7 research outputs found
Input Synthesis for Sampled Data Systems by Program Logic
Inspired by a concrete industry problem we consider the input synthesis
problem for hybrid systems: given a hybrid system that is subject to input from
outside (also called disturbance or noise), find an input sequence that steers
the system to the desired postcondition. In this paper we focus on sampled data
systems--systems in which a digital controller interrupts a physical plant in a
periodic manner, a class commonly known in control theory--and furthermore
assume that a controller is given in the form of an imperative program. We
develop a structural approach to input synthesis that features forward and
backward reasoning in program logic for the purpose of reducing a search space.
Although the examples we cover are limited both in size and in structure,
experiments with a prototype implementation suggest potential of our program
logic based approach.Comment: In Proceedings HAS 2014, arXiv:1501.0540
Signal Convolution Logic
We introduce a new logic called Signal Convolution Logic (SCL) that combines temporal logic with convolutional filters from digital signal processing. SCL enables to reason about the percentage of time a formula is satisfied in a bounded interval. We demonstrate that this new logic is a suitable formalism to effectively express non-functional requirements in Cyber-Physical Systems displaying noisy and irregular behaviours. We define both a qualitative and quantitative semantics for it, providing an efficient monitoring procedure. Finally, we prove SCL at work to monitor the artificial pancreas controllers that are employed to automate the delivery of insulin for patients with type-1 diabetes