40 research outputs found
Higgs boson production through annihilation at threshold in NLO QCD
We present threshold enhanced NLO QCD corrections to inclusive Higgs
production through bottom anti-bottom annihilation at hadron colliders using
threshold resummed cross section. The resummed cross section is obtained using
factorization properties and Sudakov resummation of the inclusive cross
section. We use the recent results on threshold NLO corrections in QCD for
Drell-Yan production and three loop QCD corrections to Higgs form factor with
bottom anti-bottom quark to achieve this task. This is the first step towards
the evaluation of complete NLO result. We have numerically demonstrated the
importance of such corrections at the LHC.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figur
High energy behaviour of form factors
We solve renormalization group equations that govern infrared divergences of
massless and massive form factors. By comparing to recent results for planar
massive three-loop and massless four-loop form factors in QCD, we give
predictions for the high-energy limit of massive form factors at the four- and
for the massless form factor at five-loop order. Furthermore, we discuss the
relation which connects infrared divergences regularized dimensionally and via
a small quark mass and extend results present in the literature to higher
order.Comment: 21 page
Polarized Higgs amplitudes at two loops in QCD: the interplay between vector and axial vector form factors and a pitfall in applying a non-anticommuting
We consider QCD corrections to two loops for the polarized amplitudes of
Higgs boson. First we show how the polarized amplitudes of
associated with a non-vanishing -quark Yukawa
coupling and a scalar or pseudoscalar Higgs boson can be built up solely
from vector form factors (FF) of properly grouped classes of diagrams,
bypassing completely the need of explicitly manipulating in
dimensional regularization (up to a few "anomalous", i.e., triangle diagrams).
We determine the contributions of the triangle diagrams in the heavy top limit.
We present the analytic results of the vector FF and the triangle-diagram
contributions to the axial vector FF, which are sufficient for deriving the
two-loop QCD amplitudes for with a CP-even and
CP-odd Higgs boson . We derive the respective Ward identity for these
amplitudes, which are subsequently verified to two-loop order in QCD using
these FF. In addition, the FF of a class of corrections to proportional to the top-Yukawa coupling are obtained
analytically to two-loop order in QCD in the heavy-top limit using the
Higgs-gluon effective Lagrangian where the top quark is integrated out. We
address a pitfall that occurs when applying the non-anticommutating
prescription to this class of contributions that has been overlooked so far in
the literature. We attribute this issue to the fact that the absence of certain
heavy-mass expanded diagrams in the infinite-mass limit of a scattering
amplitude with an axial vector current depends on the particular
prescription in use.Comment: A few typos fixed along with minor typographic edits, references in
the manuscript and the ReadMe.txt updated, matched with the version accepted
by JHE
Two-Loop QCD Corrections to Higgs Amplitude
Exclusive observables involving Higgs boson in association with jets are
often well suited to study the Higgs boson properties. They are rates involving
cuts on the final state jets or differential distributions of rapidity,
transverse momentum of the observed Higgs boson. While they get dominant
contributions from gluon initiated partonic subprocesses, it is important to
include the subdominant ones coming from other channels. In this article, we
study one such channel namely the Higgs production in association with a jet in
bottom anti-bottom annihilation process. We compute relevant amplitude
up to two loop level in QCD where Higgs couples
to bottom quark through Yukawa coupling. We use projection operators to obtain
the coefficients for each tensorial structure appearing in this process. We
have demonstrated that the renormalized amplitudes do have the right infrared
structure predicted by the QCD factorization in dimensional regularization. The
finite parts of the one and two loop amplitudes are presented after subtracting
the infrared poles using Catani's subtraction operators.Comment: Published version; 25 pages, 2 figures; v2: analytically continued
result added, typos are correcte
Spin-2 Form Factors at Three Loop in QCD
Spin-2 fields are often candidates in physics beyond the Standard Model
namely the models with extra-dimensions where spin-2 Kaluza-Klein gravitons
couple to the fields of the SM. Also, in the context of Higgs searches, spin-2
fields have been studied as an alternative to the scalar Higgs boson. In this
article, we present the complete three loop QCD radiative corrections to the
spin-2 quark-antiquark and spin-2 gluon-gluon form factors in SU(N) gauge
theory with light flavors. These form factors contribute to both
quark-antiquark and gluon-gluon initiated processes involving spin-2 particle
in the hadronic reactions at the LHC. We have studied the structure of infrared
singularities in these form factors up to three loop level using Sudakov
integro-differential equation and found that the anomalous dimensions
originating from soft and collinear regions of the loop integrals coincide with
those of the electroweak vector boson and Higgs form factors confirming the
universality of the infrared singularities in QCD amplitudes.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure