11 research outputs found

    Hambatan pemberian ASI ekslusif pada ibu bekerja: teori ekologi sosial

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    Obstacles of providing exclusive breastfeeding among working mothers using social-ecological theoryBackground: The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in Indonesia was increased to 38% but it was lower than the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) target (80%). One of the influence factors is to return to work. Society assumed that a mother who stays at home more successful to provide EBF than working mothers. A previous study indicated that some obstacles become early cessation factors among working mothers.Objective: To explore the obstacle of breastfeeding using social-ecological theory.Methods: Qualitative research inquiry based on phenomenology design. Informants were chosen through purposive sampling. Inclusion criteria were working mothers who succeeded provide exclusive breastfeeding, had children age 6-24 months, lived, and formally worked at Manado. Data triangulation was conducted through in-depth interviews with the manager/supervisor/colleague. Data collected using in-depth interviews and observation.Results: A total of twelve informants have interviewed consists of six working mothers and six triangulation informants. The result indicated that lack of confidence was related to providing exclusive breastfeeding. This is caused by family influence, culture, health provider, and lack of awareness from the working place. A support group was the main factors that influence the mother to overcome all obstacles.Conclusions: The main obstacles for working mothers to provide EBF come from interpersonal factors that determined by other factors: intrapersonal, organizational, community. Therefore working mothers need breastfeeding preparation since early pregnancy to decrease breastfeeding obstacles


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    Persaingan Bisnis saat ini semakin ketat ditandai dengan adanya fenomena Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) yang mulai diberlakukan pada tahun 2015 oleh karena itu, para pelaku usaha yang bergerak dibidang Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) dituntut untuk menciptakan keunggulan bersaingnya. Saung Bandung adalah salah satu perusahaan yang memiliki konsep sentra pariwisata yang mewadahi UMKM di wilayah Bandung dan Jawa Barat. Dengan demikian UMKM dapat membangun keunggulan bersaing pada usaha yang dimilikinya melalui Saung Bandung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh segmentasi dan targeting terhadap keunggulan bersaing melalui variabel positioning sebagai variabel intervening. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel dari 63 UMKM yang telah bergabung dengan Saung Bandung dan menjadi tenant dari 169 tenant aktif. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan korelasi dengan analisis jalur model intervening. Hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa segmentasi dan targeting secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap keunggulan bersaing baik secara simultan maupun parsial. Segmentasi berpengaruh terhadap positioning secara simultan maupun parsial. Segmentasi dan targeting berpengaruh terhadap keunggulan bersaing melalui variabel intervening yaitu Positioning. Kata Kunci : Analisis Jalur, Keunggulan Bersaing, Positioning, Segmentation, Targeting, Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah, Variabel Intervenin

    The Differences Effect between Pond Types and Maggot Allotments on The Protein and Fat of Tilapia Meat

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    Tilapia was one of the freshwater fish commodities that were widely consumed, so the demand for tilapia increased and impacted the high price of tilapia feed. Therefore, maggots can be used as additional fish feed, and recently there have been many variations of pond types in tilapia farming. This study aimed to determine the interaction between pond types and maggot allotments for protein and fat in tilapia meat. This study used two types of pools: tarpaulin and drum. The subjects used in this study were tilapia, with as many as 30 fish per pond. The dependent variables in this study were the protein and fat of tilapia meat. This study used the factorial method with a completely randomized design (RAL) with four treatments; each of the four tests consisted of A1B1 (Tarpaulin pool and maggots), A1B2 (Tarpaulin pool without maggots), A2B1 (Drum pool and maggots), and A2B2 (Drum pool without maggots). Data analysis was done using ANOVA with a significance level of 5% if there is an effect continued Duncan test. The results of this study showed no noticeable effect on meat protein (0.253>0.05) and meat fat (0.067>0.05) tilapia

    The influence of parental eating patterns on the nutritional status of Manado city children aged 6-24 months

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    Parental eating habits have a positive effect on children's nutritional health. Numerous studies have examined children's eating patterns; however, few studies have examined the association between parental eating patterns based on the dimensions of demandingness and responsiveness in children and the nutritional status of 6- to 24-month-old children. This study aimed to examine the relationship between parental dietary habits and the nutritional status of children aged 6–24 months in Manado City. The research employed a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design in the working area of the Ranomut Health Center, which included six neighborhoods from three villages: Paal 2, Ranomut, and Perkamil. This village was chosen because it has the highest concentration of children under the age of five in the Ranomut Health Center's service area. In this study, 96 samples were selected using the method of purposive sampling based on the criteria established by the researcher. The instrument used was the validated and reliable Feeding Practices and Structure Questionnaire for Infants, followed by data analysis using the Spearman rank test. The respondents' parental eating styles were authoritarian (31.3%), permissive (27.1%), democratic (20%), and negligent (20%). The nutritional status of children under the age of five was 26% malnourished and 74% well-nourished. The Spearman rank test resulted in a p-value of 0.674. This can be attributed to other factors, such as family composition and age-inappropriate food portions

