215 research outputs found


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    This Research aimed to find the students’ reading skill achievement after teaching them through look and say method. The questions posed in this research are “how is the first-year students’ ability of SMAN 1 Tanralili Maros in reading English?” and “How is the improvement of the students’ reading skill through look and say method?”. The method applied in this study was pre-experimental which applied pre-test and post-test. The population of this research was the first-year students of SMAN 1 Tanralili Maros. The writer applied the purposive sampling technique, so the number of the sample was 30 students. The research of data analysis indicated that there some a significant increase in the students’ achievement in reading skill after teaching them through look and say method. It was proved by the result of the statistical analysis of the level significant 0,05 with the degree of freedom (df = n-1 = 29) indicated that t-test value was 10,57. While t-table was 2,120 where 10,57 > 2,045.Based on the fact the writer concluded that the reading skill of the first-year students of SMAN 1 Tanralili Maros that had got treatment by teaching them through look and say was significantly different before they got treatment

    Quantum Teaching Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab

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    Model pembelajaran adalah kerangka kerja yang memberikan gambaran sistematis untuk melaksanakan pembelajaran agar membantu belajar siswa dalam tujuan tertentu yang ingin dicapai. Artinya, model pembelajaran merupakan gambaran umum namun tetap mengerucut pada tujuan khusus. Quantum Learning yaitu penggabungan teori-teori pendidikan terkemuka yang kemudian diuji cobakan kepada siswa-siswa melalui program Super Camp. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan cara membaca/mencari beberapa informasi atau data dari berbagai sumber baik berupa buku ataupun artikel-artikel yang terkait dengan objek penelitian. Hasil penelitian dari beberapa peneliti terkait penelitian ini menjadi data primer. jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian pustaka yang menganalisis hasil-hasil penelitian yang dilaksanakan oleh peneliti-peneliti sebelumnya, yang terkait dengan judul penelitian ini. Perapan model pembelajaran Quantum Teaching, aktivitas belajar menjadi lebih aktif dan cenderung positif dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran yang diberikan oleh guru. Dengan kondisi tersebut maka tingkat pemahaman akan meningkat dan pada gilirannya dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar


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    Abstract: Religious moderation is essential for all levels of society, especially students in West Papua City and Regency. This study was conducted to analyze the perceptions and constraints faced by students on the concept of religious moderation of Muslim minority communities in character building in West Papua. This qualitative research intended to explore the phenomenon experienced by the research subjects using methodological and scientific approaches. The data collection method was carried out through observation, interview, and documentation with researchers as the main instrument and supporting instruments using an observation list (checklist), interview guidelines, and media. The results showed that from the point of social relations, ordinary Muslim communities carry out activities blending with the communities, both non-Muslims and fellow Muslims. Abstrak: Moderasi beragama sangat penting bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat khususnya mahasiswa yang berada di Kota dan Kabupaten Papua Barat.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis persepsi serta kendala yang dihadapi mahasiswa terhadap Konsep moderasi beragama masyarakat minoritas muslim dalam pembentukan karakter di Papua Barat.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bermaksud untuk memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian, dengan pendekatan yakni dari segi pendekatan metodologis dan dari segi pendekatan keilmuan. metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kegiatan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan peneliti sebagai instrument utama serta instrument penunjang berupa: daftar observasi (check list observation), pedoman wawancara, dan media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari sudut hubungan sosial masyarakat muslim biasa melakukan kegiatan yang merupakan pembauran dengan masyarakat nonmuslim sekitar baik itu sesama muslim maupun yang lain.Abstract: Religious moderation is essential for all levels of society, especially students in West Papua City and Regency. This study was conducted to analyze the perceptions and constraints faced by students on the concept of religious moderation of Muslim minority communities in character building in West Papua. This qualitative research intended to explore the phenomenon experienced by the research subjects using methodological and scientific approaches. The data collection method was carried out through observation, interview, and documentation with researchers as the main instrument and supporting instruments using an observation list (checklist), interview guidelines, and media. The results showed that from the point of social relations, ordinary Muslim communities carry out activities blending with the communities, both non-Muslims and fellow Muslims. Abstrak: Moderasi beragama sangat penting bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat khususnya mahasiswa yang berada di Kota dan Kabupaten Papua Barat.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis persepsi serta kendala yang dihadapi mahasiswa terhadap Konsep moderasi beragama masyarakat minoritas muslim dalam pembentukan karakter di Papua Barat.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif yang bermaksud untuk memahami fenomena tentang apa yang dialami oleh subjek penelitian, dengan pendekatan yakni dari segi pendekatan metodologis dan dari segi pendekatan keilmuan. metode pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui kegiatan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dengan peneliti sebagai instrument utama serta instrument penunjang berupa: daftar observasi (check list observation), pedoman wawancara, dan media. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari sudut hubungan sosial masyarakat muslim biasa melakukan kegiatan yang merupakan pembauran dengan masyarakat nonmuslim sekitar baik itu sesama muslim maupun yang lain

    Perbandingan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Arab Secara Online dan Offline pada Peserta Didik di Madrasah Tsnawiyah Dar Al-Dakwah Wa Al-Irsyad (DDI) Mattoanging Bantaeng

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    This research is based on problems that occur in online learning that makes students and teachers experience obstacles and difficulties, until the madrasah makes a decision to apply offline learning (face to face) even though there is no government policy. This study aims to see the differences in the results of students' learning Arabic which is carried out online and offline. This research is a quantitative research in the form of expost facto research. The sample of this research is the students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah DDI Bantaeng, totaling 73 people. This study collects data using observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that based on the results of calculations at the sig level, the results obtained are 0,09 ≥ 0,05. This result means that there is a comparison of online learning and offline learning on the learning outcomes of 8th grade students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah DDI Bantaeng with the average value of online learning. 83 and offline 84. Based on the above findings, it is hoped that educators will further broaden their horizons for the application of online learning.Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh permasalahan yang terjadi pada  Pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan secara online yang membuat peserta didik dan guru mengalami kendala dan kesulitan, hingga pihak madrasah membuat keputusan untuk memberlakukan  pembelajaran secara offline (tatap muka)  meskipun belum ada ketatapan pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan  hasil belajar bahasa arab  peserta didik secara online dan offline. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dalam bentuk expost facto research. Sampel penelitian ini adalah peserta didik Madrasah Tsanawiyah DDI Bantaeng yang berjumlah 73 orang. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dandokumentasi.Sedangkan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan teknik analisis statistik yaitu uji t. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Pada taraf sig diperoleh hasil sebesar 0,09 ≥ 0,05 hasil ini berarti terdapat perbandingan pembelajaran online dan pembelajaran offline terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik kelas 8 Madrasah Tsanawiyah DDI Bantaengdengan nilai rata-rata pembelajaran secara online 83 dan offline 84. Berdasarkan temuan diatas, diharapkan kepada para pendidik untuk lebih memperluas wawasan untuk penerapan pembelajaran secara online. Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh permasalahan yang terjadi pada  Pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan secara online yang membuat peserta didik dan guru mengalami kendala dan kesulitan, hingga pihak madrasah membuat keputusan untuk memberlakukan  pembelajaran secara offline (tatap muka)  meskipun belum ada ketatapan pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbedaan  hasil belajar bahasa arab  peserta didik secara online dan offline. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dalam bentuk expost facto research. Sampel penelitian ini adalah peserta didik Madrasah Tsanawiyah DDI Bantaeng yang berjumlah 73 orang. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dandokumentasi.Sedangkan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan teknik analisis statistik yaitu uji t. hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Pada taraf sig diperoleh hasil sebesar 0,09 ≥ 0,05 hasil ini berarti terdapat perbandingan pembelajaran online dan pembelajaran offline terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik kelas 8 Madrasah Tsanawiyah DDI Bantaengdengan nilai rata-rata pembelajaran secara online 83 dan offline 84. Berdasarkan temuan diatas, diharapkan kepada para pendidik untuk lebih memperluas wawasan untuk penerapan pembelajaran secara online

    Pengaruh Manajemen Terhadap Akreditasi Madrasah Tsanawiyah Se-Kecamatan Tellusiattinge Kabupaten Bone

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    This study describes the effect of madrasah’s management  Functions on madrasah’s accreditation in Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Tellu Siattinge District, Bone Regency. This type of research is quantitative, by presenting statistical data on the phenomena that occur. The study population was 88 teachers as well as the sample. The technique of collecting data using a questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive statistics and inferential statistics by testing the hypothesis with the product moment correlation test. The results showed that there was a positive and significant effect of madrasah management functions on madrasah accreditation with a coefficient of 0.662 and a significance of 0.000. There is an effect of 66% of the management function on madrasah accreditation and other factors are influenced by other factors. This large percentage should get the attention of educational stakeholders regarding the importance of planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating functions in improving madrasah accreditation


