126 research outputs found

    Pre-explosive Accretion and Simmering Phases of SNe Ia

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    This publication is part of the project I + D + I PGC2018-095317-B-C21 funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER "A way of doing Europe" (E.B. and I.D.); L.P. and O.S. acknowledge financial support from the INAF-mainstream project "Type Ia Supernovae and their Parent Galaxies: Expected Results from LSST." O.S. and L.P. acknowledge their participation to the V:ANS project (Vanvitelli program on standard candles in astrophysics: Atomic and Nuclear physics in SNIa) supported by the Vanvitelli University.In accreting white dwarfs (WDs) approaching the Chandrasekhar limit, hydrostatic carbon burning precedes the dynamical breakout. During this simmering phase, e-captures are energetically favored in the central region of the star, while beta-decay are favored more outside, and the two zones are connected by a growing convective instability. We analyze the interplay between weak interactions and convection, the so-called convective URCA process, during the simmering phase of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) progenitors and its effects on the physical and chemical properties at the explosion epoch. At variance with previous studies, we find that the convective core powered by the carbon burning remains confined within the (21)(Ne,F) URCA shell. As a result, a much larger amount of carbon has to be consumed before the explosion that eventually occurs at larger density than previously estimated. In addition, we find that the extension of the convective core and its average neutronization depend on the the WD progenitor's initial metallicity. For the average neutronization in the convective core at the explosion epoch, we obtain (eta) over bar (exp) = (1.094 +/- 0.143) x 10(-3) + (9.168 +/- 0.677) x 10(-2) x Z. Outside the convective core, the neutronization is instead determined by the initial amount of C + N + O in the progenitor star. Since S, Ca, Cr, and Mn, the elements usually exploited to evaluate the pre-explosive neutronization, are mainly produced outside the heavily neutronized core, the problem of too high metallicity estimated for the progenitors of the historical Tycho and Kepler SNe Ia remains unsolved.FEDER "A way of doing Europe"INAF-mainstream project "Type Ia Supernovae and their Parent Galaxies: Expected Results from LSST"Vanvitelli University PGC2018-095317-B-C21MICIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Sevoflurano versus propofol en la reducción de la incidencia de isquemia miocárdica peroperatoria en pacientes sometidos a cirugía no cardíaca

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    Las complicaciones cardiológicas después de cirugía no cardíaca representan un importante problema en pacientes mayores de 45 años con patología arteriosclerótica o riesgo a padecerla. Se ha descrito una incidencia de infarto de miocardio en el 4% de estos pacientes, y un incremento de los niveles de troponinas en el 8%. En una población de estudio con enfermedad coronaria, los autores del presente trabajo publicaron un aumento significativo de las troponinas en el 16% de los enfermos y, en el 46%, hubo modificaciones electrocardiográficas compatibles con isquemia miocárdica. Diversos artículos hacen referencia a la asociación independiente de isquemia postoperatoria y efectos adversos con mortalidad a corto y a largo plazo. Los anestésicos inhalatorios, por sus efectos de preacondicionamiento, producen en el animal de experimentación una cierta protección frente a posibles cuadros de isquemia. En este sentido, trabajos clínicos preliminares sugieren un comportamiento similar en lo referente a la mortalidad, aunque por el momento no pueden considerarse definitivos. Lo cual no ha impedido para que, en base a ello, se recomiende la administración de anestesia inhalatoria en pacientes hemodinámicamente estables con riesgo cardiovascular para cirugía no cardiaca, a pesar de la escasez de resultados concluyentes al respecto [recomendación IIa]

