2 research outputs found
Tipografi merupakan bentuk visual yang kuat karena bahasa yang tampak ini menghubungkan pikiran dan informasi melalui indera mata. Salah satu typeface yang memiliki tingkat keterbacaan tinggi dan banyak digunakan di abad ke-20 adalah sans serif. Perusahaan besar dunia di bidang fashion (Balenciaga, Burberry, Balmain, Berluti, Saint Laurent) dan teknologi (Revolut, Microsoft, Meta, Spotify dan Airbnb) melakukan rebranding visual pada logotype mereka dengan menggunakan font dari jenis sans serif. Font yang beredar memberi dampak negatif akan sulitnya memilih font yang tepat sehingga diperlukan penentuan klasifikasi khusus dari jenis typeface. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan klasifikasi yang mengerucutkan karakteristik setiap font dari typeface sans-serif berdasarkan anatomi hurufnya agar mempermudah desainer dalam memilih font sekaligus diharapkan bisa menjadi acuan dalam menentukan klasifikasi dari typeface lainnya. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dengan metode studi komparasi dimana akan ditemukan perbedaan dan persamaan dari kedua variable. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, font dari typeface sans-serif yang digunakan oleh merek fashion dan teknologi memiliki persamaan pada bagian anatomi vertex, apex, crotch, slope dan counter dan terdapat perbedaan pada bagian capline, meanline, ascender, descender, kontras, terminal, stroke, crossbar, cross stroke, leg, arm, tail, overshoot, spine, ribs, shoulder,, eye dan dot. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat lebih banyak perbadaan susunan anatomi huruf dari brand fashion dan teknologi dan huruf-huruf yang membentuk logotype merek fashion memiliki karakteristik yang lebih bold, kaku dan konsisten sedangan logotype merek fashion memiliki karakteristik yang lebih fleksibel dan tidak kaku.
Typography is a powerful visual form because this visible language connects thoughts and information through the senses. One typeface that has a high level of legibility and was widely used in the 20th century is sans serif. The world's major fashion companies (Balenciaga, Burberry, Balmain, Berluti, Saint Laurent) and technology (Revolut, Microsoft, Meta, Spotify and Airbnb) are doing a visual rebranding of their logotype using a sans serif font. Circulating fonts have a negative impact on the difficulty of choosing the right font, so it is necessary to determine a special classification of typeface types. This research was conducted to produce a classification that narrows down the characteristics of each font of a sans-serif typeface based on the anatomy of the letters in order to make it easier for designers to choose a font and at the same time it is hoped that it can become a reference in determining the classification of other typefaces. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with a comparative study method where differences and similarities between the two variables will be found. Based on the results of the analysis, the fonts of the sans-serif typeface used by fashion and technology brands have similarities in the anatomy of the vertex, apex, crotch, slope and counter and there are differences in the capline, meanline, ascender, descender, contrast, terminal, stroke, crossbar, cross stroke, leg, arm, tail, overshoot, spine, ribs, shoulder, eye and dot. The conclusion of this study is that the letters that make up the logotype of a fashion brand have characteristics that are bolder, stiffer and more consistent, while the logotype of a fashion brand has characteristics that are more flexible and less rigid
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Berorientasi Pasar (Market Oriented Model) di SMK Ananda Mitra Industri Deltamas
This research aims to obtain information about the implementation of market-oriented learning models at SMK Ananda Mitra Industri Deltamas. This research uses qualitative methods, namely research that produces descriptive data in the form of written or spoken words from individuals and observed behavior. The research procedure begins with the pre-field stage in the form of literature review and pre-observation, then the data collection stage using interviews, as well as observation and documentation studies to strengthen primary data and ends with data processing and analysis. The Ananda Mitra Deltamas Vocational High School (SMK) is an industry-based vocational school located in the Deltamas Cikarang Industrial Estate which is flanked by several industrial areas including GIIC, KITIC, Silicon, Jababeka, Hyundai, MM2100. Judging from the model used, this school implements a link and match education system. Because not many in Indonesia apply the market orientation model, based on the description above, this research will focus on observing the application of the market orientation model at SMK Ananda Mitra Deltamas. The results showed that: 1) the learning process at SMK Ananda Mitra Industri Deltamas refers to the 2013 curriculum which was further developed based on input from the industry in accordance with the vision and mission of the school and uses a block system, 2) Application of market-oriented learning models in SMK Ananda Mitra Industri Deltamas is designed and adapted to link and match with DUDI, and 3) There is a Special Employment Exchange (BKK) which is intended for class XII students as a means of placing work positions for each graduate