443 research outputs found
A Systematic Approach to Management & Prevention of Dental Trauma in Children
Trauma to teeth and supporting structures is one the most challenging situations dentists face in their day to day practice. World wide studies have shown an increased prevalence of dental trauma and resultant fractured, displaced, or avulsed teeth can have functional, esthetic, and psycho­logical effects on children. For successful management of patients with dental trauma it is therefore very important to know the history, circumstances of the injury, type of trauma, and initial reaction of the child and/or guardian. Dentists should therefore be able to recognize, differentiate, and either treat or refer patients based on the type of dental trauma. To efficiently determine the extent of injury and correctly diagnose injuries to the teeth, periodontium, and associated structures, a systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment is essential. The article gives details of the treatment modalities for dental trauma and recommendations for prevention of Dento-facial injuries.  
The Government of Indonesia have been establishing PT. X to meet fuel needs in Indonesia. PT. X is a state-owned company engaged as a subsidiary of PT. Pertamina\u27s upstream sector. As a company engaged in oil and gas, one of PT. X activity is building projects for either resevoirs or supporting facilities. PT. X use techno-economy analysis in determine which of the project should be build. Techno-economy analysis is the analysis used to determine the best choice of a project alternative compared to other alternatives using the calculation of Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback Period and sensitivity analyzes. In this case the analysis is performed on development projects in the field of lifting facilities northern Java Sea.
There are three alternatives that are generated to find the best alternative in building the lifting facilities.. The first alternative is building new ORF, the second alternative is shipping and docking, and the third alternative is joint lifting. Based on that analysis analysis, the conclusion is the best alternative is the third alternative. That conclusion is based on the value of Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, payback period and Benefit-Cost Ratio. The value of each of that in sequence is $27.660.000 of NPV, 27% of IRR, 2 years of payback period and 1,55 value of the BCR. All those four values are better compared to the other alternatives. Beside of that value, this alternative is sensitive to the value of gross production and insensitive to the oil price. Because of that the chosen alternative to execute the building of lifting facilities in XX field by PT. X based on the techno-economy assesment and analysis is by joint lifting
Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) in Pediatric Dentistry
Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) is an alternative treatment for dental caries and is an easy, low cost and painless restorative technique where soft infected dentin is removed with sharp hand instruments retaining the reversible affected dentin and the resultant cavity and adjoining fissures are restored and sealed with Glassionomer cement. This technique involves minimal intervention and invasion and can be used for both treatment and prevention of dental caries. Several Studies have shown good results with this procedure because of which this simple but innovative technique is gaining broader acceptance among dentists and ART approach is increasingly being advocated for use in pediatric and general clinical practice, and field use. More recently, ART has become increasingly accepted in developed countries because of its “atraumatic” approach in relation to the stress and pain experienced by patients
Data Mining for Marketing
This paper gives a brief insight about data mining, its process and the various techniques used for it in the field of marketing. Data mining is the process of extracting hidden valuable information from the data in given data sets .In this paper cross industry standard procedure for data mining is explained along with the various techniques used for it. With growing volume of data every day, the need for data mining in marketing is also increasing day by day. It is a powerful technology to help companies focus on the most important information in their data warehouses. Data mining is actually the process of collecting data from different sources and then interpreting it and finally converting it into useful information which helps in increasing the revenue, curtailing costs thereby providing a competitive edge to the organisation
An exploration of approaches and difficulties in prevention of dental diseases in Saudi Arabia.
