6 research outputs found
Encouraging learning difficulties in social studies by multidisciplinary learning models
Learning activity distributes knowledge from educators to students to develop abilities and shape character, essential in improving student learning outcomes. However, there are still many learning activities that are less exciting or tend to be monotonous, which makes students quickly bored. This study aims to explore the learning difficulties in social studies learning by implementing a multidiscipline learning model. A conventional literature review and Jacobs' theory of a multidisciplinary integrated learning model were used to analyze the data. This study found that applying multidisciplinary learning models in social studies learning could bring some advantages, such as encouraging students to be more open-minded, active, easy-going, friendly, motivated, disciplined, and work in teamwork.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um022v8i12023p3
This study investigates the impact of code-switching on communication clarity in an EFL classroom in Indonesia. Data were collected through one classroom observation and interviews with one teacher and three students at a senior high school in Surakarta. Results indicate that code-switching significantly enhances communication clarity, boosting students' confidence and interest in the EFL classroom. The finding highlights the necessity for EFL teachers to incorporate code-switching strategies for effective communication and language learning activity
Implementasi Kebijakan Pembelajaran Tatap Muka di Pesantren Taruna Al Qur’an Putri Yogyakarta Masa Darurat Covid-19
Satu tahun lebih pandemi covid-19 melanda dunia dan berimbas pada dunia pendidikan termasuk pondok pesantren. Kebijakan terkait pembelajaran di masa pandemi covid-19 yang dibuat oleh pemerintah melatarbelakangi Pondok Pesantren Taruna Al-Qur’an putri dalam pengambilan kebijakan pendidikan di pondok pesantren.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kebijakan-kebijakan pendidikan pada pembelajaran tatap muka di Pondok Pesantren Taruna Al-Qur’an Putri selama pandemic covid-19. Metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan penelitian kualitatif bersifat deskriptif. Peneliti mendeskripsikan suatu obyek, fenomena, atau setting sosial yang akan dilaporkan dalam tulisan yang bersifat naratif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan dengan menggunakan triangulasi teknik yaitu pengungkapan data dilakukan kepada sumber data.Teknik ini dilakukan dengan menggabungkan teknik wawancara, dan observasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pondok Pesantren Taruna Al-Qur’an Putri telah menerapkan protokol kesehatan yang mengacu pada kebijakan pemerintahan tentang ketentuan dan panduan penyelenggaran pembelajaran tatap muka di pondok pesantre
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Pandak Melalui Budaya Baksos sebagai Budaya Lokal Masyarakat Indonesia
Social Service is one of the cultures that exist in Indonesian society and has been passed down from generation to generation, from generation to generation. Nowadays, social service has begun to be forgotten and eroded by technological developments. The culture of social service is a culture that must be maintained and revived in every community. The culture of social service can provide several benefits to social life, because through social service activities, friendship and community cooperation can be improved. In addition to the community, social services can also provide benefits to the environment, because with regular social services the environment will be maintained and with a well-maintained environment it will create a healthy environment for the community