    Estratégia econômico-financeira para facilitar a gestão da preparação esportiva

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    Introduction: Financial management offers tools that helps interpret facts taking place in the financial world and their effects on companies. It also contributes to recognizing previously irrelevant situations that could bring about serious consequences.Aim: To design an economic-financial strategy that enables sports training management. Materials and methods: The main methods used were the analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, documentary review, interview, to determine the empirical frequency distributions through percentages.Results: The economic-financial strategy distinguishes by its interdependence and synergy relations between the economic-financial indicators, and the indicators for proper sports training management in the area of high-performance.Conclusions: the economic-financial strategy helps facilitate sports training management in high-performance sports, with the interrelation and synergy between the financial indicators and the elements that favor sports training management.Introducción: la gestión financiera proporciona las herramientas tendientes a interpretar los hechos que ocurren en el mundo financiero y su incidencia en la empresa, como así también reconocer situaciones que antes eran irrelevantes y pueden traer consecuencias graves. Objetivo: el diseño de una estrategia económico-financiera que facilite la gestión de la preparación deportiva.Materiales y métodos: se ponderaron los métodos analítico-sintético, inductivo-deductivo; análisis de documentos, la entrevista, determinando las distribuciones empíricas de frecuencia, representadas mediante el porcentaje.Resultados: La estrategia económico-financiera se distingue por las relaciones de interdependencia y la sinergia que se establece entre los indicadores económico-financieros y los indicadores a tener en cuenta para desplegar una acertada gestión de la preparación deportiva en la dirección de alto rendimiento.Conclusiones: con la estrategia económico-financiera se facilita la gestión de la preparación deportiva, en la dirección de alto rendimiento, en la que se distingue la interrelación y sinergia entre los indicadores financieros y los elementos que favorecen la gestión de la preparación deportiva. Introdução: a administração financeira fornece as ferramentas para interpretar os eventos que ocorrem no mundo financeiro e seu impacto na empresa, bem como para reconhecer situações que antes eram irrelevantes e podem ter sérias conseqüências.Objetivo: a concepção de uma estratégia econômico-financeira que facilite a gestão do treinamento esportivo.Materiais e métodos: o analítico-sintético, indutivo-dedutivo, análise documental, entrevista, determinação das distribuições empíricas de freqüência, representadas pela porcentagem.Resultados: A estratégia econômico-financeira se distingue pelas relações de interdependência e sinergia estabelecidas entre os indicadores econômico-financeiros e os indicadores a serem levados em conta para implantar uma gestão bem sucedida da preparação esportiva no sentido de um alto desempenho.Conclusões: a estratégia econômico-financeira facilita a gestão da preparação esportiva na gestão do alto rendimento, na qual se pode distinguir a inter-relação e sinergia entre os indicadores financeiros e os elementos que favorecem a gestão da preparação esportiva

    Sevoflurano como coadyuvante en la sedación durante ventilación mecánica en pacientes médicos de unidad de cuidados intensivos: resultados preliminares en una serie de casos

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    ResumenObjetivoExplicar nuestra experiencia preliminar en la utilización de sedación inhalatoria de manera estandarizada con sevoflurano mediante el dispositivo Anaesthetic Conserving Device en pacientes críticos intubados en nuestra unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI).PacientesSe ha utilizado en 9 casos, en pacientes adultos (6 hombres y 3 mujeres), durante un periodo de 24meses.ResultadosSe ha conseguido una adecuada implantación del protocolo por parte de médicos y personal de enfermería, logrando los objetivos de sedación fijados en un primer momento (RASS 0, −2) y sin obtener resultados adversos ni efectos secundarios a nivel hepático y/o renal.ConclusionesEn nuestra limitada experiencia, la sedación inhalatoria con sevoflurano coadyuvante en UCI es una técnica segura y complementaria al uso de fármacos intravenosos, como propofol, remifentanilo y midazolam, utilizados habitualmente para lograr una sedación guiada por objetivos.AbstractObjectiveTo disclose our preliminary experience in inhalation sedation with sevoflorane in a standardized manner using the Anaesthetic Conserving Device in intubated, critically ill patients in our ICU.PatientsIt has been used in 9 cases of adult patients (6 men and 3 women) over 24 months.ResultsA proper implementation of the protocol by physicians and the nursing staff has been achieved, meeting the goals established for sedation (RASS 0, −2) free of hepatic or renal adverse outcomes or side effects.ConclusionsIn our limited experience, adjuvant inhalation sedation with sevoflorane in the ICU is safe and complementary to the use of intravenous drugs such as propofol, remifentanil and midazolam, which are currently commonly used to achieve goal-directed sedation

    Movilidad urbana, cambios en las preferencias de los usuarios en España después del COVID-19

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    La movilidad urbana puede considerarse una cuestión de especial relevancia para un gran número de ciudades europeas debido a los altos niveles de contaminación que presentan alguna de ellas. Una situación anómala, se observó con la llegada de la Pandemia puesto que se observó una reducción de la movilidad urbana y como resultado de ello se registraron grandes reducciones de contaminación (...

