274 research outputs found

    Accurate Stress Analysis on Steel Box Girder of Long Span Suspension Bridges Based on Multi-Scale Submodeling Method

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2010 Multi-Science PublishingThe streamline flat steel box girder is broadly used in long span cable-supported bridges all over the world. As one of the most important part of the bridges, its stress level and distribution under various dynamic loads are especially concerned. However, it is difficult to obtain the accurate stress of the steel box girder by common finite element (FE) calculation. The Runyang Suspension Bridge (RSB) is taken as an example. To increase the accuracy of results, a 3-dimensional FE full model for the RSB is created by ANSYS and a spatial submodel of the steel box girder is particularly built with greater detail. Submodeling method is then employed as a connection technique to link different scale models. After the global analysis and connecting process, the local stress of the steel box girder under various vehicle loads is obtained by submodel analysis. The composite action between the full model and the submodel is analyzed, and the reasonable mesh size for the submodel is specially investigated. The numerical results are proved to be accurate by the field test results. This study demonstrates the reliability and efficiency of the submodeling method; and can provide references for accurately analyzing and designing the steel box girders of other long span bridges

    Influence of apparent wave velocity on seismic performance of a super-long-span triple-tower suspension bridge

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    As one of the main characteristics of seismic waves, apparent wave velocity has great influence on seismic responses of long-span suspension bridges. Understanding these influences is important for seismic design. In this article, the critical issues concerning the traveling wave effect analysis are first reviewed. Taizhou Bridge, the longest triple-tower suspension bridge in the world, is then taken as an example for this investigation. A three-dimensional finite element model of the bridge is established in ABAQUS, and the LANCZOS eigenvalue solver is employed to calculate the structural dynamic characteristics. Traveling wave effect on seismic responses of these long-span triple-tower suspension bridges is investigated. Envelopes of seismic shear force and moment in the longitudinal direction along the three towers, relative displacements between the towers and the girder, and reaction forces at the bottoms of the three towers under different apparent wave velocities are calculated and presented in detail. The results show that the effect of apparent wave velocity on the seismic responses of triple-tower suspension bridge fluctuates when the velocity is lower than 2000 m/s, and the effects turn stable when the velocity becomes larger. In addition, the effects of traveling wave are closely related to spectral characteristics and propagation direction of the seismic wave, and seismic responses of components closer to the source are relatively larger. Therefore, reliable estimation of the seismic input and apparent wave velocity according to the characteristics of the bridge site are significant for accurate prediction of seismic responses. This study provides critical reference for seismic analysis and design of long-span triple-tower suspension bridges

    Mechanical Properties of a “5+4” Viscoelastic Damping Wall Based on Full-Scale Laboratory Tests

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    This paper presented temperature scanning tests of the viscoelastic materials firstly. The temperature scanning tests were carried out by a Rheogel-E4000DMA analyzer and the results showed the modulus and loss factor of viscoelastic damping material. Secondly, the full-scale laboratory test of the “5+4” VDW was carried out. The test was conducted on an electrohydraulic servo tester. A new shear loading mode in the transverse direction was proposed for the VDW. And the maximum damping force, the storage stiffness, the loss stiffness, equivalent damping coefficient, the shear storage modulus, the shear loss modulus, and the loss factor were discussed in the text

    Passive Control System for Mitigation of Longitudinal Buffeting Responses of a Six-Tower Cable-Stayed Bridge

