70 research outputs found
School cooperatives are cooperatives whose members are students or students of a school that serves as a forum for educating the growing awareness of cooperatives among students. For this reason, we need a forum that is expected to be able to achieve these objectives, namely school cooperatives. Cooperatives have a direct contribution to the welfare of their members because cooperatives have the principle of kinship and also the function of cooperatives for the welfare of their members. DDI Lilbanat Islamic boarding school as one of the business units, Islamic boarding schools aim to meet the needs of teachers and students in daily life. This research was conducted by raising the issue of: 1. How the efforts of DDI Lilbanat boarding school cooperatives in meeting the needs and improving the welfare of teachers and students, 2. How is the function of the DDI Lilbanat boarding school cooperatives in order to improve the welfare of teachers and students.This type of research used in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method, the data in this study were obtained from primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the inductive method and the deductive method.Environmental problems will arise from the interaction between human economic activities and natural resources, which starts from the demand of the population for goods and services, which in turn results in increased demand for natural resources. Through economic activities, the natural resources are exploited to produce a product in the form of goods and services.In the kelurahan area in the exploitation of natural resources produced to produce goods or services carried out through sand mining, sand miners are one of the main economic growth factors in an area, especially in the sand mining location.This type of research used in this thesis is a qualitative descriptive method, the data in this study were obtained from primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used were interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis technique is to use qualitative data analysis.Implications in determining the results of research using a process that results in economic improvement by looking at the good and bad impacts and how to know the economic development of the community before and after the existence of a sand mine in Padaidi Village as a research location, and want to know how to analyze Islamic economic law.The results of this study indicate that: 1) the economic development of the community has been able to improve the economy of the community by looking at the economic development of the community before and after the existence of sand mining 2) the implications generated in seeing the positive and negative impacts have really helped the community, such as the opening of jobs and income levels for the community, and does not have too bad an impact on the environmentMasalah lingkungan akan timbul dari adanya interaksi antara aktivitas ekonomi manusia dan sumberdaya alam, yang berawal dari adanya permintaan penduduk akan barang dan jasa, selanjutnya mengakibatkan meningkatnya permintaan sumber daya alam. Melalui kegiatan ekonomi, sumber daya alam tersebut diekplotasi untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk berupa barang dan jasa.
Pada daerah kelurahan padaidi eksplotasi sumber daya alam yang dihasilkan untuk menghasilkan barang atau jasa dilakukan melalui penambngan pasir, penambang pasir menjadi salahsatu faktor pertumbuhn ekonomi pada suatu daerah khususnya padaidi yang merupakan lokasi penambangan pasir.
Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif, data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Adapun teknik analisis datanya yaitu menggunakan analisis data kualitatif.
Implikasi dalam menentukan hasil dari penelitian menggunakan proses sehingga menhasilkan peningkatan perekonomian dengan melihat dampak baik dan buruknya serta bagaimana mengetahui perkembangan perekonomian masyarakkat sebelum dan sesudah adanya tambang pasir di Kelurahan Padaidi sebagai lokasi penelitian, dan ingin mengetahui bagaimana analisis hukum ekonomi islamnya.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa:1) perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat sudah dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat dengan melihat perkembangan ekonomi masyarakat sebelum dan sesudah adanya pertambangan pasir 2) implikasi yang dihasilkan dalam melihat dampak positif dan negatifnya sudahh sangat membantu masyarakat, seperti terbukanya lapangan pekerjaan dan tingkat pendapatannya bagi masyarakat, dan tidak terlalu berdampak buruk pada lingkungan 3)standar produksi jual beli berdasarkan ekonomi islam pada pertambangan yaitu sudah dinilai dengan baik oleh masyarakat, serta tidak terlalu berdampak pada lingkungan dan tingkat kemakmuran masyarakat sangat bai
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan secara rinci tentang evaluasi pelaksanaan pendidikan kesetaraan terintegrasi di lembaga tahfidz Ahlul Qur’an Kota Bengkulu, dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan tata cara riset kualitatif dan informasi yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi, serta dokumentasi. Dengan hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini yaitu evaluasi pelaksanaan pendidikan kesetaraan terintegrasi di lembaga tahfidz Ahlul Qur’an Kota Bengkulu, dilakukan dengan cara adanya kerjasama antara pihak lembaga tahfidz Ahlul Qur’an dengan PKBM Delia yang sebagai wadah keberlangsungan proses pembelajaran PAKET terintegrasi, seperti melihat hasil nilai-nilai pembelajaran pada warga belajar dari santri sebelumnya, keaktifan dalam proses pembelajaran, K1, K2, K3, K4 sampai dengan aktifitas keseharian dari warga belajar. evaluasi penilaian dilakukan mulai dari harian, minguan, bulanan sampai akhir dari proses pembelajaran berlangsung sehingga hasil evaluasi penilaian menjadi acuan untuk program PAKET terintegrasi selanjutnya.Kata kunci: Evaluasi, Tahfidz Ahlul Qur’an, Paket Terintegrasi
Perancangan Sistem Kendali Solar Tracker Berdasarkan Intensitas Cahaya Matahari
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh diperlukannya upaya dalam pemanfaatan energi matahari yang melimpah, salah satunya dengan menggunakan solar cell yang dapat mengubah energi sinar matahari menjadi energi listrik. Penyerapan sinar matahari pada solar cell tidak maksimal jika hanya terpasang statis, oleh karena itu solar cell harus bisa bergerak mengikuti arah sinar matahari agar dapat bekerja optimal. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang sistem pada panel surya agar dapat bergerak mengikuti arah matahari (solar tracker) berdasarkan besar instensitas cahaya yang diperoleh, agar penyerapan sinar matahari lebih optimal. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimental yakni perancangan sistem dan pembuatan alat sebagai media penelitian maka penulis membuat sistem kendali Solar tracker berdasarkan intensitas cahaya matahari. Data diperoleh dengan cara studi literatur, data proses perancangan dan pengujian atau pengukuran luaran pada alat yang dibuat. Parameter yang menjadi analisis berupa nilai pembacaan sensor LDR yang akan menentukan pergerakan arah panel surya, besar derajat pergerakan panel surya dan tegangan yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari pengamatan selama 7 hari dari pukul 08:30 sampai 17:30, intensitas cahaya yang diterima oleh sensor LDR diperoleh rata-rata sensor satu bernilai 558,37, sensor dua bernilai 614,68, sensor tiga bernilai 614,16, dan sensor keempat bernilai 335,84. Kemudian pada hasil pengukuran sudut mempunyai rata-rata sudut kemiringan 94,370°. Adapun tegangan yang dihasilkan sanggat berpengaruh pada kondisi cuaca dan pergerakan solar tracker di setiap jamnya. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa, sistem kontrol pada solar tracker berfungsi dengan baik dapat bergerak berdasarkan intensitas cahaya matahar
Prototype Display Informasi Kampus Menggunakan Rasberry Pi Studi Kasus Pada Gedung UPT TIK Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang dan membangun display informasi dalam bentuk web sebagai media dalam penyampaian informasi yang berkaitan dengan kampus Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin (Poliban) seperti pengumuman, report data kampus serta denah kampus Poliban berbasis Raspberry Pi, Sehingga display informasi dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi pengunjung, staf, dan mahasiswa/i dalam mendapatkan informasi dari Poliban secara cepat. Selain itu juga melakukan uji coba dalam hal pembuatan server TV, sehingga menghasilkan TV streaming agar bisa ditampilkan di display informasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode waterfall. Pada tahapan pertama dilakukan penilitian langsung ke Poliban dalam pengumpulan data untuk penelitian. Data-data yang didapatkan dianalisis untuk keperluan pembuatan desain dan alur system display informasi. Kemudian desain dan analisis masalah pada tahapan sebelumnya diterjemahkan ke dalam kode-kode program dengan menggunakan bahasa pemprograman web. Tahapan selanjutnya adalah penyatuan unit-unit program dan pengujian secara keseluruhan sistem yang diimplementasi. Tahapan terakhir adalah pengoperasian pada display informasi dan akan dilakukan pula pemeliharaan jika masih ada kendala saat diimplementasikan pada kondisi sebenarnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa display informasi dapat dijalankan dalam bentuk web serta dapat menayangkan tayangan TV streaming yang berasal dari server TV. Dengan demikian, display informasi kampus Poliban dapat digunakan oleh para pengunjung, staf dan mahasiswa/i Poliban
Implementasi Mesin Pengeruk Isi Buah Markisa berbasis Mikrokontroler dan Elektro Pneumatik
