31 research outputs found
Radioiodine Treatment for Benign Thyroid Diseases
Radioiodine (RAI) is becoming the preferred treating option for benign thyroid diseases. Hyperthyroidism is defined as hypermetabolic state caused by high levels of circulating thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland. The most common hyperthyroidism causes are Graves’ disease, toxic multinodular goitre, and solitary hyperfunctioning nodule, for which RAI can be preferred as a definitive treatment option. It is rapidly incorporated into the thyroid and with its beta emissions with a path length of 1–3 mm cause extensive local tissue damage and necrosis. The thyroid gland is effectively ablated over a period of 8–18 weeks and can no more produce normal amount of thyroid hormones. It is an individualized therapy that can either be a first-line therapy, or an alternative therapy to neck surgery or to use of antithyroidal drugs after 1 year. For the optimal efficiency, before the RAI treatment, the patients should be extensively assessed and they also should be given clear information about the treatment, as well as written instructions for precautions to avoid irradiation exposure to other people. Moreover, after RAI treatment patients should have their regular follow-up. This chapter summarizes all the points for a RAI treatment
Can Tc-99m labeled erythrocyte scintigraphy be an alternative non-invasive method to endometriosis diagnosis?
Background: Endometriosis is defined as the implantation of endometrial gland and stroma ectopically outside the uterus. Clinically, it is a hormone dependent benign disease accompanied by pelvic pain and infertility. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the activated implants with 99m-Tc labeled erythrocyte scintigraphy (99mTc-RBCs) in patients with recurrent endometriosis and compare the results with pelvic MRI results.Methods: Patients who were diagnosed histopathologically as endometriosis either with operation and / or therapeutic laparascopy or laparotomy and, were included to present study. Thirty patients, who were diagnosed as recurrence by clinical, and laboratory terms and 10 healthy volunteer (control group) patients were included in the study. Between the second and fifth days of menstruation when the endometriotic lesions were highly activated, radionuclide imaging was performed by 99mTc-RBCs and compared with pelvic MRI findings.Results: In 27 patients out of 30 patients (90%) pathological accumulation of radioactivity foci with 99mTc-RBCs were present. The focal pathological accumulation was significant in 26 patients and moderate in 1 patient. In 22 patients (81.5%) the increased radioactivity accumulation in radionuclide images was concordant with MRI images. Regarding the MRI as reference, the sensitivity of 99mTc-RBCs was determined as 96%, specificity 29%, positive predicitive value 81% and negative predictive value was 66%.Conclusions: Imaging of endometriosis regions with 99m-Tc-RBCs can be an alternative diagnostic procedure for the patients with recurrent endometriosis
Bankacılık sektöründe kurumsal müşterilerin marka algılaması ve bir uygulama
ÖZETBANKACILIK SEKTÖRÜNDE KURUMSAL MÜŞTERİLERİN MARKA ALGILAMALARI VE BİR UYGULAMAGünümüz rekabet koşullarında markalar, ürün ve hizmetleri farklılaştırıcı bir unsur olmakla birlikte, ürün ya da hizmete kişilik kazandırmakta, yarattığı olumlu çağrışımlarla tüketicilerin algılarını olumlu yönde etkilemekte ve aynı zamanda prestij sağlayıcı bir unsur olmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda müşteri beklentilerini karşılayan ve marka algılamalarını başarılı bir şekilde yöneten işletmeler, pazarda kalıcı olabilmektedirler.Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde marka ve marka konumlandırma kavramları incelenmiştir.İkinci bölümde tüketicilerin marka algılamaları bölümü ve kurumsal marka kimliği içerisinde değerlendirilen kavramlar yer almaktadır.Üçüncü bölümünde ise bankacılık sektörünün özellikleri ve temel sorunları yer almaktadır.Çalışmanın uygulaması ise bankacılık sektöründe kurumsal müşterilerin marka algılamalarını belirlemeye yönelik olarak yapılmıştır ABSTRACT BRAND PERCEPTIONS OF CORPORATE CUSTOMERS AND AN APLICATION IN THE BANKING SECTOR Nowadays; in perfect competition market conditions, all the brands are being used for making difference in comodity and services’ qualities . Brands impersonate all the commodities and services .All the brands make a positive affect on consumers’ senses with the positive association which is created by them. Consequently, the enterprises which meet expectations of customers and which understand the feedbacks’ accurately on the brand perceptions and which finally use the feedbacks successfully can stand in the market permanant.In the first chapter of the research notions about brand and brand positioning are examined In the second chapter you can see the part of customers' perception of brand and the notions examined about corporate identity of brand.In the third chapter you can see the part of properties in the banking sector and the notions examined about question in the banking sectorThe application of the research is made on brand perceptions of corporate customers in the banking sector
What If It’s All an Illusion? To What Extent Can We Rely on Self-Reported Data in Open, Online, and Distance Education Systems?
Online surveys are widely used in social science research as well as in empirical studies of open, online, and distance education. However, students’ responses are likely to be at odds with their actual behavior. In this context, we examined the discrepancies between self-reported use and actual use (i.e., learning analytics data) among 20,646 students in an open, online, and distance education system. The ratio of consistent responses to each of the 11 questions ranged from 43% to 70%, and the actual access to learning resources was significantly lower than self-reported use. In other words, students over-reported their use of learning resources. Females were more likely to be consistent in their responses. Frequency of visits to the open, online, and distance education system, grade point average, self-reported satisfaction, and age were positively correlated with consistency; students’ current semester was negatively correlated with consistency. Although consistency was not maintained between actual use and self-reported use, consistency was maintained between some of the self-report questionnaires (i.e., use vs. satisfaction). The findings suggested that system and performance data should be considered in addition to self-reported data in order to draw more robust conclusions about the accountability of open, online, and distance education systems
Barrier effect of sternum to right ventricle dilatation appearing like letter phi "phi'' on MPI
WOS: 000442667600059PubMed: 2897557
The detection of apical variant of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in myocardial perfusion imaging
The Early Repolarization Pattern and Gated SPECT Abnormality Association At the Concordant Localization with Coronary Stenosis: Just a Co-incidence or Not?
<p>With this image focus, we have reported a co-incidence
between the early repolarization pattern, gated SPECT wall motion abnormality and silent ischemic heart disease at concordant localization, as an interesting subject to be explored.<br></p>