Aim: Dental caries and periodontitis are the most common oral diseases in Saudi Arabia. Oral health awareness is very low and prevention of oral diseases is not a high priority in this region. A national survey was conducted to assess the dentists’ attitudes and challenges in implementation of preventive dental programmes in Saudi Arabia.Materials and methods: A questionnaire based national cross- sectional survey among 500 dentists was conducted under the auspices of Directorate of Dentistry, Ministry of Health. The data was analyzed using Microsoft excel 2010 program and descriptive statistics were obtained.Results: The response rate was 87.8% (n=439). 72.4% believed that preventive dental services are beneficial, social factors (62.5%) are the most challenging factors in implementing preventive dental programs, followed by inadequate work force (41.6%), 64% felt dental auxiliaries are important, 68.35% felt mobile dental units play active role in providing on-site preventive treatments and 95.4% felt the need for receiving regular updates on preventive dentistry.Conclusion: Dentists’ attitudes and challenges in implementation of preventive dental programs were identified. The survey highlighted the need for implementation of extensive and continuous community oral health education programmes in KSA
Intelligent Decision Support Systems- A Framework
Information technology applications that support decision-making processes and problem- solving activities have thrived and evolved over the past few decades. This evolution led to many different types of Decision Support System (DSS) including Intelligent Decision Support System (IDSS). IDSS include domain knowledge, modeling, and analysis systems to provide users the capability of intelligent assistance which significantly improves the quality of decision making. IDSS includes knowledge management component which stores and manages a new class of emerging AI tools such as machine learning and case-based reasoning and learning. These tools can extract knowledge from previous data and decisions which give DSS capability to support repetitive, complex real-time decision making.  This paper attempts to assess the role of IDSS in decision making. First, it explores the definitions and understanding of DSS and IDSS. Second, this paper illustrates a framework of IDSS along with various tools and technologies that support it. Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Data Warehouse, ETL, Data Mining, OLAP, Groupware, KDD, IDS
Democracy, Inequality and Economic Development: The Case of Pakistan
In this paper, we made an attempt to understand the costs and benefits of democracy for economic growth in Pakistan by analyzing the relationship between democracy and its various measures. Using instrumental variables and RALS (rth-order autoregressive least squares) estimation techniques, it is shown that during the period 1972-2005, there is only a tenuous and uncertain relationship between democracy and fiscal policy variables like expenditures, revenues and deficit; whereas democracy has no impact at all on the income inequality. Moreover, we observed that the political rights had a significant negative impact on fiscal expenditures, suggesting that with an increase in political rights, the governing institutes begin to feel themselves more accountable and as such are more circumspect in expenditures.Democracy; Political Rights; Fiscal Expenditures; Economic Growth; Income Inequality; Well-Being
Manajemen Pembiayaan Pendidikan (Analisis Konsep dan Implikasinya dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan)
Penelitian ini yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsep dasar manajemen pembiayaan pendidikan dan implikasinya terhadap meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan mutu lembaga pendidikan merupakan harapan dan keinginan masyarakat pengguna jasa pendidikan. Oleh karena itu untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, berbagai upaya strategis telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat selaku pengelola dan pemangku kepentingan pendidikan. Misalnya, yang dilakukan pemerintah adalah merancang standar nasional pendidikan. Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 terdapat 8 standar nasional yang bertujuan agar meningkatkan mutu dari suatu lembaga pendidikan. Berdasarkan peraturan pemerintah, salah satu dari delapan standar nasional pendidikan adalah standar pembiayaan. Pembiayaan pendidikan merupakan hal penting dan tidak terpisahkan dalam kegiatan pengelolaan pendidikan. Jadi, antara lain, kebijakan pemerintah adalah dengan mendistribusikan dana BOS di tingkat sekolah. Pembiayaan pendidikan dan pendanaan yang dikelola sekolah / madrasah harus transparan agar terciptanya akuntabilitas. Jika dapat dipertanggung jawabkan maka kredibilitas lembaga pendidikan tersebut juga akan meningkat. Jika kredibel maka dengan sendirinya akan meningkatkan kualitas institusi pendidikan
Gratitude and Self-Regulation as Predictors of Fear of Missing Out among Generation Z in Indonesia
Generation Z (gen Z) is a generation exposed to the digital world. The use of social media, coupled with the abundance of other trend information, for gen Z can lead to fear of missing out (FoMO) behavior. FoMO can cause harm to individuals, including psychological problems. For this reason, FoMO needs to be reduced. The current study believes that FoMO can be influenced by the level of gratitude and self-regulation of individuals. Therefore, the current study aims to look at the influence of gratitude and self-regulation on FoMO in generation Z in Indonesia. The current study used a quantitative approach with a correlational design and involved 158 generation Z individuals. The data analysis technique used was multiple linear regression test. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence between gratitude and self-regulation simultaneously on the fear of missing out in generation Z in Indonesia. In addition, this study identified that gratitude has a positive influence on FoMO. On the other hand, self-regulation negatively affects FoMO. Further research is expected to be able to explain the relationship patterns of these three variables, especially between gratitude and FoMO by involving other variables
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