Passion fruit has a distinctive sweet and sour taste, which is quite popular in Indonesia, especially in South Sulawesi. Passion fruit is processed into syrup, and dodol is one of the typical souvenirs popular with tourists. Processing passion fruit syrup in the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Industry still uses very simple equipment. Hence, the quality and quantity of the product produced are not optimal. Passion fruit cutting uses a knife with a low capacity for cutting and shrinkage results, so this research aims to design a passion fruit-filled shaver machine based on a microcontroller and electro-pneumatics. This passion fruit shaver machine uses a microcontroller as the control center. First, the passion fruit passes through an infrared sensor, which detects the fruit and counts the number of incoming fruits. After that, Arduino Uno reads and activates the control relay from the DC motor. After 0.5 seconds, cylinder 1 is active, which pushes the DC motor down so that the passion fruit shrinks for 3 seconds. Then, the pneumatic push up to the normal position; after 0.5 seconds, the second cylinder actively pushes the passion fruit skin that has been shaved out (thrown away). This processes for 1 second and returns to its normal position. If there is passion fruit, it comes in again, and the tool functions similarly, and so on. The results of this study produced a passion fruit shrinker machine with dimensions of length 300 mm x width 300 mm x height 600 mm, a motor power of 240 Watt or 0.321 HP, and a production capacity of 54 kg/hour.Buah Markisa mempunyai rasa khas asam manis yang populer di Indonesia, terutama Sulawesi Selatan. Buah Markisa diolah menjadi sirup dan dodol merupakan oleh-oleh yang disukai wisatawan. Proses pengolahan sirup markisa pada Industri UMKM masih menggunakan peralatan sederhana, sehingga kualitas dan kuantitas produk yang dihasilkan tidak maksimal. Pemotongan buah markisa menggunakan pisau dengan kapasitas hasil pemotongan dan pengerukan masih rendah sehingga tujuan penelitian ini merancang mesin pengeruk isi buah markisa berbasis mikrokontroler dan elektro pneumatik. Mesin ini menggunakan mikrokontroler sebagai pusat pengendali. Pertama markisa melewati sensor infrared yang berfungsi untuk mendeteksi buah dan menghitung jumlah buah masuk, setelah itu Mikrokontroler membaca dan mengaktifkan relay kontrol dari motor DC, selang 0,5 detik silinder 1 aktif mendorong ke bawah Motor DC sehingga markisa terserut selama 3 detik, lalu pneumatik mendorong ke atas ke posisi normal, selang 0,5 detik silinder 2 aktif mendorong kulit markisa yang telah diserut keluar (terbuang), berproses selama 1 detik dan kembali posisi normal, jika ada markisa masuk lagi alat berfungsi kembali dan begitu seterusnya. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan mesin pengeruk buah markisa yang berdimensi panjang 300 mm x lebar 300 mm x tinggi 600 mm dan daya motor 240 watt atau 0.321 HP, serta kapasitas produksi 54 kg/jam
Lates calcarifer is one type of Indonesian marine fish that has high economic value. Demand also continues to increase both domestically and abroad such as countries in Europe (Italy, Spain, and France). However, if it is not supported by the availability of sufficient larvae, the market demand will also not be fulfilled. The purpose of this study was to determine the technique of rearing L.calcarifer larvae and to find out the production results in CV. Bali Akkua Marine. 100.000 eggs selected from Balai Besar Riset Budidaya Laut dan Penyuluhan Perikanan, Gondol, Bali, Indonesia.The stages of egg rearing include Egg Observation (whole round eggs and floating and white in color),  acclimatization for ± 30 minutes. Eggs that have been stocked will hatch after 14-17 hours after fertilization. The optimal temperature for hatching eggs is between 27°C - 29°C. The calculation of the hatching rate (HR) obtained in the field from 100,000 eggs is 84.5%. Larvae of L. calcarifer reared reach 7-9 cm and require 63-80 days from hatching eggs. After hatching, the larvae eggs will be harvested if they reach a size of 0,6-1 cm and  SR of 75.1% . During the seed maintenance activities, the survival rate (SR) of L. calcarifer was 48.4% of the 63.500 larvae harvested
Storychart: A Character Interaction Chart for Visualizing the Activities Flow
Event-predicate-based storyline extraction results in a chronologically ordered activity journal. The extraction results contain complex human activities, so the activity journal requires a visualization model to describe actor interactions. This paper proposes a chart to visualize the activities' flow to describe the characters' interactions in an activity journal. This chart is called a storychart. Storycharts have an actor channel that can accept single entities or teams. The actor channel allows changing the type from single to a team or vice versa and moving members to other teams. The activity channel serves as a connector to accommodate interactions between actors. The activity channel provides a visual space for the elements of what, where, and when. Event predicates are the core of what. Therefore, the storychart visualizes the event predicate using glyphs to attract the reader’s attention. The main contribution of this paper is to introduce a team channel that can visualize the identity of team members and an activity channel that can visualize the details of events. We invited participants to discover the reader’s perception of the ease of team recognition and the integrity of the meaning of the narrative visualized by the storychart. Participants involved in the evaluation were filtered by literacy score. Evaluation of storychart reading showed that readers could easily distinguish teams from single actors, and storycharts could convey the story in the activity journal with little reduction in meaning
Observation on void formed in oxide scale of Fe-Cr-Ni alloy at 1073K in dry and humid environments
Void formation in oxide scale during high temperature oxidation is a
common phenomenon. Over a long period of time voids will affect the mechanical
property of scales by influencing the cracking and spalling. Voids formed in dry
environment are different than that of formed in humid environment. With the presence
of water vapor in humid environment the formation of void will increase, thus greater
number of void compared to that in dry environment. Fe-Cr-Ni alloy samples were
exposed isothermally at 1073 K in air (P_(O_2)= 0.21atm = 2.1 x? 10 5 Pa) and humid (air +
steam) environments. XRD analysis done to all samples confirms that Fe2O3, Fe3O4,
NiCr2O4, FeCr2O4, Cr2O3 and NiO phases exist in the scale. EDX analysis done shows
varying compositions of Fe,Cr,Ni and O in outer and inner oxide scale, oxide scale/metal
interface and metal. Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) was used to
investigate voids formed in the cross sections of the oxidized samples. Volume fraction
of voids in the oxide scale was calculated in accordance to the cross sectional area
fraction of voids in the scale. It shows that Fe-Cr-Ni alloy samples exposed in humid
environment has as high as 71% more voids than that exposed in dry environment. It is
concluded that the humid environment increased the number of void formed in the oxide
scale, thus facilitates the exfoliation of protective scale during the high temperature
AbstractVernacular Typhography on Street Market Tents in Jakarta. Jakarta is the capitol city of Indonesia, which became one of urban destination for people from supporting district like Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi, and Depok. Before and after colonialism, there is lots of culture assimilation from many ethnic and parts of nation. One the effect of vernacularism is typography vernacular that spread out at tents of street market.This research is analyzing the hierarchy, contrast, and main principles of typography (readability, legibility, clarity, and visibility) of the banner of street market’s tents. Thisanalysis is to know the vernacular typography in street market’s tents which are applying indirectly the hierarchy system, contrast, and main principles of typography. The resultof this research is the banner of the street market is one of the specific identities of street market’s food vendor from time to time.AbstrakTipografi Vernakular pada Warung Tenda Kaki Lima di Jakarta. Jakarta merupakan ibukota negara Indonesia yang telah menjadi tujuan bagi masyarakat urban yang bermukim di kota-kota penyangganya seperti Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi danDepok serta daerah-daerah lain di Indonesia. Sejak zaman sebelum kolonial dan setelah kolonial banyak asimilasi budaya dari berbagai etnis dan suku bangsa. Pengaruh sertabudaya yang dibawa oleh masyarakat urban multietnis tersebut memberi pengaruh yang sangat besar. Karya-karya vernakular di Jakarta, salah satunya adalah tipografi vernakular yang terpampang pada tenda-tenda pedagang kaki lima. Dalam penelitian ini dianalisis spanduk pada tenda pedagang kaki lima berdasarkan hirarki dan kontras serta prinsip pokok tipografi (readability, legibility, clarity, dan visibility). Analisis iniuntuk mengetahui tipografi vernakular pada spanduk tenda pedagang kaki lima yang secara tidak langsung telah menerapkan sistem hirarki dan kontras serta prinsip pokoktipografi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa spanduk kaki lima merupakan salah satu cirri dan identitas pedagang kaki lima sejak dulu hingga sekaran
Relationship between Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Background: Hypertension is a 50% cause of cardiovascular disease and stroke, 40% of cause of death in Diabetics, and is a major risk of kidney failure, pregnancy and dementia. Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a preclinical manifestation of cardiovascular disease and a strong predictor of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Examination of carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) is one method that can be used to Evaluate the occurrence of coronary heart disease and in Several studies reported that CIMT is also associated with left ventricular function and hypertrophyMethods: This cross-sectional study conducted on hypertensive patients in the outpatient unit in Cardiac Center Haji Adam Malik General Hospital since March 2018-August 2018. Examination of Carotid B-Mode ultrasound was conducted to obtain CIMT values. LVH is assessed by left ventricle mass index (LVMI) as measured by M-mode method using the Cube formulas from echocardiography. Then the analysis is done using the Spearman correlation test to see the relationship between CIMT and LVHResults: The CIMT >0.5 mm have a positive correlation with LVM (r = 0.594, p 0.5 mm has a sensitivity of 83.6%, specificity 90.4%, PPV NPV 76% and 93.8%. The CIMT value of 0:55 mm is considered to be the optimal value in diagnosing LVH in hypertensive patients in our subjects based on the ROC curve with a sensitivity of 83.6% and specificity of 90.5%, and area under the curve of 0.9.Conclusion: There is a positive correlation between carotid intima-media thickness and left ventricular hypertrophy in hypertensive patient
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