    Factores relacionados con la fragilidad multidimensional en personas mayores

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    Objective: to analyze the sociodemographic and health factors related to multidimensional frailty in elderly people living at home. Method: descriptive, exploratory and cross-sectional study, which evaluated 300 elderly enrolled in a Health Unit in the Northern Region of Portugal. The sociodemographic and health conditions of the old people were analyzed, with application of the Tilburg Frailty Index, Falls Efficacy Scale International – 7 items, Barthel Index and Lawton and Brody Scale. Results: in the elderly in the study, with a mean age of 81.34±6.75 years, frailty was identified in 60.33%. The related factors were: gender, marital status, self-perceived health, pathological history, severe disease in the last year, polymedication, falls, fear of falling and higher level of dependence. Conclusion: multidimensional frailty of the elderly living at home is a prevalent condition. When predictor factors in primary health care are analyzed early, it is possible to intervene in order to delay this syndrome.Objetivo: analisar os fatores sociodemográficos e de saúde relacionados com a fragilidade multidimensional em idosos que vivem no domicílio. Método: estudo descritivo, exploratório e transversal, que avaliou 300 idosos inscritos numa Unidade de Saúde da Região Norte de Portugal. Foram analisadas as condições sociodemográficas e de saúde das pessoas idosas, com aplicação do Índice de Fragilidade de Tilburg, Falls Efficacy Scale International – 7 itens, Índice de Barthel e Escala Lawton & Brody. Resultados: nos idosos do estudo, com idade média de 81,34±6,75 anos, a fragilidade foi identificada em 60,33%. Os fatores relacionados foram: género, estado civil, autopercepção de saúde, antecedentes patológicos, doença grave no último ano, polimedicação, quedas, medo de cair e maior nível de dependência. Conclusão: a fragilidade multidimensional dos idosos que vivem no domicílio é uma condição prevalente. Quando analisados precocemente os fatores preditores na atenção primária à saúde, é possível intervir de forma a retardar essa síndrome.Objetivo: analizar los factores sociodemográficos y de salud relacionados con la fragilidad multidimensional en personas mayores que viven en el hogar. Método: estudio descriptivo, exploratorio y transversal, que evaluó a 300 ancianos matriculados en una Unidad de Salud de la Región Norte de Portugal. Se analizaron las condiciones sociodemográficas y de salud de los ancianos, con aplicación del Tilburg Frailty Index, Falls Efficacy Scale International – 7 items, Barthel Index y Lawton and Brody Scale. Resultados: en los ancianos del estudio, con una edad media de 81,34±6,75 años, se identificó fragilidad en el 60,33%. Los factores relacionados fueron: género, estado civil, salud autopercibida, antecedentes patológicos, enfermedad grave en el último año, polimedicación, caídas, miedo a caerse y mayor nivel de dependencia. Conclusión: la fragilidad multidimensional de los ancianos que viven en el hogar es una condición prevalente. Cuando los factores predictores en la atención primaria de salud se analizan temprano, es posible intervenir para retrasar este síndrome.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of the Active Aging-in-Place–Rehabilitation Nursing Program: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Abstract: (1) Background: It is of great importance to promote functional capacity and positive lifestyles, since they contribute to preventing the progression of frailty among the older adults. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of active aging-in-place–rehabilitation nursing program (AAP-RNP) on the functional capacity and lifestyles of frail older adults. (2) Methods: This was a single-blinded, two-group, randomized, controlled trial of 30 frail older people enrolled at a Health-care unit in Portugal between 2021 and 2022. The duration of the program was 12 weeks, and the sessions took place at the participants’ homes. We used as instruments the Tilburg Frailty Indicator; Fried frailty phenotype; Senior Fitness Test battery; Barthel Index; Lawton Index; handgrip strength measurement; Tinetti Index; Individual lifestyle profile; and Borg’s perception of effort. (3) Results: Post-program, there was an improvement in multidimensional and physical frailty, functional capacity, balance, and perceived exertion (p < 0.05) in the experimental group. Among the older adults’ lifestyles, we observed significant improvements in physical activity habits, relational behavior, and stress management. (4) Conclusions: Rehabilitation nurses have a relevant role, and the AAP-RNP seems to be effective in improving functional capacity and lifestyles in frail older adults.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Chemokine C-C motif ligand 2 overexpression drives tissue-specific metabolic responses in the liver and muscle of mice

