1,483 research outputs found

    A Case Study On RN Konsult Sdn. Bhd.

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    RN Konsult Sdn Bhd was set up in 1995 by its founders; Abdullah and Dennis from UK. The company was set up to provide engineering consulting services for the construction and other related industries. The company's founders had hoped to establish RNK as a centre of excellence for Bumiputra professionals to service the domestic as well as the regional markets. The SWOT analysis had revealed encouraging opportunities for the company on most of its external environmental factors. And most of the internal factors analysed were also found to have contributed to the strength of the company. The SPACE analysis had positioned the company in a competitive posture where it was operating in an unstable and competitive environmental conditions. It was recommended that the company adopt a pause strategy or proceed with caution in a short term and in a long term adopt a growth strategy through concentration via horizontal integration. It was also recommended for the company to team up with DSP, UK and venture into specialised high-tech projects such as the IT industry and the MSC related sectors

    Harnessing Wave Energy for Generating Electricity

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    Nowadays, Renewable Energy (RE) has a significant role in providing a safe, reliable and cheap alternative for all of our energy needs. This role will keep growing as a result of increasing global energy demands, climate change warning and depletion of the fossil fuel resources due to the vast usage of the sources to get energy call electrical energy. Unfortunately, which is mostly the concentration of carbon dioxide (C02) is increasing constantly and also the effect of global warming is becoming ever more evident. Hence, the global implementation of Renewable Energy (RE) technology can contribute significantly to this problem. This project entitled Harnessing Marine Energy for Generating Electricity will discuss about a design suitable for energy extraction/conversion by utilizing both wave and tides energy. The prototype was developed as an example of wave energy generator by using a direct drive concept in a number of specific ways. The energy converter is the main part of this prototype that will be thoroughly described in the chapters to come. The basic principle used is linear motion that can directly produce electricity. The outcomes of the project prove that the concept of linear motion applied in energy conversion can produce certain amount of electrical energy

    Terapi Spiritual Islami Suatumodel Penanggulangan Gangguan Depresi

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    ; Salah satu dampak yang ditimbulkan dalam realitas kehidupan manusia masa kini adalah munculnya berbagai gangguan psikologis seperti depresi.Gangguan depresi ini terjadi akibat adanya suatu kesedihan yang sangat mendalam. Perasaan tersebut muncul karena kecewa mengalami situasi yang sama sekali tak terduga dan tak diharapkan terjadi dalam hidupnya. Depresi dapat terjadi pada setiap manusia tanpa mengenal batas usia, status, ras, etnis, atau strata sosial. Terapi spiritual Islami adalah suatu pengobatan atau penyembuhan gangguan psikologis yang dilakuan secara sistematis dengan berdasarkan kepada konsep al-qur'an dan assunnah. Terapi spiritual islami mengacu kepada konsep pensucian jiwa (Tazkiyatunnufus), 3 tahap pensucian jiwa, yaitu:takhali (tahap pensucian diri), tahalli (tahap pengembangan diri), dan tajali (tahap penemuan diri). Terapi spiritual Islami terbukti efektif memberikan pengaruh terhadap penanggulangan depresi maupun gangguan psikologis lainnya. terapi spiritual sangat berpengaruh untuk membangun rasa penerimaan diri (self acceptance) sehingga klien tidak merasa depresi lagi dan menyesali nasibnya. Bahkan sebaliknya klien akan mampu mengekspresikan perasaannya kepada kehidupan dan kesehatan mental yang lebih baik. Pendekatan spiritual berperan penting dalam mengekspresikan perasaan dan memberikan Kenyamanan bagi klien. Penerimaan keadaan sakit klien akan mendorong individu tersebut akan lebih dekat dengan Tuhan dan menerima penyakitnya sebagai cobaan dari Tuhan. Pada terapi spiritual islami, qalbu dan akal pikiran sebagai sasaran terapi dalam menangani berbagai penyakit psikologis. Terapi spiritual islami bersifat fleksibel, prefentif, kreatif, dan rehabilitasi. Kata Kunci: Depresi, Terapi Spiritual One impact of the reality of human life today is the emergence of a variety of psychological disorders such as depression. Depression is the result of a deep sadness. The feeling of disappointment experienced a situation arises that is completely unexpected and expected to happen in his life. Depression can happen to every human being without knowing the limits of age, status, race, ethnicity, or social strata. Islamic spiritual therapy is a treatment or cure of psychological disturbance that was done systematically with the process based on the Qur'an and Assunnah. Islamic spiritual therapy refers to the concept of purification of the soul (Tazkiyatunnufus), 3-stage purification of the soul, namely: takhali (self purification stage), tahalli (self-development stage), and the manifestation (the stage of self-discovery). Islamic spiritual therapies proven effective in giving effect to the prevention of depression and other psychological disorders. very influential spiritual therapy to build a sense of self-acceptance (self-acceptance) so that the client does not feel depressed anymore and bemoan his fate. Even otherwise the client will be able to express his feelings to the life and better mental health. Spiritual approach plays an important role in expressing feelings and provide comfort for the client. Acceptance sickness will encourage the individual client will be closer to God and accept the disease as a trial from God. In the Islamic spiritual therapy, hearts and minds as a therapeutic target in dealing with various diseases are fleksible. Islamic spiritual psikology therapy, preventive, creative, and rehabilitation. Keywords: Depression, Spiritual Therap

    Concept of crime and punishment under islamic law / Abdul Razak Ahmad

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    Law in every society aims at the maintenance of social control. It is a system which is primarily established to protect the rights of individuals as well as of society. The legal system in every society has its own nature, character and scope. Similarly, Islam has its own legal system known as Fiqh. Islamic law is not purely legal, in the strict sense of the term; rather it embraces all the spheres of life i.e., ethics, religion, political and economic. It has its origin in the Divine Revelation that is, the Quran. The Revelation determined the norms and basic concepts of Islamic Law. It should be noted that there are certain basic differences between the purpose and scope of law in Islam and in the other legal systems. The scope of Quranic laws comprise rules of human conduct in all spheres of life, ensuring men's well-being in his ordinary life as well as in the Hereafter. The enforcerrent of Islamic laws as contained in the Quran is the duty of an Islamic State. The application of the individual's rules of moral conduct is governed by two important factors, namely the Muslim society's colletive responsibility to observe Islamic teachings, and the individual's relationship with his Creater; Allah as well as with society. Muslim society is obliged according to the Quran, to enforce the application of rules of moral behaviour as divine carrrandrrents. The Quran repeatedly appeals to human conscience to follow the teachings of the Revelation for its own welfare as well as for the well-being of fellow human beings. Thus, the Quran, by making the observance of the rules of the Syariah a matter of human conscience, has dignified the concept of law and the ethical values of its teachings, which constitute the noblest and most perfect basis of universal laws


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    ABSTRACTStudents generally have a targeted achievement standard. Related to the setting of these standards, some students want high standards of achievement or perfectionism. This can lead to pressure and lead academic stress. This study aims to determine the relationship between perfectionism and academic stress in Makassar State University students. Participants in this study were 150 students at Makassar State University using an accidental sampling technique. The measuring instrument used in this research is the perfectionism scale and the academic stress scale. Analysis of the data used in this research is Spearman rho correlation which is processed using SPSS 24.0 for windows. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between perfectionism and academic stress in Makassar State University students with p = 0.001 (<0.01). This research implies that it can be an illustration of perfectionism with academic stress on students at Makassar State University.?ABSTRAKMahasiswa pada umumnya memiliki standar pencapaian yang ditargetkan. Terkait dengan penetapan standar tersebut, terdapat mahasiswa yang menginginkan standar pencapaian yang tinggi atau perfeksionisme. Hal inilah yang dapat memunculkan tekanan dan berujung pada stres akademik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengungkap hubungan antara perfeksionisme dan stres akademik mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Makassar. Sebanyak 150 orang yang ditentukan menggunakan teknik accidental sampling sebagai responden. Skala perfeksionisme dan skala stres akademik adalah alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah korelasi Spearman rho yang diolah menggunakan SPSS 24.0 for windows. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang sangat signifikan antara perfeksionisme dan stres akademik pada mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Makassar dengan nilai p=0,001 (<0,01). Implikasi dalam penelitian ini adalah dapat menjadi gambaran mengenai perfeksionisme dengan stres akademik pada mahasiswa di Universitas Negeri Makassar

    Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS): Towards Maximizing the potential of its Human Resource Development (HRD)

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    As strategic education agenda works to prepare competent graduates, human resource development has become crucial for uplifting the internal strength of the university. University Malaysia Sabah (UMS) relatively a ‘young’ university has been engaged in establishing learning interaction among its staffs towards excellence. This paradigm is paramount to the strategic human resource provider as it allows not only the students who will be graduating but the young faculty members and its administrative staffs to excel. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the keys to successful university undertaken by UMS. In less than ten years, the faculty members as well as the administrative staffs manage to position the university at par to that of other established higher learning institutions in the nation. With the establishment of learning interaction, human resource development of UMS have shown some impact for promoting educational excellence among Malaysians. Indeed competent human resource plays an important role to meet the vision and the mission of UMS- strive to excel.Human Resource Development; Higher Education

    Robust and reliable dual the classification system with error compensation module

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    The toll industry put great emphasis on preventing revenue leakage especially from fraud by toll tellers. An automatic vehicle classification system (AVC) has been developed in order to mitigate the problem based on the classes defined by Malaysian Highway Authority (MHA). The system uses treadle sensors to map tires and count the number of axles while the optical barrier is used to detect the presence of vehicle. However, since the short lifecycle because of wear and tear due to the nature of them being treaded by the vehicles, the treadle breaks quickly and needs frequent replacement. Disruptions during maintenance and replacement causing inconvenience and unreliability that results in a steady demand by worldwide toll collection industries for replacement or at least enhancement of the technology. Two approaches have been made to mitigate this problem. First, the materials in the treadle are improved and second, a system to compensate for small errors is developed. The sensor is changed from fragile contact switch to strain gage that has high fatigue limit. The new sensor housing is made out of stainless steel that has high fatigue limit of 260 MPa. Furthermore, to increase the treadle endurance, the sensors are contained in elastomeric material which possesses hardness of 70 (Shore A scale) that protects the sensors from external impact of vehicles yet still allows force to be transferred to the sensor. The new treadle sensor was tested and can last more than 5 million treading cycles as required by the industry. Moreover, a robust dual tire classification module is installed in the system that can maintain high accuracy even when some sensors have error. Test using simulated data shows that the algorithm can maintain 100% accuracy when two errors are present. The module was also tested on actual data that gives 99.83% accuracy. With these enhancements, the lifecycle of the device is elongated beyond 5 million cycles without compromising the accuracy. Thus, it prevents revenue leakage and avoids traffic disruptions that will contribute positively to the economy


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    This research was conducted to analyze factors which consist of work environment, incentives, non-financial rewards and placement that give impact on the performance of agricultural instructors in Tojo Una-Una Regency. Type of the current research is descriptive quantitative, 51 people of sample are agricultural counselor. Stratified Proportional Random sampling technique was applied and then processed by using SPSS application. The results showed that both partially and simultaneously work environment, incentives, non-financial rewards and placements had an effect on the performance of agricultural instructors in Tojo Una-Una Regency and the most dominant factor is incentives. Keywords: work environment, incentives, non-financial rewards, placement, performance of agricultural counselo

    The Antecedents And Consequences Of Work-Family Conflict Among Doctors In Public Hospitals In Peninsular Malaysia

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    Kajian ini menghasilkan dan menguji satu model konflik kerja-keluarga kalangan doktor melalui tiga cara. This study developed and tested a model of work-family conflict (WFC) among dotors in three ways


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    First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to God for giving me the strength and health to complete this project. Not forgotten to my parents and all my family members for providing everything, such as money and advises, which is most needed in this project. I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr Nursyarizal Mohd Nor for sharing his knowledge and giving me the support and guidance throughout the project. I also would like to thank lecturers, especially Dr Taib Ibrahim and Jr. Faris Abdullah for assisting me to design the project. My appreciation also goes to Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS especially Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, by providing me the necessary assets and resources, not only to accomplish my task, but to enrich my knowledge further. Last but not least, I offer my regards to those who support me especially all my friends and technicians in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department for contributing their assistance and ideas for this project