is a moderate Islamic organization, very much like the two top-flight Islamic organizations, Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah. This organization, through oral and written statement of the management, asserted that radicalism is against the spirit of Islam. They reject many of the ideas of radical groups such as the Caliphate, anti-West, jihâd means war, and the legalization of suicide bombings, while providing solutions to suppress the growth and development of radicalism in Indonesia
Internalization of Falsafah “Peri Mestike Gayo” as an Effort To Developing Students’ Characters Based on Local Authority In SMA 1 Takengon Aceh Central District
At present, there are two trending topic studies in the world of education that are hotly discussed, namely character education and local wisdom (indigenization). "Urang Gayo" is one of the ethnic groups in Indonesia that is rich in the noble values of Adat and its culture, until now they are still holding fast to defend it, because they believe that the customs and culture of Gayo can guide them in creating harmonization in the community, forming or fostering character, and does not conflict with the values of Islamic teachings. The internalization of Peri Mestike in education is part of efforts to foster character and as an effort to preserve the values of indigenous wisdom and culture of Gayo. The purpose of this study is to determine the importance of the internalization of the "Peri Mestike" (PM) Gayo philosophy in fostering the character of students, as well as the internalization process. The method used is a qualitative method with the ethnopedagogic approach, the data conclusions using the interview method with the strategy of "Swelling Gengku", (the method of imagery and class). This study shows that education must synergize with local wisdom in fostering the character of students because the culture is their identity. The results showed the importance of PM in internalizing and integrating with education as local wisdom and in schools, as for the process found first; through understanding PM by presenting qualified figures, second; with integration in learning material, third; through extracurricular activities, photos or posters that read PM sentences. Furthermore, the school through the principal's policy will continue to try to formulate with the teachers so that the PM can be a subject of local content