    Implementasi Penggunaan BPJS Kesehatan dalam Penanganan Balita Stunting di Lokus Stunting

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    Latar Belakang: Asuransi kesehatan berbasis masyarakat semakin diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem kesehatan di Indonesia sehingga dimensi perlindungan sosial masuk ke Indeks Khusus Penanganan Stunting (IKPS). Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional yang diatur dengan Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan  Sosial (BPJS) Kesehatan memiliki jaminan program dalam penanganan stunting. Peluang kejadian stunting lebih besar pada balita yang tidak memiliki asuransi kesehatan. Tujuan: Menggali implementasi penggunaan BPJS dalam penanganan balita stunting di daerah lokus stunting. Metode: Penelitian kualitatif dengan pedekatan studi kasus di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Wori. Pemilihan informan dengan teknik snowballing sebanyak 9 informan yang terdiri dari staf puskesmas, perangkat desa, ibu balita stunting dan kader posyandu. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mandalam menggunakan perekam suara. Data diolah dan dianalisis secara tematik menggunakan software OpenCode. Hasil: Pemerintah daerah melalui puskesmas dan pemerintah desa terus meningkatkan kepemilikan BPJS Kesehatan bagi balita stunting meskipun sudah ada jaminan kesehatan daerah. Balita stunting mendapatkan layanan rujukan ke dokter anak untuk skrining lanjutan namun tidak dapat terlaksana karena rendahnya kepemilikan BPJS Kesehatan. Faktor yang mempengaruhi karena tidak adanya Nomer Induk Kepegawaian (NIK) balita, proses yang lama dan persepsi ibu tentang bahaya stunting yang rendah. Anggapan pentingnya kepemilikan BPJS jika mereka mengalami gawat darurat dan perlu dirujuk ke rumah sakit. Bagi ibu penanganan stunting cukup dilakukan di tingkat puskesmas karena faktor pengetahuan dan kendala jarak ke fasilitas kesehatan lain. Kesimpulan: Manfaat BPJS dapat dirasakan pada program penanganan balita stunting di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Wori namun perlu adanya koordinasi banyak pihak untuk mensosialisasikan dan pendampingan secara rutin kepada keluarga dengan balita stunting

    Effect of Particulate Matter (PM) Exposure on Lung Histopathological Feature and IL-1β Level as Inflammatory Indicator in Rats (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Vehicle exhaust gases (emissions) and bushfire contain very small particles pollutants which can be affected on health. Particulate matter (PM) is a very small pollutant, can be inhaled to lower respiratory tract. Chronic PM exposure trigger an inflammatory response to release of endogenous proinflammatory mediators which cause lung tissue damage. Aim of this study to determine the effect of PM (carbon black powder) exposure on lung histopathological feature and IL-1β level in rats (Rattus norvegicus). Method: A true experimental study with post-test only control group design. Thirty five male rats 2-3 months old were divided into 5 groups: Control, P1 (PM 532 mg/m3 for 4 hours), P2 (PM 1064 mg/m3 for 4 hours), P3 (PM 532 mg/m3 for 8 hours), and P4 (PM 1064 mg/m3 for 8 hours). Results: Lung histopathological feature showed significant effect on lung’s damage by Mann-Whitney test (p <0.05). IL-1β levels were no significant effect among exposure rat groups by the Kruskal-Wallis test (p> 0.05). Conclusion: Particulate matter exposure cause chronic lung damage, but not accompanied by increasing IL-1β levels due to a different inflammatory response


