34 research outputs found
Pendidikan Anti Korupsi Bagi Calon Tenaga Kerja Indonesia di PT. Global Lubna Jaya Sukoharjo
Indonesian workers abroad often face different work environments compared to Indonesia, including stricter ethical and moral standards. They represent the nation in their host countries. Anti-corruption education for prospective Indonesian workers can help build a positive image of professionalism and integrity, increasing other countries' trust in their quality and work ethics. The goal of this education is to develop a firm stance against workplace corruption both domestically and abroad. The community service partner is PT. Global Lubna Jaya Sukoharjo. The service method is online, using simulations and case studies. Results show significant understanding of anti-corruption culture among the participants, who commit to avoiding corrupt practices and fighting corruption together
Factors Affecting Food Waste Behavior (Case Study Of Surakarta City Community)
Recent global issues are always related to food waste. Indonesia is also recorded to have an index value that is in the serious category. Conditions that are quite happening in fact are also followed by high numbers or values ​​of food waste in Indonesia. It is recorded that food waste in Indonesia reaches 300 kilograms of food waste per person every year. The flow of food waste is usually sourced in urban areas caused by many, one of which is the city of Surakarta. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the behavior of food waste in the city of Surakarta. This study used a sample of 30 people from the city of Surakarta. The data analysis method used in this research is multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that simultaneously the independent variables consisting of income level, frequency of eating, education level, gender and number of household members affect the level of food waste. Partially there are only two variables that affect food waste, namely education level and frequency of eating, while the remaining three variables, namely education level, gender and number of household members have no effect on food waste
Employment Termination in the Middle of Covid-19 Pandemic: Labor Law Point of View
Article 28D paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution states everyone has the right to work and to receive fair and proper compensation and treatment in a working relationship. It is emphasized in Article 151 (1) of Law no. 13/2003 concerning Manpower. The entrepreneurs, workers/laborers, trade/labor unions, and the government must make every effort to prevent an employment termination. In fact, many workers have been terminated and some even did not receive any severance pay at all. Accordingly, the researchers formulated the following research questions: how to terminate employment in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, and how is the government’s responsibility for the welfare guarantees for workers. This research employed a normative juridical approach by collecting data from literature studies. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively. The findings revealed the layoffs in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic were a breach of contract by entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs were still obliged to provide severance pay, reward money, and compensation money. In addition, the government has also provided accountability in the form of an economy, the Pre-Work Card. With this card, workers can develop workforce competence, increase productivity and competitiveness of the workforce, and develop entrepreneurship. The Manpower Office responsible for this program also participated in the workforce supervising and guidin
Pre-Employment Card (Kartu Prakerja) In The Middle Of A Pandemic Review From The Concept Of Justice And Welfare
The Covid 19 pandemic that attacked the industrial world of the Indonesian which resulted in the termination of employment by several companies so that the government had implemented policies including by issuing the Pre-Employment Card (Kartu Prakerja) Program to overcome unemployment and create welfare and social justice, but in the practice there are still people who have not received a pre-employment card. The problem in this research is how to implement the pre-employment card in terms of the concept of welfare and justice. The research uses a statute approach method. The research focuses more on library data, namely research carried out on secondary data which includes Indonesia Constitution, the 5th principle of the Pancasila, namely "Social Justice for All Indonesian People", Presidential Decree No. 36 of 2020 "The Pre-Employment Card Program is a work competency development program aimed at job seekers, workers/laborers who have been laid off, and/or who need to increase their competence", Government Regulation No. 39 of 2012 "Social Security is a scheme institutionalized to ensure that all people can fulfill their basic needs for a decent life”. The results of the study prove that the government has provided funds for the pre-employment card program to help workers solve economic problems due to layoffs, but during the pandemic the pre-employment card policy to restore employee health has not been effective with the most recipients in West Java 16%, then DKI Jakarta (10%)), followed by East Java (9.8%). Meanwhile, the provinces with the lowest recipients were West Papua (0.08%), then Gorontalo (0.37%), and Papua (0.46%
Legal Protection Against Franchise Business In Maintaining Product Quality (Case study of Fremilt Pasar Kliwon Surakarta branch)
The government needs to develop a franchise business in order to expand job opportunities, for that the government creates efforts to protect franchisees and franchisors so that the government issues government regulation no. 42 of 2007 concerning franchise business (Franchise). However, the reality is that there are still many franchises that do not fulfill their obligations to franchisors, such as some franchises that do not carry out SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) with initial provisions. The problems raised in this study are about how the legal protection for the parties concerned in the franchise agreement, namely the franchisor and the franchisee and the forms of rights and obligations between the franchisor and the Fremilt product franchise, Pasar Kliwon Surakarta branch. This type of research uses empirical research, namely individual research related to social life, in this study the researcher tries to uncover legal protection for franchisees and franchisors of Fremilt products, Pasar Kliwon Surakarta branch. This research is taken from many facts in society. Based on the research, it was found that there is legal protection for franchisees and franchisors so that the taste of the product will be maintained its authenticity and between the two parties can run the SOP in accordance with the provisions of the agreement at the beginning. In addition, the franchisee and the franchisor will feel protected and will get a guarantee of certainty if something goes wrong that harms both partie
Kemandirian Pangan Rumah Tangga Tani Di Kabupaten Klaten
Kebutuhan pokok yang menjadi dasar pemenuhan manusia dalam upayanya mempertahankan hidup salah satunya adalah pangan. Hal tersebut tidak lepas dari individu yang berprofesi sebagai petani. Kabupaten Klaten memiliki banyak penduduk dengan mata pencaharian sebagai petani. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengetahui keadaan kemandirian pangan rumah tangga tani di Kabupaten Klaten. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 30 petani yang diwawancara secara langsung. Pengambilan sampel dengan metode simple random sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dengan membagi antara produksi pangan dengan konsumsi pangan sehingga didapatkan nilai kemandirian pangan. Penelitian ini mengukur produksi tanaman yang dibudidayakan oleh petani sampel. Berdasarkan hasiil penelitian diketahui terdapat lima komoditi yang ditanam petani yaitu padi, jagung, kacang, tanah, kacang panjang dan cabai. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa bahan pangan berupa padi, jagung, kacang tanah, kacang panjang dan cabai memiliki nilai KP lebih besar dari 1 sehingga rumah tangga petani tersebut dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pangan atau kebutuhan konsumsi kelima komponen tersebut dengan memproduksinya sendiri
Juridical Review of Nurse's Legal Responsibility for Patient Safety in Self Nursing Practice
Patient safety is the main thing in providing nursing services. Nurses must be able to ensure the ongoing patient safety program to suppress or reduce malpractice actions carried out when performing nursing services. The purpose of this study was to determine the form of legal responsibility of nurses for patient safety in independent nursing practice, and the concept of legal protection for patients as consumers of nursing service users. The approach method used in this research is a normative juridical approach, the method of collecting secondary data is that which is obtained through the literature and also sources of statutory law. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using qualitative analysis techniques. The results of the study indicate that the legal responsibility of nurses for patient safety is divided into two types of responsibilities, namely; civil liability as well as criminal liability. The application of patient protection law as a consumer includes preventive protection in the form of; services in accordance with standard operating procedures, professional standards, and standards of legislation with principles on patient safety and security as well as in the form of coaching, education, and supervision for patients. In a repressive manner in the form of; advocacy, efforts to resolve consumer protection disputes properly from the government and consumer protection institutions, in addition to compensation, compensation, and/or replacement of nursing services that are not in accordance with the agreement or not properly, as well as the implementation of justice and punishment for health care providers who has committed a error to the patient
Banyak perawat memiliki keahlian yang diperoleh dari pengalaman, sehingga tidak jarang ditemukan di beberapa lokasi, seorang perawat melakukan tindakan di luar kompetensinya seperti melakukan tindakan-tindakan yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh dokter, fisioterapi, dan juga farmasis. Apabila hal ini terus dilanjutkan maka dikhawatirkan akan terjadi malpraktik administratif, sebab keselamatan pasien adalah sasaran utama dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran bagaimana kewenangan perawat dalam tindakan TENS-EMS secara homevisite dan bagaimana penerapan keselamatan pasien pada tindakan TENS-EMS. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah melalui pendekatan yuridis normatif dengan pengumpulan data dari studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa perawat memiliki kewenangan dalam melakukan terapi TENS-EMS karena ini sudah menjadi bagian dari standar intervensi penatalaksanaan nyeri yang dikeluarkan oleh Organisasi Profesi PPNI. Disamping itu, penatalaksanaan EMS juga menjadi bagian dari tugas yang diperintahkan oleh Peraturan pada perawat yang melakukan praktik mandiri. Ini membuktikan bahwa perawat yang melakukan tindakan TENS-EMS secara homevisite diberikan kewenangan secara atributif oleh Peraturan Perundang-Undangan, dengan catatan bahwa homevisite yang dilakukan adalah merupakan bagian integral dari pelayanan keperawatan praktik mandiri perawat. Penerapan keselamatan pasien pada tindakan TENS-EMS yaitu dengan cara mengidentifikasi pasien dengan benar, meningkatkan keamanan obat-obatan emergency, memastikan tindakan terapi dilakukan pada lokasi rangsangan dengan benar, mengurangi risiko infeksi saat dilakukan terapi, dan mengurangi risiko cedera akibat arus listrik yang tidak stabil
Perlindungan Hukum Tenaga Kesehatan Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19
Di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini, banyak ditemukan permasalahan yang telah dihadapi tenaga kesehatan dalam menjalankan tugas layanan kesehatan yang berpotensi tidak menjamin kepastian hukum. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran konsep perlindungan hukum tenaga kesehatan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah melalui pendekatan yuridis normatif dengan pengumpulan data dari studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa sebenarnya konsep perlindungan hukum itu bersumber pada konsep pengakuan, perlindungan terhadap hak-hak. Penerapan konsepsi sebagai kerangka berpikir dengan Pancasila sebagai ideologi dan dasar falsafah, sehingga prinsip perlindungan hukum bagi rakyat Indonesia adalah prinsip pengakuan dan perlindungan terhadap harkat dan martabat manusia yang bersumber pada Pancasila dan prinsip Negara hukum yang berdasarkan Pancasila. Dengan kata lain, konsep perlindungan hukum sebagai suatu gambaran dari fungsi hukum, yaitu konsep dimana hukum memberikan suatu keadilan, ketertiban, kepastian, kemanfaatan dan kedamaian. Perlindungan hukum tenaga kesehatan di masa pandemi covid-19 terdiri dari upaya perlindungan preventif dan upaya perlindungan represif. Perlindungan preventif yang diberikan oleh Pemerintah dilaksanakan melalui program vaksinasi. Perlindungan represif, diberikan Pemerintah dengan penjatuhan sanksi bagi pelaku kekerasan dan diskriminasi kepada tenaga kesehatan yang sedang bertugas, selain itu Pemerintah juga telah memberikan insentif dan santunan kematian meskipun hal ini banyak mengalami kendala