280 research outputs found

    Analisis Formulasi Kebijakan (Studi Terhadap Perda Nomor 7 Tahun 2016 Tentang APBD Kab. Wajo)

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    Hasil penelitian ini adalah formulasi terbitnya APBD Kabupaten Wajo terlihat peran eksekutif yang mendominasi atas terbitnya Perda APBD Kabupaten Wajo dan dalam pembuatan Perda Kab. Wajo Penetapan Perda APBD tidak begitu mendapat kendala yang bisa memberatkan terbitnya Perda APBD yang diusung oleh Bupati atau pihak eksekutif. Penetapan Perda APBD terjadi konspirasi atau bergaining politik dan kepentingan ekonomi antara eksekutif dan legislatif. Terlihat relasi kuasa antara eksekutif dan legislatif dimotori oleheksekutif atau dalam hal ini Bupati Wajo, tercermin dari relasi eksekutif dan legislatif dalam proses formulasi terbitnya Perda APBD. Tingginya APBD sebesar 1,5 Tryliun tidak terealisasi dengan baik dan tidak membawa kesejahteraan dan perubahan yang signifikan terhadap daerah Kabupaten Wajo, eksekusi program kerja pemerintah melalui APBD tidak tepat sasaran dan tidak berjalan dengan sebagaimana idealnya sehingga arah pembangunan Kabupaten Wajo masih belum mengkomodir kebutuhan masyarakat dan Pembangunan Wajo itu sendiri


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    This research aims to identify the availability of input, effort and determine the feasibility of developing a business development of strategy of the District Polinggona. The method of this research was purposive sampling and was as many as 45 heads of household. Data collected consist of primary and secondary data. The resultof this research showed the availability of inputs in the research area.  Economically feasible to be developed because of the acceptance and the average obtained by the average total cost every goat breeder consecutively year of Rp. 10,120,888.89 and Rp. 9,733,614.43 with the value of R / C Ratio was 1.04. Obstacles encountered in the research area was the rainy season, still traditional inputs, using of care of livestock, lack of education and competition. Strategy needed to tackle the problem is to increase the production and quality of livestock as well as cooperating with the government Kolaka. The conclusion of this research were availability of the factors of production, encourage increased gains achieved so goats worthy effort in development and is supported by a development strategy that is effective in raising goat


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     â€śPappaseng” is an oral literature spoken by “to riyolo na Ugi'e” (ancestor of the Bugis tribe) to give a message to “ana 'monri'e” (young generation) so as not to fall into the things that are not desirable. While the Quran and the hadth is a way of life for Muslims that contains values from all aspects of human life, including the one is about moral messages, ethics and rule of interaction. Both become the basis of life of Bugis tribe people in living their lives and interact with each other. This research is a qualitative research with a cultural approach to search for the educational hadith relationship with the advice “Bugis pappaseng” form as a repertoire of science in the Bugis society. And obtained the result that the value contained in “pappaseng” always connected directly with the content of the educational hadith, such as courage, honesty, work ethic of faith and so forth

    Culture Of Shame-Heart And Social Solidarity Of Kaitetu People Central Maluku District, Indonesia

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    The culture of shame heart and social solidarity is a social behavior of the people of Kaitetu that has been going on for generations. This study was an effort to analyze the culture of the Kaitetu community of shame-heart and social solidarity. A series of qualitative studies with an important ethnographic approach was carried out with three research methods; cultural observation, in-depth interviews with several Keitetu communities and focused group discussions. With the three approaches employed above, the findings showed that the formation of a culture of shame heart as well as social solidarity in the Kaitetu community starting with the socialization of the family structure as a small unit of society. Until now the culture is still maintained as a heritage. That state continues as the people of Kaitetu believe that a culture of shame-heart and community solidarity has been able to minimize conflicts and social problems in society. In addition, in the society of Kaitetu social solidarity also has been formed and implemented in the form of Nahulima culture (joint responsibility) and Masohi culture (mutual cooperation). Moreover, the attitude of solidarity of the Kaitetu community has encouraged the growth of a sense of ownership and communal responsibility, thereby strengthening cooperation in maintaining cohesiveness and mutual interests. Index Terms: Embarrassed Culture, Social Solidarity, Kaitetu Community, Qualitative Study, Introductio

    Factors Affecting of Heropnam of Mental Disorders in Dadi Regional Hospital in South Sulawesi Province

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    Heropnam or relaps is the incidence of clients with mental disorders who go back into hospital care. The average number of heropnam clients recorded in Dadi Regional Hospital, has increases from 34.64% (2010) to 68.39% (2014). The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of family participation, the influence of adherence to medication regimens, and the influence of social stigma of heropnam and the effort to prevent heropnam. This research is quantitative method with a sample of 88 people. The result showed that the factors of family participation,medication regimen adherence, and the presence of societal stigma influenced of heropnam. The discussion explores the maintenance of each component of reproduction in the structure of the living environment requires three actions that are integrated (the trinity of humanistic actions). Keywords: Heropnam, family participation, medication regimen adherence, societal stigm

    Power Mask Of Hmps Pips Senior Students In Ldkm Pips New Studentsfaculty Of Social Sciences And Law, Makassar State University

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    This study aims to analyze the construction work of senior students in the LDKM of new PIPS students and analyze the factors of the construction of senior students in the LDKM of new students of PIPS. To achieve the objectives of the study, a Phenomenology-Hermeneutics research approach was used by Heidegger. The data were analyzed using interpretation analysis methods and Nvivo data analysis program version 12. The results showed (1) The construction work of HMPS PIPS senior students in LDKM (Basic Leadership Training) activities began with a narrative of skills, skills, leadership, agents of change, the title of God and students who have. The presence of this ideal fantasy (object a) makes them participate in LDKM (Basic Leadership Training) activities in which they are dominated through the path of requiring understanding of the materials in LDKM (Basic Leadership Training) which are covered with symbolic violence that works through euphemizations leading to psychological and physical violence as a closure. (2) The working factor of HMPS PIPS senior students in LDKM (Basic Leadership Training) activities is because it maintains the existence of the HMPS PIPS internal institution with the aim of competing for the position as President of BEM (Student Executive Board) from the Faculty to University levels, where HMPS PIPS senior students, especially alumni, get pride and recognition as senior figures who create new PIPS student cadres (maba) who can occupy as President of BEM (Student Executive Board). Through their cadre positions, HMPS PIPS senior students gain a platform to channel their knowledge in gaining an image as a senior figure and political interests of the mass base as well as being able to control and control them because they consider them to be senior figures who have experience and knowledge capital in the institutional system that must be respected and feared


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    Ambon city has long been a destination for migrants. The reasons for migrating aside from earning a living are also a means or way of determining access to other resources. This research described and analyzed the existence of migration in the context of the life of Basudara people in Ambon. This research used the descriptive qualitative method.The research location was Ambon City, Maluku Province. While data collection was done by observation, in-depth interviews and focused group discussion (FGD). The findings showed that the Ambon city community is very plural, multi-ethnic and open to national and international migrants. Ambon city people have local wisdom in preventing conflict and building peace. After the conflict in Ambon City, there were many migrants from various regions who came for various reasons. The economic development of the community in various fields has provided employment opportunities for migrants. Socially migrants are free to build a community in Ambon and easily they carry out religious activities. The interactions that took place between migrants and the indigenous Ambonese are very good. This could be seen from the attitude of mutual respect, and respect for fellow residents of the city of Ambon. KEY WORDS Migration, Basudara people, Ambon community, resources

    Community Characteristics as the Basis of Empowerment Strategies In Sustainable Environmental Hygiene Management

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     The community is one of the waste producers, so community empowerment in environmental hygiene programs is very strategic. The purpose of the study was to determine the characteristics (level of education, employment, income, a distance of the house to the TPS and TPA), and community perceptions related to sustainable environmental hygiene programs, especially towards the waste management of the city of Makassar. The data collection method used in the characteristics of society towards environmental cleanliness is carried out using a survey approach. Data analysis using qualitative and quantitative techniques. The results showed that the variety of these characteristics contributed (except the level of education) to the sustainable environmental hygiene management program. The results of Fisher's contingency coefficient test, showed a significant relationship between community characteristics, except for the level of education and sustainable environmental hygiene management programs