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    Peer education di SMK Ibu Kartini merupakan suatu bentuk pendidikan pencegahan HIV dan AIDS dengan pemberian materi informasi tentang kesehatan reproduksi termasuk HIV dan AIDS kepada siswanya melalui teman sebayanya atau lebih dikenal dengan peer educator. Para peer educatorberasal dari siswa sekolah tersebut sehingga diharapkan lebih mudah memberikan informasi kepada siswa lain. Tujuan penelitian adalah menggambarkan pelaksanaan kegiatan peer educator dalam upaya pencegahan HIV dan AIDS di SMK Ibu Kartini Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian dipilih dengan purposive sampling yang berjumlah 11 orang peer educator terdiri dari 5 dari angkatan kedua dan 6 dari angkatan ketiga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kurang aktifnya peer educator dalam menjalankan perannya dipengaruhi beberapa faktor sehingga kegiatan peer education di sekolah mengalami penurunan dari tahun sebelumnya. SMK Ibu Kartini diharapkan dapat menganalisis kembali pentingnya diadakan peer education di sekolah agar lebih bermanfaat dan Puskesmas POncol diharapkan dapat menjangkau kegiatan peer education di SMK Ibu Kartini. Kata Kunci: HIV dan AIDS, Pencegahan, Peer Educato

    Responsive feeding education for parents with stunting babies aged 12-36 months

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    Background of Study: North Sulawesi Province becomes a province which has 31.4% of stunting cases. North Minahasa Regence becomes one of stunting local areas which are intervened in order to occur reduction cases which currently amounted to 29.7%. One of factors which affect stunting are mother’s knowledge which influence feeding practices. Responsive feeding is feeding practices which is recommended by WHO conducted with psychosocial approach. Responsive feeding effects on physical and mental development of babies. Mothers who live in stunting-prone area have lower responsive feeding knowledge and practice than those in non-stunting areas. Purpose of Study: for investigating the effect of feeding education with the concept of responsive feeding on the knowledge and practice of eating on stunting babies aged 12-36 months. Method of Study:  This study was quantitative study with experimental quasi approach. The study was conducted in Wori District, there were 11 people in case group and 7 people in control group. The respondent criteria were mothers who had stunting toddler aged 12-36 months and were not experiencing mental health. The analysis in this study used univariate and bivariate test. Pretest was provided before education was provided and post test was conducted 2 weeks after education. Result: Univariate test which is used is chi-square test and bivariate analysis is conducted through Independent Sample T-test. The finding of this study showed that there is enhancement of knowledge on case group after responsive feeding education is given however there is no enhancement in attitude. While in control group does not experience an enhancement both knowledge and attitude after education is given. Conclusion: Providing responsive feeding education can enhance mother’s knowledge about good feeding on stunting babies although it requires education for more than 2 weeks for increasing mother’s attitude in feeding of stunting babies

    Parental Eating Patterns on the Nutritional Status of Children Aged 6-24 Months In Manado City

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    Introduction : Parenting is a part of parenting which has a positive impact on the nutritional status of children. Many studies that have examined children’s eating patterns, however, there are still few studies that associated with parenting eating patterns based on the dimensions of demandingness and responsiveness in children with the nutritional status of children aged 6-24 months. Objective : To find out the relationship between parental eating patterns and the nutritional status of children aged 6-24 months in Manado City. Materials and Methods : This study used a quantitative method with a cross sectional design, with purposive sampling method on 96 samples based on the criteria set by the researcher. The instrument used was The Feeding Practices and Structure Questionnaire for Infant which has been tested for validity and reliability, followed by data analysis using the Spearman rank test. Results : The parental eating patterns applied by the respondents were authoritarian (31.3%), permissive (27.1%), democratic (20%) and neglectful (20%). The nutritional status of children under five included of 26% of malnutrition and 74% of good nutrition. Based on the sperm rank test, a p value of 0.674 was obtained. Conclusion: Parenting eating pattern does not have a significant effect on the nutritional status of children, this can be caused by other factors such as family factors and factors of composition and food portions that are not appropriate according to the child's age criteria.

    Safety Performance Index Industri Batik Tulis Berdasarkan Kriteria Majemuk

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    Accident generally occurs due to the activities which is done in unsafe conditions or even unsafe behavior. These conditions can influence workers productivity. In batik industries, those workers use toxic material and work in non ergonomic atmosphere. Moreover, they also do not take care of the environment and do not use personal protective equipments (PPE). Workers at Madura batik SMEs have not fully realized the significance of occupational health and safety (OHS) in their working areas. The aims of this research is to evaluate OHS performance based on the indicators of safety performance index (SPI), which is multicriteria, in that industri. The safety performance attributes were obtained from factor analysis from the previous study. The index is calculated based on the weighted evaluation results of critical behavior checklist (CBC), integrated with analytical hierarchy process (AHP). As the results, we should give priority to improve the knowledge and experience toward OHS of the workers and also improve the working environment of the Madura’s batik industries. Additionally, the performance of OHS in coloring process is also on the threshold of unsafe condition, further development on the coloring process is needed