128 research outputs found
Perturbation study of the conductance through a finite Hubbard chain
Transport through a Hubbard chain of size N (=1,2,3,...) connected to
reservoirs is studied at T = 0 in an electron-hole symmetric case based on the
second-order perturbation theory in U. The result shows a typical even-odd
property corresponding to a Kondo or Mott-Hubbard physics. In this report,
specifically, we study the dependence of the conductance on the coupling
between the chain and reservoirs, which was not examined in detail in our
previous report [Phy. Rev. B 59, 12240 (1999)].Comment: 2 pages, LaTeX, submitted to LT22 (Physica B
Transmission probability through small interacting systems: application to a series of quantum dots
We apply a theory for the transmission probability of small interacting
systems, which was formulated based on the Kubo formalism in our previous
study, to a series of quantum dots described by the N-impurity Anderson model.
In this report, we present the transmission pobability for the system of N=2
calculated using the order self-energy and vertex corrections.
Particularly, we examine the features in the two typical parameter regions,
, where the Kondo effect or the inter-dot correlation
dominates. Here, is the inter-dot transfer and is the level
broadening caused by the coupling with the noninteracting leads.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures: proccedings of LT23 (Hiroshima, August, 2002
Kondo screening of a high-spin Nagaoka state in a triangular quantum dot
We study transport through a triangle triple quantum dot connected to two
noninteracting leads using the numerical renormalization group (NRG). The
triangle has a high-spin ground state of S=1 caused by a Nagaoka
ferromagnetism, when it is isolated and has one extra electron introduced into
a half-filling. The results show that the conduction electrons screen the local
moment via two separate stages with different energy scales. The half of the
S=1 is screened first by one of the channel degrees, and then at very low
temperature the remaining half is fully screened to form a Kondo singlet. The
transport is determined by two phase shifts for quasi-particles with even and
odd parities, and then a two-terminal conductance in the series configuration
is suppressed , while plateau of a four-terminal
parallel conductance reaches a Unitary limit value of two conducting modes.Comment: 2pages, 2figures: fig1 is revised to show a narrow dip found in the
series conductanc
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