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    Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (CCL2) has been associated with chronic metabolic diseases. We aimed to investigate whether Ccl2 gene overexpression is involved in the regulation of signaling pathways in metabolic organs. Biochemical and histological analyses were used to explore tissue damage in cisgenic mice that overexpressed the Ccl2 gene. Metabolites from energy and one-carbon metabolism in liver and muscle extracts were measured by targeted metabolomics. Western blot analysis was used to explore the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and mammalian target of rapamycin pathways. Ccl2 overexpression resulted in steatosis, decreased AMPK activity and altered mitochondrial dynamics in the liver. These changes were associated with decreased oxidative phosphorylation and alterations in the citric acid cycle and transmethylation. In contrast, AMPK activity and its downstream mediators were increased in muscle, where we observed an increase in oxidative phosphorylation and increased concentrations of different metabolites associated with ATP synthesis. In conclusion, Ccl2 overexpression induces distinct metabolic alterations in the liver and muscle that affect mitochondrial dynamics and the regulation of energy sensors involved in cell homeostasis. These data suggest that CCL2 may be a therapeutic target in metabolic diseases

    Conducting Polymers Films Deposited on Carbon Steel and Their Interaction with Crude Oil

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    The formation of scale/solids deposits inside the pipelines is a frequent problem in the petrochemical industry. These scales can be organic as the asphaltenes and inorganic as the accumulations of salts, which apart from blocking the inside of the pipes can also cause a change in the integrity of the steel. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the conditions where deposition occurs, together with chemical and mechanical methods of remediation to mitigate the deposition. In this work we intend to use conductive polymers in order to inhibit the deposition of asphaltenes on carbon steel surfaces, by using polypyrrole (PPy) as material capable of conducting electrical current. The electrodeposition of PPy on carbon steel were performed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA). The results showed that under certain experimental conditions it is possible to make a PPy film with adequate characteristics. Important factors were the grip and electrochemical stability of the formed film on steel, which depends on the electrosynthesis technique and in some cases favoured by a pre-treatment with a 10% HNO3 solution applied to the steel prior to electropolymerization. The PPy films deposited with pre-treatment completely covered the steel surface and showed better stability, adherence and generated a hydrophobic material

    Multidimensional Frailty and Lifestyles of Community-Dwelling Older Portuguese Adults

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    Abstract: (1) Background: Lifestyles are referred to as conditioning factors for the frailty of older adults. However, there are few studies that explore its association. The objective of the present study is to analyze the association between sociodemographic, clinical, and lifestyle factors of older adults people with multidimensional frailty. (2) Methods: Descriptive and correlational study carried out with older adults people registered in a Health Unit in Portugal. Data were collected through a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and application of the Individual Lifestyle Profile and Tilburg Frailty Index to assess the lifestyles and multidimensional frailty of older adults, respectively. This last instrument, being of a multidimensional nature, assesses not only physical, but also psychological and social frailty, with a cut-off point of 6. (3) Results: Of the 300 older adults who participated, most were female (60.3%) and had a mean age of 81.34 6.75 years. Moreover, 60.3% of the sample were frail older adults. Gender, marital status, number of household members, number of chronic diseases, number of daily medications, self-perception of health status and lifestyle and use of a walking device were associated with multidimensional frailty (p 0.001). Healthy eating habits, physical activity, relational behaviour, preventive behaviour, and stress management were significantly associated with lower physical, psychological, and social frailty (p 0.001). (4) Conclusions: When community health workers are aware of multidimensional frailty predictors and their components, they can intervene early and, consequently, delay the onset and progression of frailty in older adults.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio