7 research outputs found
Multivariate analysis of factors associated with hypertension, Durame Town Administration, Southern Ethiopia, April 2012(n = 518).
<p>Multivariate analysis of factors associated with hypertension, Durame Town Administration, Southern Ethiopia, April 2012(n = 518).</p
Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents in Durame town administration, Southern Ethiopia, April 2013 (n = 518).
<p>* = 10 NGO Employee and 6 driver.</p><p>** = 4 Dongaw and 2 Sidama.</p><p>Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents in Durame town administration, Southern Ethiopia, April 2013 (n = 518).</p
Anti-TB therapy and diseases related characteristics of TB patients, North Gondar zone, Northwest Ethiopia, May 2013.
<p>CPT = cotrimoxazole preventive therapy, EPTB = Extra pulmonary TB, PTB-SM+ = Smear positive pulmonary TB, PTB-SM− = Smear negative pulmonary TB, OI = Opportunistic Infections.</p
Logistic regression analysis of factors associated with non- adherence to anti-TB (last 1 month).
<p>North Gondar zone, Northwest Ethiopia, May 2013.</p
Reasons of anti-TB pills missing, North Gondar zone, Northwest Ethiopia, May 2013.
<p>Reasons of anti-TB pills missing, North Gondar zone, Northwest Ethiopia, May 2013.</p
Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents’, North Gondar zone, Northwest Ethiopia, May 2013 (n = 280).
<p>Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents’, North Gondar zone, Northwest Ethiopia, May 2013 (n = 280).</p
Healthcare system and other related characteristics of respondents’, North Gondar zone, Northwest Ethiopia, May 2013.
<p>Quacks are ‘Traditional healers’.</p