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    This paper presents an investigation of mitigation of longitudinal buffeting responses of the Jiashao Bridge, the longest multispan cable-stayed bridge in the world. A time-domain procedure for analyzing buffeting responses of the bridge is implemented in ANSYS with the aeroelastic effect included. The characteristics of longitudinal buffeting responses of the six-tower cable-stayed bridge are studied in some detail, focusing on the effects of insufficient longitudinal stiffness of central towers and partially longitudinal constraints between the bridge deck and part of bridge towers. The effectiveness of viscous fluid dampers on the mitigation of longitudinal buffeting responses of the bridge is further investigated and a multiobjective optimization design method that uses a nondominating sort genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) is used to optimize parameters of the viscous fluid dampers. The results of the parametric investigations show that, by appropriate use of viscous fluid dampers, the top displacements of central towers and base forces of bridge towers longitudinally restricted with the bridge deck can be reduced significantly, with hampering the significant gain achieved in the base forces of bridge towers longitudinally unrestricted with the bridge deck. And the optimized parameters for the viscous fluid dampers can be determined from Pareto-optimal fronts using the NSGA-II that can satisfy the desired performance requirements

    Fractional-Derivative Maxwell Kelvin Model for “5+4” Viscoelastic Damping Wall Subjected to Large Deformation

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    Considering the larger vibration amplitude and several viscoelastic material layers, a fractional-derivative Maxwell Kelvin (FDMK) viscoelastic mechanical model is proposed for “5+4” viscoelastic damping wall, which is used for vibration control of building structures. The development of the model is based on in-parallel combination of fractional Maxwell model and fractional Kelvin model. The proposed model is experimentally validated and very good agreement between predicted and experimental results was obtained. The results confirm that the FDMK model is accurate in simulating the hysteresis properties of the “5+4” viscoelastic damping wall under large deformation. From the areas of the experimental and theoretical hysteresis loops, under 300% strain, the predicted result is the most accurate in prediction of the energy dissipation and the second is the prediction under 450% strain. Moreover, from the comparisons of dynamic properties (storage modulus, loss modulus, etc.), the FDMK model works satisfactorily. The FDMK model is more sensitive in energy dissipation than in energy storage

    Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Secret Key Generation in Spatially Correlated Channels

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    Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) is a disruptive technology to enhance the performance of physical-layer key generation (PKG) thanks to its ability to smartly customize the radio environments. Existing RIS-assisted PKG methods are mainly based on the idealistic assumption of an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) channel model at both the base station (BS) and the RIS. However, the i.i.d. model is inaccurate for a typical RIS in an isotropic scattering environment and neglecting the existence of channel spatial correlation would possibly degrade the PKG performance. In this paper, we establish a general spatially correlated channel model and propose a new channel probing framework based on the transmit and the reflective beamforming. We derive a closed-form key generation rate (KGR) expression and formulate an optimization problem, which is solved by using the low-complexity Block Successive Upper-bound Minimization (BSUM) with Mirror-Prox method. Simulation results show that compared to the existing methods based on the i.i.d. fading model, our proposed method achieves about 55 dB transmit power gain when the spacing between two neighboring RIS elements is a quarter of the wavelength. Also, the KGR increases significantly with the number of RIS elements while that increases marginally with the number of BS antennas.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.1175

    Enabling Deep Learning-based Physical-layer Secret Key Generation for FDD-OFDM Systems in Multi-Environments

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    Deep learning-based physical-layer secret key generation (PKG) has been used to overcome the imperfect uplink/downlink channel reciprocity in frequency division duplexing (FDD) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. However, existing efforts have focused on key generation for users in a specific environment where the training samples and test samples obey the same distribution, which is unrealistic for real world applications. This paper formulates the PKG problem in multiple environments as a learning-based problem by learning the knowledge such as data and models from known environments to generate keys quickly and efficiently in multiple new environments. Specifically, we propose deep transfer learning (DTL) and meta-learning-based channel feature mapping algorithms for key generation. The two algorithms use different training methods to pre-train the model in the known environments, and then quickly adapt and deploy the model to new environments. Simulation results show that compared with the methods without adaptation, the DTL and meta-learning algorithms both can improve the performance of generated keys. In addition, the complexity analysis shows that the meta-learning algorithm can achieve better performance than the DTL algorithm with less time, lower CPU and GPU resources

    Improving the wind‐induced human comfort of the Beijing Olympic Tower by a double‐stage pendulum tuned mass damper

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154522/1/tal1704_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/154522/2/tal1704.pd