    The Factors of Social Strengths and Weakness Faced to A Construction Process of Social Support of Tuberculosis’s Sufferer

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    This study examines any determinant factor of social strengths and weakness that face to a construction process of social support for patients of tuberculosis sufferers, with qualitative methods and case study designs, phenomenology, analytic, comparative, and explorative. The result is that social power factors to face them include:(1) local cultural wisdom values, (2) social norms owned family and community, (3) potential types of social support, (4) potential social relationships in family and community behavior, (5) potential lifestyle changes, (6) positive perceptions of families and communities, (7) health or medical information and socialization, (8) positive social impacts of TB disease, (9) DOTS or TOSS policies or programs. While the social weakness factors are (1) the potential for shifting and neglecting the values of local cultural wisdom, (2) the potential for neglecting the socio-cultural norms of family and society, (3) the potential for neglecting social support, (4) the potential for estrangement in social relations (kinship, brotherhood, friendship) in family and community social behavior, (5) status quo lifestyle behavior, (6) potential negative perceptions of TB SPP, family, and society, (7) potential for stereotypes, stigma-labeling, (8) potential social discrimination and conflict, (9) the potential for social oppression of sufferers, (10) information gaps and health/medical socialization, (11) the negative impact of TB disease, (12) inequality in the implementation of DOTS/TOSS. Penelitian ini mengkaji model konstruksi dukungan sosial penderita penyakit tuberculosis, dengan metode kualitatif dan desain case study, fenomenologi, analitik, comparative, eksploratif. Hasilnya bahwa faktor kekuatan sosial dalam konstruksi dukungan sosial penderita penyakit tuberculosis meliputi (1) nilai-nilai kearifan budaya lokal, (2) norma-norma sosial keluarga dan masyarakat, (3) potensi jenis dukungan sosial, (4) potensi hubungan sosial perilaku keluarga dan masyarakat, (5) potensi perubahan gaya hidup, (6) persepsi positif keluarga dan masyarakat, (7) informasi dan sosialisasi kesehatan/medis, (8) dampak sosial penyakit Tb secara positif, (9) kebijakan/ program DOTS atau TOSS. Sedangkan factor kelemahan sosial adalah (1) potensi pergeseran dan pengabaian nilai-nilai kearifan budaya lokal, (2) potensi pengabaian norma-norma sosial budaya keluarga dan masyarakat, (3) potensi pengabaian dukungan sosial, (4) potensi kerenggangan hubungan sosial (kekeluargaan/ kekerabatan, persaudaraan, persahabatan) dalam perilaku sosial keluarga dan masyarakat, (5) perilaku gaya hidup statusquo, (6) potensi persepsi negatif SPP Tb, keluarga, dan masyarakat, (7) potensi stereotype, stigma-labelling, (8) potensi diskriminasi sosial dan konflik, (9) potensi opresi sosial subyek penderita, (10) kesenjangan informasi dan sosialisasi kesehatan/medis, (11) dampak negatif penyakit Tb, (12) ketimpangan implementasi kebijakan/ program DOTS/ TOSS


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    This study discusses about life problem complexity of poor elderly in terms of aspects of work and health in fulfilling their daily needs. The poor elderly in this study are considered as vulnerable groups whose life mostly depends on the productive age population and the government's social protection policy. This research was conducted by a literature study with survey assessment method (cross-sectional) to 262 poor elderly. The results of the study contain an analysis of socio-demographic aspects (age, marital status, education), work distribution, health problems and social protection (Health Care and Social Security Agency (BPJS Kesehatan), Non�Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), Program Keluarga harapan (PKH) for poor elderly people). Keywords: Elderly Poverty, Social Demographic, Health Problem, Work Distribution, Social Protection
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