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    This research explored students’ motivation to learn English as a foreign language. The aim of this research was to find out what kind of motivation underlie their decision to choose English as their major. This research is important as it can be used as an assist for students to be aware of their own motivation to learn as well as a basis for teachers in helping students to improve students’ learning motivation. To reach the goal of the research, an interview was carried out. The result showed that from the data, initially, most students had extrinsic motivation and only a few students experienced intrinsic motivation. After learning English for more than a year, the motivation of some students mostly stayed the same. However, some students changed their motivation. Due to difficulties in learning, several students who were motivated to learn English intrinsically turned into extrinsic motivation. Oppositely, one student coined her extrinsic motivation attributable to her curiosity into intrinsic motivation and found that English is an interesting subject to lear

    Tracing the Labor Absorption Rate in the Medium and Large Industrial Sectors

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    The high rate of population growth and the workforce raises the problem of job opportunities, because it involves various aspects both economic and non-economic. At the same time as massive industrialization, it is not automatically able to create adequate work. This study aims to analyze and determine the effect of the number of business units, the provincial minimum wage, and economic growth on the rate of labor absorption in the medium and large industrial sectors in South Sulawesi in the period 2010-2019. This research is expected to be one of the benchmarks for the government and private sector in paying attention to the absorption rate of labor in the industrial sector in South Sulawesi. The type of research used in this research is quantitative. The type of data used in this study is secondary data. The data used in this study are time series data in the years 2010-2019. The results of this study indicate that (1) the number of business units has a positive and significant effect on the rate of employment in the industrial sector in the province of South Sulawesi, (2) the provincial minimum wage has a negative and significant effect on the rate of employment in the medium and large industrial sector in South Sulawesi, (3) economic growth has a significant effect in a negative direction on employment in the medium and large industrial sectors in South Sulawesi. The government should design an industrialization policy direction that should be more inclusive, the incoming investment should be based on empowering local workers, reducing unemployment, creating more expansive employment opportunities and synergizing local economic development.Keywords: Economic Growth; Industry; Labor; Wages

    Dampak Covid 19 Terhadap Praktik Jual-Beli:

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    The Corona virus pandemic exploited by irresponsible elements.  They do a cunning business strategy, which is to hoard goods, in fiqhi terms known as iḥtikār. In the Islamic view, iḥtikār is a prohibited business practice and will be met with a painful punishment in the afterlife.  The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding about the impact of COVID 19 on the practice of buying and selling (iḥtikār).  This paper uses qualitative research methods in the form of library reseach using the shar'i approach.  From this study it can be concluded that the behavior of hoarding goods with the aim of reselling them at high prices to obtain large profits.  In Islamic Shari'ah, iḥtikār‘s law is haram because it contains elements that harm others.  This is very clearly stated in QS al-Humazah/109: 1-2 and punished by sin as stipulated in the hadith of the Messenger of Allah

    Break Even Point (BEP) Usaha Ternak Ayam Petelur Mandiri di Kecamatan Patampanua Kabupaten Pinrang

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    Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis pendapatan dan break even point usaha ayam  petelur mandiri.  Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Patampanua Kabupaten Pinrang pada bulan Oktober 2020 sampai dengan Januari 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan hasil wawancara langsung dengan pemilik usaha ayam petelur (data primer) dan sumber data sekunder yang dikumpulkan melalui data Badan Pusat Statistik. Data dianalisis menggunakan perhitungan pendapatan dan  BEP.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha peternakan ayam petelur mandiri memperoleh pendapatan sebesar Rp 103.600.850/periode (1.000 Ekor) dan                                     Rp. 476.203.250/periode (5.000 ekor).  Nilai BEP  harga telur utuh sebesar 71.366.344 pada skala 1.000 ekor dan nilai BEP harga telur utuh sebesar 199.330.762 skala 5.000 ekor.  Sementara break even point hasil telur utuh sebesar 2.039 rak (1.000 ekor) dan 5.695 rak (5.000 ekor).  Dengan demikian, hasil break even point usaha peternakan ayam petelur mandiri sudah dikatakan layak dan mendapatkan keuntungan.    Kata Kunci: ayam petelur; pendapatan; break even poin