27,718 research outputs found

    Electrically reconfigurable logic array

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    To compose the complicated systems using algorithmically specialized logic circuits or processors, one solution is to perform relational computations such as union, division and intersection directly on hardware. These relations can be pipelined efficiently on a network of processors having an array configuration. These processors can be designed and implemented with a few simple cells. In order to determine the state-of-the-art in Electrically Reconfigurable Logic Array (ERLA), a survey of the available programmable logic array (PLA) and the logic circuit elements used in such arrays was conducted. Based on this survey some recommendations are made for ERLA devices

    Quantum Entanglement Initiated Super Raman Scattering

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    It has now been possible to prepare chain of ions in an entangled state and thus question arises --- how the optical properties of a chain of entangled ions differ from say a chain of independent particles. We investigate nonlinear optical processes in such chains. We explicitly demonstrate the possibility of entanglement produced super Raman scattering. Our results in contrast to Dicke's work on superradiance are applicable to stimulated processes and are thus free from the standard complications of multimode quantum electrodynamics. Our results suggest the possibility of similar enhancement factors in other nonlinear processes like four wave mixing.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Nonclassical Correlation of Polarization Entangled Photons in a Biexciton-Exciton Cascade

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    We develop a theoretical model to study the Intensity-Intensity correlation of polarization entangled photons emitted in a biexciton-exciton cascade. We calculate the degree of correlation and show how polarization correlation are affected by the presence of dephasing and energy level splitting of the excitonic states. Our theoretical calculations are in agreement with the recent observation of polarization dependent Intensity-Intensity correlations from a single semiconductor quantum dot [R. M. Stevenson et. al., Nature 439, 179 (2006)] . Our model can be extended to study polarization entangled photon emission in coupled quantum dot systems

    Device Engineering of Perovskite Solar Cells to Achieve Near Ideal Efficiency

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    Despite the exciting recent research on perovskite based solar cells, the design space for further optimization and the practical limits of efficiency are not well known in the community. In this manuscript, we address these aspects through theoretical calculations and detailed numerical simulations. Here, we first provide the detailed balance limit efficiency in the presence of radiative and Auger recombination. Then, using coupled optical and carrier transport simulations, we identify the physical mechanisms that contribute towards bias dependent carrier collection, and hence low fill factors of current perovskite based solar cells. Curiously, we find that while Auger recombination is not a dominant factor at the detailed balance limit, it plays a significant role in device level implementations. Surprisingly, our device designs indicate that it is indeed possible to achieve efficiency and fill factor greater than 25% and 85%, respectively - even in the presence of Auger recombination

    Complementarity and Phase Distributions for Angular Momentum Systems

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    Interferences in the distributions of complementary variables for angular momentum - two level systems are discussed. A quantum phase distribution is introduced for angular momentum. Explicit results for the phase distributions and the number distributions for atomic coherent states, squeezed states and superpositions of coherent states are given. These results clearly demonstrate the issue of complementarity and provide us with results analogous to those for the radiation field.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures available on request, replaced with minor typos corrected in abstract, to appear in Physics Letters