5 research outputs found

    Dialektika Arsitektur dan Teknologi Islam Nusantara: Pengaruh Budaya Lokal dan Nilai-nilai Islam

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    This article describes cultural acculturation in Islamic architecture and technology in Nusantara. Cultural acculturation in the architectural aspect is limited to two mosques of the early Islamic era in Nusantara, namely the Great Mosque of Demak and the Gedhe Mosque of Yogyakarta Palace. The cultural acculturation of mosque construction is reflected in the main building, the portico, and the supporting elements of the building, as well as the meaning of symbols and ornamens. The meaning of symbols and ornamens explains the strong acculturation of local culture with Islamic values. Specifically on the technological aspect, this article examines the naval and cannon technology of the Islamic era of Demak and later sultanates. The article concludes that the entry of Islam into Nusantara created a struggle between Islam and the local culture, which was influenced by Hinduism, Buddhism, and cults, as well as the original values of the archipelago, which are reflected in the construction of buildings and war equipment


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    This research aims to conduct a systematic literature analysis on the economic development models of Pondok Pesantren in Indonesia. Pondok Pesantren are religious and educational institutions with the potential to develop local economies and empower surrounding communities. This study employs a systematic literature analysis method to collect, review, and analyze relevant Literature on the economic development of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia. The research involves searching for scholarly articles related to the research topic from Scopus. The collected data is then systematically analyzed to identify existing economic development models of Pondok Pesantren in Indonesia. This literature analysis provides a deeper understanding of Indonesia's economic development models, which were implemented successfully. This research contributes to identifying knowledge gaps and offers a foundation for further research on the economic development of Pondok Pesantren in Indonesia

    Membangun ekonomi pesantren: analisis modal sosial pondok pesantren Wali Songo Ngabar

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    Mekanisme penelitian modal sosial di PPWS penulis ulas dalam empat elemen pembentuk modal sosial, yaitu terbentuknya rasa saling percaya (trust), adanya hubungan saling tukar menukar kebaikan (resiprositas), kuatnya norma, dan berfungsinya jaringan (network). Individu yang memiliki trust, mampu menjaga kredibilitasnya dengan bersikap jujur dan adil, bekerja secara legal, cerdas, dan menciptakan proses dan hasil yang berkualitas. Konsep self trust di PPWS dilakukan dengan sikap ta?at dan ikhlas menjalankan tugas yang diberikan, yaitu berbuat tanpa mengharapkan imbalan materi dari pesantren, semata-mata karena diniatkan ibadah. Kemampuan membentuk pola berperilaku tersebut memberi manfaat ekonomi bagi PPWS. Pada tingkatan relasi, trust yang terbentuk dapat mengurangi biaya transaksi, menciptakan peluang usaha, dan jaringan melalui adanya koordinasi dan pola saling berbagi informasi, pengalaman dan pengetahuan. Pada tingkatan organisasi, trust mempengaruhi sistem tata-kelola, yaitu dengan adanya keselarasan dan komitmen para anggotanya. Tanpa adanya keselarasan dan komitmen, energi organisasi akan banyak terkuras, karena tidak bekerjanya fungsi kepengurusan, dan tidak berjalannya program yang dicanangkan

    Ekspresi keagamaan, dan narasi identitas: studi program Pesantren Tahfidz Intensif Daarul Quran Cipondoh Tangerang

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    This article investigates the interaction between religious expression and identity. The discourse of religious expression and identity is revealed from in the relational process of identity formation. In this case, religious express displays a variety of patterns, indicated by both individual expression and communal expression in performing the rituals of recitation, prayer, and doing charitable work. Those three essential elements become parts of a whole that cannot be separated from religion. These forms of religious expression, both in regards to the individual and with society, is described as a narrative. This anthropological, narrative study uses an ethnographic approach, and takes the Intensive Tahfidz Program of Daarul Quran Boarding Schools, Cipondoh Tangerang as a case study

    Memberdayakan rumah ibadat memakmurkan umat

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