8,312 research outputs found

    GAMBARAN FAKTOR PENEGETAHUAN, KEBERSIHAN DIRI DAN KONDISI LINGKUNGAN(Studi Kejadian Skabies di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Yaqin Desa Durian Lecah Kec. Sungai Manau Kab. Merangin Propinsi Jambi)

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    Skabies 'gudig" merupakan penyakit kulit menular yang disebabkan oleh S. scabiei Penyakit ini sering dijumpai pada tempat-tempat yang padat penduduknya dengan keadaan kebersihan diri yang kurang. Prevalensi di beberapa Negara berkembang 6-12% dari populasi umum, dengan prevalensi tertinggi pada anak usia sekolah dan remaja. Penyakit ini dijumpai di Pondok Pesantren NURUL YAQIN desa Durian Lecah, hampir semua santri mengatakan pernah menderita skabies 98 (84%.) Tujuan penelitian untuk menggambarkan Faktor Pengetahuan, Kebersihan Diri dan Kondisi Lingkungan (Studi Kejadian Skabies di Pondok Pesantren NURUL YAQIN Desa Durian Lecah). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey dengan pendekatan Cross sectional. Populasi adalah santri putra di Pondok Pesantren NURUL YAQIN berjumlah 289 orang, sampel sebanyak 116 orang di pilih dengan teknik simple random. Data diambil melalui wawancara langsung dengan responden menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada 24 (20,7%) responden yang menderita skabies, (24,0%) mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan cenderung rendah, (21,4%) kebersihan diri tinggi, (26,4%) kepadatan ruangan tinggi dan suhu ruangan > 25oC. Kata Kunci: Pesantren Nurul Yaqin, skabies, kebersihan diri suhu lingkunga


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    Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is to advocate the teaching practices that develop learners’ abilities to communicate in a second language. It represents a change of focus on the language teaching from the  learners’ need for developing communication skills. It aims to make the students more actively in English  speaking at STMIK Royal Kisaran. Here, the lecturer give the motivation and suggestions to the students’ communication. It used the qualitative reserch design which the researcher used the description to answer the gaps of this research. The subjects are taken based on the randomese technique to get the results and they are only 25 students. the researcher gave some small hot topics, they can communicate and give good respons Most of the students are able to communicate in English even though it is a little or step by step. They can make small communication because the CLT makes communicate to their friends in English. Besides they can speak English, they are so comfortable in the CLT method in English Teaching.   &nbsp


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    This study investigates the characteristics of English advertisements created by the students of Business English Class at the University of PGRI Semarang. There were 25 students taken as the sample since they had been trained how to analyse and make English advertisement. At the end of the training session, 60 pictures of educational, tourism, and health products were distributed and the students were asked to create their own advertisement under each picture. There were only 30advertisement texts eligible for further analysis. The analysis was done to its lexical aspects, syntactical features as well as its rhetorical devices. The results show that most of the students were able to make their own advertisement texts but most of the words are verb and noun (90%), simple sentence (93%), and only 2 out of 30 advertisement (6.6%) used rhetorical devices. They need more time to practice writing informative and attractive advertisement text. Thus, for the next class session, it is recommended that the lesson materials in the Business English shouldbe divided into two mainstreams: Business Writing and Business Advertisement and each mainstream should be taught for 7 class sessions. By having such division, the students will have an ample time to do some advertisement-text practices

    Sayyid Ahmad Khan Reformis Pendidikan Islam Di India

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    Bangsa Arab sudah ada berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat India melalui perdagangan lewat jalan sutra. Salah satu hasil adalah terkenal dengan pedang yang disepuh secara Hind. Penguasa Islam yang pertama adalah Muhammad Ibnu Qasim, Muhammad Ghazni hingga kaisar Mongol. Islam mulai memudar di India setelah masuk pengaruh bangsa Inggris yang berkejasama dengan masyarakat India. Islam mundur di India karena mereka tidak mau menerima hal yang terbaru termasuk pada dunia pendidikan. Menurut Sayyid Ahmad Khan umat Islam bangkit harus ada pembaharuan di bidang pendidikan dan berkerjasama dengan bangsa yang non Islam. Untuk memajukan umat Islam satu-satunya jalan adalah melalui pendidikan. Melalui pendidikan akan lahirlah para intelektual Islam. Ilmu pengetahuan dapat memaju kemajuan dan melahirkan kebudayaan modern Selain itu Sayyid Ahmad Khan mengatakan; perselisihan antara agama di dalam ajaran agama Islam dilaran

    Koordinasi Antar Instansi Terkait dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunan di Daerah

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    The main objectives of this research are to describe: (1) the identification and implementation of mechanism model of local bureaucracy, (2) how the condition of coordination between related bureaucracy institution. This research is descriptive, that is, to answer the details of social phenomena according to research questions. The data in this research is analyzed with qualitative analysis. The result indicated that (1) Some used of the formula are, for example: (1) coordination of authority, (2) coordination of consensus, (3) coordination of recommended work, (4) coordination of forum. The implementation and execution is coordination between related bureaucracy institutions, especially in the area of development execution. Coordination between the related institution in the province level and sub-province area has not in good implementation

    C.1.5 Similarity Cek Akmal

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    C.1.1 Similarity Cek Akmal

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